Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2100: 2101

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"What's the matter?" Yuyao's pretty face changed color and exclaimed.

"I'm fine!"

Shen Lang clenched his teeth and tried to squeeze out this sentence.

The central Wutu apricot yellow flag is rapidly merging with its own flesh and blood. A small apricot yellow flag pattern condenses in the back neck of Shen Lang, which is extremely hot and sealed with a mysterious force.

"Ha ha, it's done!"

After experiencing some pain, Shen Lang was overjoyed. He could clearly feel that the Xinghuang flag was sealed on his back neck and could be called out at any time.

Once tianlingbao recognizes the Lord, it will be directly integrated with the master's flesh and blood. The five color God flag is a set of magic weapons, but the characteristics of a single central Wutu apricot yellow flag is no different from ordinary tianlingbao. It is worthy of being the fourth top tianlingbao!

"This is Tianlingbao Yu Yao's pretty face shows a trace of surprise.

It is said that only after tianlingbao recognizes the Lord, it will enter the owner's body directly.

It turns out that the reason why Shen Lang wants to go to the goddess tomb is for this tianlingbao.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Miss Yuyao. This treasure is very important to Shen. My master Yun Zhanzi asked me to come to the goddess tomb just to find it. Shen knows that it's too much for him to swallow this treasure alone. When he comes out of the tomb of the goddess, Shen will try his best to compensate you and Shenxiu Taoist friends. " A deep voice.

"No need. This is what Mr. Shen got. It belongs to you naturally. Even if you change to a little girl or a God show Taoist friend, you won't do such a thing as taking treasure in front of the spirit throne of the goddess of the Styx

Yu Yao said calmly, thinking that only Shen Lang, who is not afraid of death, would dare to do so.

"All right. But Shen will try his best to compensate. " Shen Lang shrugged and said.

The two continued to swim towards the entrance to the shennu river.

Shen Lang is seriously injured, but the operation of spiritual power is barely a problem. He tries to activate the Xinghuang flag.


Just as soon as the spirit power is transferred, a large apricot yellow flag shadow suddenly rises behind the Shen wave, which is extremely magical.

The apricot yellow flag can't be sacrificed after recognizing the Lord, but it can be used as a virtual shadow on his body.

After a little feeling, Shen Lang found that the central Wutu apricot yellow flag did have some powerful defense magic power.

There is no time to understand the magic power of Xinghuang banner. Shenlang and Yuyao have arrived at the entrance of shennv River and found that there seems to be fighting outside the entrance!

It seems that the fight is just coming!

"Not good!"

Shen Lang and Yu Yao changed their faces and jumped out of the forbidden gap at the entrance of shennu river.


Outside the temple at the end of the ice sheet.

The saint came back, and she really took away the body of frost.

Not only that, she even brought a large number of evil spirits!

In the sky at the end of the ice sheet, dark clouds were thick, and the evil clouds had already floated over the temple.

Nearly 34 different forms of evil spirits floating on the top of the saint, giving out the whine of ghosts and wolves.

"Asshole, asshole! How dare you destroy the body of this virgin? I will kill you! You will be broken into pieces, soul and soul training! "

Her eyes were bloodshot, her face twisted, and she growled hysterically.

Part of the soul of the saint was born of evil spirits. The evil spirits wandering in the goddess tomb could follow her call and help her.

However, it takes some time to summon the evil spirits to come. Therefore, the escape of the virgin just now is not a real escape. After she took away the body of the cold frost, she began to summon the spirits in the tomb of the goddess.

When the saint finally summoned a large number of evil spirits to return, she found that her coffin in the temple had disappeared. Unexpectedly, she was thrown into the goddess River by the two humble immortals!

She wanted to spit blood, and the huge anger surged into her heart. She wanted to take the skin of Shen Lang and Yuyao and drink their blood!

Two humble immortal cultivators dare to destroy their own bodies!

"Kill me, kill him!"

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Words can't describe the saint's anger at the moment, her face twisted and growled.

A large number of evil spirits flew toward Shenxiu in the temple, and the saint also spewed out a large amount of blood light from her mouth, just like a thick laser gun shooting at Shenxiu.

Shenxiu stood in the temple, his face became very dignified. He clapped his hands and said, "Fu Hu Yin!"

As soon as the roar fell, the whole body of Shenxiu was filled with thousands of Buddhist lights, and a large number of glyphs were condensed into a virtual shadow of a crouching tiger riding on a god handsome white tiger, which was protected in front of him.


The blood light shot by the saint first bumped into the virtual shadow of Luohan of Fuhu. There was a large amount of Buddha light flowing on the surface of the virtual shadow of Luohan, which was under the impact of blood light and could not stand down for a time.

"Damn it!"

The saint was full of resentment and anger.

This bald boy's defense is really amazing, and it's hard for him to break through her defense for a while.The saint can only let the evil spirits around her attack the blue Rune of Shenxiu.

A large number of evil spirits collided with the blue light Rune of Shenxiu and made a roar.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The blue light splashed out, and the evil spirit was thrown away by the curse of Yi Shengzhen Jun.

However, the evil spirits flying out, under the instruction of the saint, flew one after another toward Shenxiu. The evil spirits attacked the blue light Rune crazily.

Shenxiu's whole body is protected by the mantra of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun imposed by Shen Lang, but in the face of so many evil spirits' attack, Yi Sheng Zhenjun mantra can't last long.

Shenxiu has already felt that the power of the blue Rune protecting the body is slowly weakening.

"Die, all for me! Don't leave anything alive! "

The saint's face was ferocious and roared, and those evil spirits attacked Shenxiu more wildly.

"No way."

The blue Rune on the surface of Shenxiu's body is getting weaker and weaker, and the dark channel in his heart is not good. In this way, before long, the defense of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun's mantra will be broken by Shenxiu.

And then it was.

The wounded Shen Lang and Yu Yao jump out of the forbidden gap at the entrance of shennu river.

Seeing that a large number of evil spirits are attacking Shenxiu in the temple, Shen Lang and Yuyao are shocked. How come the evil spirits come here?

"Shenlang Taoist friend, Yuyao Taoist friend, you are here at last!" It was a great relief.

When the saint saw Shen Lang and Yu Yao, her anger swelled to the extreme. These two humble scum threw her flesh into the goddess river!

"You two scum finally come out, dare to destroy my body, this saint will kill you!!! Attack me

The saint gave a mad roar and ordered all the evil spirits to attack Shen Lang and Yu Yao.

For a moment, thirty or forty evil spirits flew toward Shen Lang at the same time, and their mouths were howling.

"Not good!"

Yuyao looks pale. One evil spirit is enough to kill her. Now there are so many evil spirits!

"Don't worry!"

Without fear, Shen Lang immediately recited the mantra of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun.

An unexpected scene appeared.

As usual, Shen Lang recited the mantra of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun, but there was no blue light Rune pouring out of his body.

"This It's impossible! "

Shen Lang's eyes widened, and his face was suddenly frightened.

The mantra of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun failed!

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