Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2072: 2073

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On a cold day, frost was stunned to see Shen Lang come out, but listening to Shen Lang's last words, his face suddenly darkened and became angry and said, "do you dare to scold me?"

"Shen Lang is a disciple of yunxianzi. How can you belittle my master! As a capable man, cold eldest son is so uneducated that he doesn't scold you and scold who? "

Shen Lang has a long smile and a gloomy face.

The piercing laughter made the monks at the foot of the mountain take a breath of cold air. How dare this man be? Dare to provoke such arrogant people as cold weather frost.

The pretty face under the mask of Yuyao is also slightly moved. Of course, she was not moved by Shen Lang's sharp words, but was surprised that Shen Lang's cultivation had reached the late stage of transforming God.

His father once said that the apprentice of yuncengzi was the cultivation of the middle period of transforming God. At present, Shen Lang is the later cultivation of transforming God. It is estimated that he will be promoted in the past 30 years.

Yu Yao is smart. Her father, Yu Mian, seldom mentions about his younger generation, but deliberately mentions Shen Lang to himself, which means that his father highly appreciates the master of yunzhangzi.

"You You want to die On a cold day, frost was so angry that she couldn't speak. This was the first time that someone dared to point his nose at him.

As a monk of Mahayana period, he had a high status. Even if he looked at Nanyuan, he was respected by everyone. Except for the evil shadow, no one dared not give him face.

What kind of a thing is this kid? Dare you insult yourself in public?

On a cold day, frost shivered all over. He could not help but offer a magic weapon to kill Shen Lang, but was blocked by Longquan.

"Leng Shao, don't be crazy. He is the apprentice of yunzhangzi. What happened is not for fun." Longquan sent out a message in a hurry.

On a cold day, Shuang Qiang held back her anger and stared at Shen Lang with gnashing teeth. She said angrily: "hum, this Taoist friend, seeing that you are the apprentice of yunzhangzi, I will forgive you for your arrogance! Next time, remember to be polite! "

As soon as the voice fell, a trace of murder appeared in Frost's eyes on a cold day, with a strong warning meaning.

According to Shen Lang's temperament, since he has already given out his words just now, there is no reason to be soft in the slightest. He said in a tit for tat way: "what's the point of being outspoken? As we all know, my master, yuncengzi, is the second most powerful power in the land of Nanyuan. How could you call my master inferior to other powers? Compared with me, the cold eldest son is not ashamed of his words

Seeing Shen Lang, she dared to contradict herself. Her anger, which had just been suppressed by the cold weather frost, came up again. Her face was livid, and she cried angrily, "so what? In the Mahayana period of Nanyuan, all the children of the elder generation are the highest level of cultivation. You are just a monk at the later stage of transforming God. How qualified are you to question my childe's words? Just the weak, don't put gold on your face! If you want to have equal right to speak with me, I'll wait until you break through the peak of Huashen. "

Listening to Leng Tian Shuang's sarcasm, Shen Lang's heart was also infuriated, and said with a very angry smile: "ha ha ha ha, Leng Da childe is really superior. I don't know how much you have? Since you question my master's strength, we can have a duel on behalf of our master. What do you think? "

"Duel? Ha ha ha

Cold day frost heard this, disdainful smile: "you this kind of rubbish cultivation, also deserve to fight with this childe? I don't want to bully others. If you insist on doing so, Leng doesn't mind letting you taste my power! "

One side of Longquan also sniffed, thought that cloud trace son received what NB apprentice, it turned out to be an idiot. This boy is just a little bit of the cultivation in the later period of transforming God, and dare to challenge cold weather frost?

Although Longquan is dissatisfied with lengtianshuang's rebellious character, he has to admit that lengtianshuang's strength is unfathomable.

"Well, shen wants to learn from the old master Leng." Shen Lang said without expression.

Yu Yao, who was silent on one side, suddenly started to send a message to Shen Lang: "little girl, please don't be angry. In cold weather, Frost's strength is very good, and the tomb of Goddess is about to open. Don't be impulsive and damage more important things. "

"Thank you for your concern. It's not a matter of ambition. It's just a fight for my master, Yun Chengzi. " Shen Lang echoed.

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Hearing this, Yu Yao knew that she could not be dissuaded. Shen Lang is right. If he is himself, he will do the same thing.

Shen Lang took the lead in flying to the height of ten thousand meters, showing the attitude of duel.

"As you can see, it is not Leng Mou who initiated a dispute today. It is the" master "of yuncengzi who proposed to fight Leng Mou. I also hope that all of you present will make a witness here, so as to prevent the good people from saying that I deliberately oppressed the disciples of yunzhangzi

Leng Tian Shuang shouts to the crowd, and in a few words, he will be able to teach Shen Lang how to be a man!

After making a statement, frost flew up to ten thousand meters in the cold sky, and looked at each other with Shen Lang, and were at daggers drawn.

A large number of friars at the foot of Goddess Peak witnessed all this. They did not expect that there would be such a good play before the goddess tomb was opened. The monks immediately came to the spirit and seemed to be looking forward to it.

Only the evil shadow still closed his eyes, did not care about this farce.Lengtianshuang is the son of Beileng Taoist, who is the fifth largest Mahayana period in Nanyuan. All monks know that he has amazing powers. Although Shen Lang is a disciple of yunshenzi, his native place is unknown.

People with a clear eye think that Shen Lang is not likely to be the opponent of frost in cold weather, and he is purely a spectator.

"Shen Daoyou, you are weak in my cultivation. I will let you move first, so that other monks will not say that I bully you." On a cold day, there was a slight sneer at the corner of Frost's mouth.

"Is it? Shen, you should have a good look. How do you want to take me

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang's eyes burst out with pure Yang Sword formula, and countless white lightsabers flew out of his head like a waterfall!

"Remnant lightsaber array!"

A lot of white lightsabers turned into countless violent white sword lights, just like huge waves rushing around the Shen wave. Half of the sky was rendered pure white by the dazzling white light!

An overwhelming awe inspiring air swept across the foot of the Goddess Peak.


At the foot of the mountain, the monks couldn't help but take a breath of cold. They couldn't believe what kind of magic power could play such a terrible power.

Even the evil shadow, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked into the sky.

Shen Lang didn't intend to use his killing moves at the beginning, so he decided to test the cold frost's strength first.

"Sword light turns into shape!"

Shen Lang displays the sword light transformation shape of remnant lightsaber array.

In the sword array, countless white sword lights rapidly fuse to form a white phoenix with a body length of several hundred meters, which is more than 200.


Two hundred white phoenixes, with their heads raised and howling, flew straight towards the frost in the cold sky. Each Phoenix's body was splashed with terrible white sword light, which contained the destructive power of people's scalp numbing!

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