Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2083: 2084

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"Damn it, no!"

Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. A bone worm was so difficult to deal with. Hundreds of them came at once!

I'm afraid the Amethyst wall will be bitten through in an instant!

Now it's too late to put out the remnant lightsaber array. Shen Lang smells the threat of death.

"Five colors of magic light!"

At the critical moment, Shen Lang clenched his teeth and released dazzling multicolored light.


The multicolored cloud of light formed a colorful storm, centered on the deep waves, and swept away in all directions.

"Hiss, hisses!"

After being hit by the five color illusory light, the body of a hundred bone worms immediately stopped in the air, and gave out a sharp scream.

After several convulsions in the air, the body of the bone worm fell to the ground and died completely.

Seeing that all the bone worms were killed, Shen Lang felt relieved.

Fortunately, he gambled right and displayed five colors of magic light in time.

Under the influence of the law, the tomb of Goddess will not produce any living things in the true sense. All the evil things in the tomb are spirits without flesh.

Since they are evil things without flesh body, spirit attack must be effective.

However, Shen Lang did not expect that these bone worms had such a poor defense against the attack of spirits.

Unfortunately, his five color magic light can only be cast once a day, and the second display will cause certain damage to his spirit.

Shen Lang displays a five color magic light, which is equivalent to releasing his life protecting magic power.

"The huangquan road is indeed full of dangers."

Shen Lang frowned. Just in case, he released the ice flame in the dry sky and burned all the insect corpses on the ground.

Up to now, Shen Lang doesn't know whether the map Wu se Tuo Lu gave himself is true or not. If he goes further, he may encounter more troubles.

After struggling for a while, Shen Lang still decided to move forward. For him, the central Wutu apricot yellow flag is something that must be found!

Shen Lang is on guard around and moves forward cautiously.


On the other side, the reclusive jade Yao followed monk wuse. They crossed the iron cable bridge and came to the entrance of huangquan Road, surrounded by a wasteland.

Yuyao thought that wuse monk would go on and track Shen Lang.

However, to her surprise, monk wuse, with a strange smile on his mouth, sat down directly at the entrance of huangquan road without any action.

"Why did the bald donkey stop?"

Jade Yao is very surprised, she can be sure that the other party is not because of the discovery of their own and stop, seems to have no purpose.

In front of the bloody wasteland can not see the figure of Shen Lang, Yuyao is hesitating whether to move forward alone.

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At the back of the iron cable bridge, there were a group of friars who happened to be ten, all of them were survivors who escaped from Xuelian mountain!

Longquan, cold weather frost, and the previous cassock monks and gods show are also among them, but the evil shadow does not seem to be in the team.

Yu Yao could still hear the conversation among the ten monks.

"Do you think the map depicted on the jade slips is true or false?"

"Nonsense, it must be false! In the history of Nanyuan, there has never been a complete map of the goddess tomb. "

"Compared with this, I just want to know who left so many map jade slips on the Tiesuo bridge? Deliberately let me wait to pick it up, but also let me wait to gather at the entrance of huangquan road. "

Ten monks began to talk.

Before that, the evil cloud over Xuelian mountain was more and more extensive. However, the surviving friars fled to the iron cable bridge on the west side of the mountain top, but inadvertently picked up several pieces of jade slips abandoned on the iron cable bridge.

The contents of several jade slips are the same. They depict a complete map of the goddess tomb, and a sentence is marked at the end of the jade slips, so that the monks who find the jade slips can gather at the entrance of huangquan road.

So the ten surviving friars came to the end of the Tiesuo bridge to see which monk left the jade slips.

Yu Yao was surprised to see ten monks walk through the fog and come to the entrance of huangquan road.

Because of the application of the mysterious door, the ten monks did not see the jade Yao, and their eyes were all fixed on the wuse monk sitting on the ground.

Monk wuse stood up and looked at the ten monks who followed him. He said with a smile: "it seems that all the survivors are here!"

Just half of what he said, monk wuse suddenly frowned and said, "eh? No, why are you not here? "

Ten friars all looked at wuse with surprised eyes. Leng Tianshuang took the lead and said, "Wu se Tao friend, you left the jade slips on the iron cable bridge before?"

Longquan couldn't help but say, "you are so careful to call us together. Don't tell us that the map on the jade slips is true!"

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the monks, monk wuse said with a smile: "friends, don't worry, wait for the poor monk to explain."

"Have you heard that the monk who entered the fourth dangerous place of the goddess tomb in Nanyuan legend is the disciple of the legendary friar" Tianxing Sanmei "in Nanyuan Wuse monk asked with a cool look."Three charms of stars?"

As soon as he said this, most of the monks were curious and had not heard of the name.

But Longquan, cold weather frost and Shenxiu were shocked. They had heard of the three spirits of the stars. The monks who are proficient in the history of Nanyuan are not unfamiliar with the three spirits of the stars.

Shenxiu put his hands together: "Amitabha, I've heard of the three spirits of the stars! About 200000 years ago, these three Mahayana monks did exist in the land of Nanyuan. Although these three elders are women, they specialize in Buddhism and Taoism and remain anonymous in Nanyuan. Therefore, there are not many monks who know their names

On a cold day, Frost said, "I have heard of these three elders. But even so, wuse Taoist friend, how can you prove that the monk who entered the fourth dangerous place of the goddess tomb is the disciple of the three spirits of the heavenly star? "

Monk wuse put his hands together and said, "it's hard for me to prove that. In fact, to be honest with you, my master, the blissful master, has a long history with the three spirits of the stars. They are their grandchildren for generations. In the legend of Nanyuan, the monk who entered the fourth dangerous place of the goddess tomb happened to be more than 200000 years ago. I wonder if this can be regarded as an explanation

Longquan couldn't help saying, "even if what you said is true, what's the connection between this and the map of the goddess tomb? Don't tell me that this map of the goddess's tomb was left by the friar. "

Monk wuse said with a smile: "it's basically true, but that monk is not his true one."

"What do you mean?" Feeling Wu se monk's words, cold frost can not help but ask.

"The monk who entered the fourth dangerous place of the goddess's tomb was taken away by other spirits as early as in the tomb of the goddess, and became a puppet under control. However, he did not know why he became a fool. He left two bottles of the blood of the goddess and a map of the goddess's tomb. "

"At first, the blood of the goddess was held by the three evil spirits of Tianxing, but their disciples accidentally exposed the matter, which attracted other great powers in Nanyuan to covet, and there were several disputes. Later, Tianxing Sanmei did not know why he left the land of Nanyuan, and the whereabouts of the goddess's blood became a mystery. As for the map of the goddess tomb, the elder Tianxing Sanmei gave it to his descendants. My master also found this map of the goddess tomb in some ruins in Nanyuan according to the notes left by the Shizu not long ago. "

The monk wuse tells us a great secret.

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