Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2125: 2126

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Cloud trace son's eyes turn to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was speechless, and said respectfully to the jade faced boy: "thanks for your respect for my nephew, but I already have a wife with hair. It's really If you can't follow your orders

Jade face boy calm way: "this matter I already heard little girl say. Nephew Shen Longxian, how many wives do you have

"How many?"

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment and then said, "one."

"There are no other concubines to serve me, or heirs?" The boy asked again.

"No Shen Lang said honestly.

Jade face boy grinned: "that doesn't matter. The general friars of the lower world are all wives and concubines in groups, but you have only one wife, which is enough to show that you are a man of long love. "

"Good nephew, how long it is to cultivate the truth and cultivate the way. Your natural talent is so amazing that your former wife may not be able to keep up with you. The so-called love and love can not be said to be illusory, but we should also consider the reality. It's easy for you to grow up

"If you can build the road one day, and your wife will die, or she will fall in the sky. In this way, it will only make you feel sad and increase your sorrow. Nephew, only the nun who can keep up with you is the best choice for your wife. I won't let you down. If you can get married, it will be good for both sides in the future, and you can make progress and support each other

The jade face boy said a lot. Although it seemed reasonable, Shen Lang couldn't listen to it. He apologized: "master Yumian, I'm so eager for Tao. I really don't want to marry a wife. What's more, my nephew and miss Yuyao are brothers and sisters. It's not appropriate to marry her! "

"Does nephew Shen Longxian feel that she has been disfigured and can't get into your eyes. As Yuyao's mother, I can tell you definitely that the little girl's face will recover and will be more beautiful. I won't let you down. "

Shen Lang tried to avoid: "it's not for this reason, it's just..."

Jade face boy dissatisfied way: "don't just! Little nephew Shen Lang, I don't like to hear that. You don't think the little girl is worthy of you? What's wrong with her? Whether it's her aptitude or strength, or her appearance and temperament, she belongs to the top! If the little girl marries you, she can temporarily not be the real wife. When your former wife falls down or is eliminated in your eyes, she can be brought into the main room. This is my bottom line. I'm going to be angry if I talk about it again


Shen zhilang didn't want to see his own blood. Yumian boy's attitude is too tough. Isn't it forcing him to marry Yuyao?

Yu Yao lowered her head and said nothing. Although she was wearing a mask, she still felt a deep sense of loss and gloom.

Seeing Shen Lang's appearance, yuncengzi couldn't help but cut in: "Yu Mian Daoyou, you put forward such an abrupt request, which is naturally unacceptable to your nephew. You always have to tell Mr. Yun that there are still little disciples. Why did you bring up this matter all of a sudden? "

The jade faced boy and the white Wei Saint girl looked at each other and sighed.

"It's all right to tell you. The evil curse in the little girl's body can only be dispelled if she and a man who is not weak in practice and has pure Yang for a period of time

The boy with jade face glanced at Shen Lang and hummed: "it's just that Shen Lang is the body of pure Yang. That's why Yu made such a bad strategy. Otherwise, I wouldn't be willing to marry off my precious daughter!"

In fact, the main reason is that Yuyao seems to have a good feeling for Shen lang. Yu Mian boy guessed the careful thought in her daughter's heart from the words she had communicated with Yu Yao before.

Otherwise, even if the other side's strength is higher and the qualification is better, the jade face boy will not marry his daughter to a monk she doesn't like at all.

Originally, yumiantong thought Shen Lang would be very happy. After all, he was cheap. However, it was unexpected that the boy refused. It really made Yumian boy feel uncomfortable and fight against injustice for his daughter.

"I see."

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Cloud trace son's face shows the color of relief.


Shen Lang stood on the spot and finally understood why Yu Mian Tong Zi and Bai Wei's Saint daughter wanted to marry Yu Yao so much.

But he couldn't help asking, "is there no other way?"

Jade face boy did not have a good way: "if there are other ways, we will be cheaper, you stinky boy?"

Shen Lang looks embarrassed and looks at Yuyao. It's no wonder that Yuyao would have said those words before, and he promised her categorically.

If she refuses now, she will be very sad.

Seeing Shen Lang's hesitation, she said, "it seems that Shen Longxian's nephew is not attracted to her. We can take a step back. You don't have to marry a little girl, but you have to cure the curse for her. What do you think? "


Shen Lang was speechless. Although he said that he would not die after a while, it was against his principle to do so."I don't agree!"

Yu Yao, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and bit her teeth and said, "if Shen If brother Shen really wants to be with me, you must marry me. Even if you can't be a wife, you can be a concubine. "

Shen Lang's whole body was shocked, and he didn't expect that Yuyao would say such a strong word.

"Sister Yuyao, I'm not as good as you think. You're so excellent. Why commit yourself to me? I'm..."

Shen Lang wants to say something else.

Yu Yao didn't want to listen any more. She immediately got up, stretched out her slender jade hand, pressed Shen Lang's mouth, and whispered in a soft voice, "brother Shen, don't have to give an answer in a hurry. I'll give brother Shen some time to think about it. Anyway, if I want to cure the curse, I still need to break through the deficiency period. When my younger sister reaches the stage of practicing deficiency, she will go to ask elder brother Shen for the answer. It won't be long. "

See jade Yao say to this share, Shen Lang had to nod to agree to come down: "good."

"Father and mother, let's do it like this. Don't embarrass brother Shen for the time being." Jade Yao to jade face boy and white Wei Saint girl bow to say.

Jade face boy and white Wei Saint daughter how can two people have any opinion, just facial expression is not too good-looking, think oneself daughter also too suffer a loss.

Cloud trace son quickly came out to play a round, said: "jade face road friend, Bai Wei Road friend, today this matter is over here, I hope to have a successful end. If the little apprentice and your daughter can really get married, Yun will be very happy, and there will be a big gift! "

After saying a few good words, yunxianzi left with Shen Lang.

Before leaving, yunxianzi also gave Yuyao a self-made transmission rune, and said with a smile, "niece of Yuyao, this Rune can send you to the place where the little apprentice lives. If you are ready one day, you can use this Rune to find him."

"Thank you, Mr. cloud trace!" Yu Yao made a bow.

Cloud trace son a light smile, then display the space transmission technique, pull the Shen wave together to transport away.

After watching yunzhangzi and Shen Lang leave, Yuyao breathes a breath, and her beautiful eyes show a trace of splendor. She secretly vows: "brother Shen, Yuyao's life If you don't marry

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