Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2160: 2161

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Before Liu Chuanzhi wakes up from the extreme dizziness, Shen Lang has already got close to him, condenses a long lightsaber with one hand and puts it on Liu Chuanzhi's neck.


The two generals in the period of empty practice who watched the battle below were stunned, their eyes showing unspeakable panic and shock.

Liu Chuanzhi is the Deputy master of Leizhou island. His strength is a master who can rank in the whole Leixun islands. How can he be solved by an unknown friar in the early stage of practicing Xu?

The two generals in the early stage of practicing deficiency could not help but take a breath of cold.

After waking up, Liu Chuanzhi realized that a lightsaber was on his neck. He was scared to death. A strong sense of fear surged into his heart. He immediately begged for mercy: "please, don't Don't kill me

Originally, he thought that the other side was a lengtouqing who had just entered into the practice of emptiness. Unexpectedly, his strength was so strong.

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't worry, I won't kill you. Anyway, you will soon be under my master's command. Please pass on my words and let Liu Tianba get out of here

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Liu Chuanzhi was sweating all over, and his head was like a chicken pecking rice.

Shen Lang takes back his lightsaber and floats outside Jinlei palace.

Liu Chuanzhi flies into the main hall of Jinlei palace and reports the situation to the overlord who is still embracing Meiyan maid.

"Ba Lord Ba, the monk outside the door He beat me, and he told you to go out and fight! " Liu Chuanzhi said with trepidation.

Afraid that Shen Lang could really win the new island Master's position, Liu Chuanzhi did not dare to call Shen Lang a boy any more. He did not want to offend Shen Lang or Ba Ye.

"Damn it, useless waste!"

Master BA was so angry that he pushed aside the maid beside him and said angrily, "the master of this island wants to see what the scum in the early stage of refining Xu has any skill!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lord Ba rushed out of the hall.

Outside the Jinlei palace, in addition to the two generals who watched the battle in the early stage of practicing Xu, there were also some patrolling monks gathered around, which seemed to want to have a look.

Master Ba flies out of Jinlei palace. His gloomy eyes stare at Shen Lang and roars: "you are ignorant and miscellaneous. How dare you challenge the island Master in the early stage of practicing emptiness? Who gave you the courage? "

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Liu Tianba, I'm not interested in playing tricks with you. If you have the courage, you can come and die!"

With that, Shen Lang rose to the sky and reached tens of thousands of meters above Jinlei palace.

"Hum, a rubbish in the early stage of refining Xu deserves to be called by the island Master! The master of this island will let you come and go today

Liu Tianba was so furious that he immediately ran after Shen Lang and offered a bloody halberd in his hand.

The bloody halberd is five meters long and engraved with countless runes. There is blood mist on the surface of the long halberd. There is a pattern of an abyssal blood devil at the end of the halberd. It seems that it is still alive. It makes a roar, which is extremely frightening!


At the beginning of the battle, the two commanders exclaimed in surprise. Unexpectedly, the island Master offered the strongest magic weapon as soon as he made a move.

The bloody halberd in Liu Tianba's hands is called the devil's halberd, which belongs to the first-class Honghuang Lingbao. Its power is fair among the top-grade Honghuang Lingbao.

Leixun islands have been closed for thousands of years, so the treasures handed down in the islands are also left over from ancient times, and the number is extremely rare.

The first-class Honghuang Lingbao is in Leixun islands, which is already the top of the top. Only the top ten Island owners can have it.

Liu Tianba poured spiritual power into the bloody halberd crazily. The long halberd released the blood light that was as strong as the sun.

"Halberd, kill!"

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Liu Tianba threw his magic halberd and pointed to Shen Lang's chest.


An extremely sharp air burst sounds, and the long halberd carries the wave like blood light, and a huge abyss blood demon virtual shadow emerges.

The abyssal blood demon roars, where it passes, the space is rendered as blood red, twisted and not only!

"It's interesting!"

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk, and he could clearly feel Liu Tianba's attack, which was quite amazing.

It seems that the opponent has a top-level magic skill, which can increase the power of this bloody halberd!

Seeing the bloody halberd with the shadow of the abyss blood demon attacking, Shen Lang quickly sets up the remnant lightsaber array, and his eyes burst out with pure light. You can just try the new moves you have learned before!

"Aurora chopping!"

Shen Lang uttered a violent drink, and the sword light gushed out like a huge wave, one wave after another.

Countless sword light rushed to the bloody halberd, and finally condensed into a white line!


The white straight line suddenly burst out a hole, pouring out thousands of white sword shadows, like a round of scorching sun, bumping into the bloody halberd, bursting out like a mountain avalanche.

The violent vigorous wind swept around, even if it was tens of thousands of meters above the sky, it still caused some damage to the buildings of Jinlei palace below. The whole Jinlei palace was shaking like a big earthquake.Countless trees and flowers turned into dust, the ground was destroyed, and many building surfaces were cracked.

In a burst of earth shaking explosions, the violent white sword shadow tore the virtual shadow of the abyss blood demon into pieces! The dazzling white light covered a large area of blood.


Seeing the white light and the white sword shadow all over the sky, Liu Tianba's eyes widened, his pupils enlarged, and his mouth gave out a terrible howl.

The next moment.


The terrible explosion sound like a thunderbolt from the clear sky. Liu Tianba, who was still shouting at the Shen waves just now, is so blasted into powder by white light and sword shadow. There is no residue left!

At the beginning of the battle, Liu Chuanzhi and the two commander-in-chief and Liu Chuanzhi were completely stunned and shivered. Their eyes showed unspeakable panic and shock.

The patrolling friars watching the battle in the distance are you. Look at me and I look at you. I look at you. I can't believe that Liu Tianba, one of the top experts, died so easily?

Or be killed with one move!

Shen Lang fluttered to the ground, glanced at Liu Chuanzhi and the other two generals in the early stage of practicing Xu, and said coldly: "well, Liu Tianba is dead. Now the master of Leizhou island should be the son of his own?"

As soon as this saying goes out, the three people's eyes are dull, and even for a time they can't believe that Liu Tianba has really hung up! They also released their divine sense to scan the sky, and Liu Tianba was indeed killed by the most powerful attack.

Seeing that the three men did not respond, Shen Lang said coldly, "are you all deaf? If you want to mix with me, stand up, and if you don't want to mix with me, the consequences will be at your own risk. "

Liu Chuanzhi was the first to react. He knelt down in front of Shen Lang and said with compliments: "Daoyou killed Liu Tianba. Naturally, he is the new owner of Leizhou island. I dare to ask the name of the new island owner. Liu Chuanzhi has mixed up with you! "

"Good. My name is Shen Lang Shen Lang glanced at Liu Chuanzhi and nodded with satisfaction.

"Which one do you think is appropriate, Shen Ye or Lang ye?" Liu Chuanzhi asked again.

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