Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2115: 2116

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Xie Ying, Shenxiu and Yuyao fought with all their might to kill more than 20 monks in Huashen period and severely injured more than 30.

Most of the monks killed were done by evil shadow. Shenxiu and Yuyao didn't want to cause trouble to their master's parents, so they didn't take their lives.

At first, the three were able to hold on. However, as time goes on, the situation is one-sided.

In the face of the siege of nearly 300 monks in the later stage of transforming God and the peak of transforming God, even if the three were strong enough, they could not hold on.

The body of the evil shadow demon is scarred and weak, but it still resists to death.

Although Shenxiu is strong in body, it still can't resist the attack of so many friars. The golden bronze man with three heads and six arms is full of flesh and blood. It looks terrible.

The most surprising thing is Yuyao, who was originally the weakest in the goddess tomb.

However, after leaving the tomb of the goddess, she is not affected by the power of the law and can use magic weapons. Yuyao's power of giant sword is driven by the constitution of the spirit body, which breaks out incredible power, and the combat power is even a little higher than the evil shadow!

Unfortunately, due to the lack of cultivation level and the excessive consumption of spiritual power, Yuyao can't support it.

"Ha ha ha, these three people can't hold on. Let's work harder and kill them!"

Seeing the evil shadow, the three men's momentum gradually weakened, and the group of monks in the transformation period all showed a violent color, and launched a crazy attack on the three people.

The real body of the evil shadow is still waving the magic sword and the holy evil to resist the attack of the people, but it is obviously not as powerful as before.

"Gung sun gun, kill him!"

A strong monk at the peak of Huashen grasped the flaw exposed by the evil shadow and threw out a golden spear in his hand.


The sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, the golden spear gushed out the golden awn, carrying the terrible power.

The golden spear thrown by this man belongs to the first-class Honghuang Lingbao! Straight to the chest of the demon.


The evil shadow's mind was strong, and the reaction was a little slow, so he had to wave the magic sword and try to intercept the golden spear.


Unfortunately, a little slower, the blade of the magic sword and the tip of the golden spear brush past, which is not enough to stop the spear, but makes the attack position of the spear shift to the abdominal position.


With a muffled sound, the golden spear pierced through the abdomen of the demon, stabbing out a huge wound.

There was a hoarse scream in the mouth of the evil spirit, which hit hard and brought the evil shadow back to its original form.

Passively turned back to the evil figure of the human body, a big mouth of blood gushed in the mouth, and a ferocious and terrible blood hole was hit in the abdomen, and the whole person was tottering in the air.

"I How can you fall here

The evil shadow clenched the magic sword and holy evil in his hand, and his cold eyes burst out with pure light, and an astonishing evil spirit burst into the sky.

He didn't want to give in and tried to hold on.

"Well done!"

"Ha ha, the evil shadow has been severely damaged. Take advantage of it now!"

When the monks saw that the evil shadow was badly hurt, they were extremely excited, and they sacrificed their magic weapons one after another and launched a fierce attack on him.

"Brother Xie Ying, be careful!"

One side of the Shenxiu was shocked. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the evil shadow.

The golden bronze man with three heads and six arms crazily waved his six Dharma sticks in his hands, like a mountain, blocking in front of the evil shadow, trying to resist the attack of all.

However, outnumbered, although the golden bronze man bravely withstood most of the attacks, there were still a lot of attacks fell on him, making a "bang bang bang" sound.

The golden bronze man is full of flesh and blood. Shenxiu was hurt a lot. Even though the body was strong, it could not resist such a storm like attack.

Shenxiu was attacked like a living target. His whole body was covered with flesh and blood, many bones and collaterals were broken, and there was almost no intact place.

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If it wasn't for the Fu Hu Luohan FA Xiang who protected his heart pulse, he would have collapsed now.


See God show block in front of themselves, bear such a fierce attack, evil shadow eyes want to crack, heart like a knife.


Finally, Shenxiu couldn't hold on. The shadow of the Dharma phase disappeared and turned back to the human body. He opened his mouth and spewed out a lot of blood.


On the other hand, the situation of Yuyao is not much better.

She tried her best to urge the giant sword to fight with a group of monks in the transformation period, and the spiritual power in her body was gradually exhausted.

A very insidious monk of Huashen peak, seizing a gap, offered a silver needle magic weapon and attacked Yuyao's face.


Silver needle in the air across a silver light, electric light flint has been flying to Yuyao face 10 meters distance.

Yu Yao was shocked and dodged with the fastest speed.Although her face was hit by the front of the silver needle, the white mask on her face was broken into pieces by the vigorous wind carried by the silver needle.

Without the white mask, the group of monks in Huashen period also saw the true face of Yuyao, and they were shocked.

However, without looking at her face, Yuyao's posture is perfect and her temperament is amazing. She is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks among people. She can only be viewed from a distance and can not be blasphemed.

But her face was so ugly, full of wrinkles, like withered old bark, her face was also covered with crisscross scars, extremely ugly.

"Damn it, I am right. This is Yuyao fairy who was called the first beauty in Nanyuan thousands of years ago? How ugly it is

"Ha ha, you believe that a thousand years ago, this kind of ugly monster is also called a fairy?"

"Damn it, this ugly monster is really polluting our eyes!"

"Well, such an ugly person, killing her is like soiling my childe's hands!"

"Hey, ugly, you look so ugly, you want to make a goddess appearance? Just go and kill yourself, so as not to be disgusting. "

After seeing the "beauty" of Yuyao, the monks felt sick and sarcastic.

"Ha ha..."

Yu Yao felt her scarred face with a bitter smile, and her body trembled slightly. The shrill sarcasm of these friars was like a sharp knife piercing her heart.

Even after a thousand years, disfigurement is still a great pain in her heart.

"I'm so disgusted. Get out of here!"

A young man with an eagle's beak nose did not know when he had approached him and directly punched Yu Yao's abdomen.


Yu Yao was in a trance and was caught off guard by a blow. His weak body was knocked out and a lot of blood was gushed out of his mouth. Her delicate body fell like a broken kite.

In the middle of the fall, the desperate jade Yao faintly felt a pair of strong arms, took her waist and held her up.

It turns out that at the critical moment, Shen Lang, who successfully crossed the robbery, finally came and caught the fallen jade Yao.

"Shen Shen Lang, you finally! "

Yuyao's mouth was bleeding and her body was shaking.

All of a sudden, she seemed to realize something and quickly covered her face. Her eyes were hazy and she said, "don't Don't look at me! I look like this, you will hate me... "

"Silly girl, we have been friends for a thousand years. How can we hate you because of this?"

Shen Lang was a little distressed. He held Yuyao in his arms and twitched his mouth: "silly girl, I'm sorry. I'm late. Next, let's take revenge for you. "

"Hurt my brother, hurt my sister All the monks here today, no matter what their origin, must die! "

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