Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2181: 2182

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The surging force distorts and shakes the space.

Seeing a sudden blow from the top of his head, Shen Lang was shocked with a cold sweat, and his eyes burst out with pure light: "the blood spirit changes nine times!"

Shen Lang's body was covered with a layer of earthy yellow aura, and turned into the posture of a giant ape with a length of several kilometers, with wide mouth and tusks, and his momentum was amazing.

The gold and silver axe burst out of the sky for a long time.


The giant ape of the Titan, who was transformed into a huge wave, uttered a thunderous roar. Holding two axes, he came with an upside down gold hook and slashed the giant ape's fist fiercely.


The heavy percussion sound resounds through the world, and a large number of gold and silver light interweave and collide, sending out bursts of terrible explosion sound.

The disabled giant ape originally wanted to kill Shen Lang directly, but seeing Shen Lang transform into a Titan giant ape, he also swung his double axes to chop it. The disabled giant ape was shocked, and a Titan shield was formed on the surface of his fists.

Breaking the sky double axes on the surface of the aegis, can be regarded as withstanding the thunder like blow of the disabled giant ape.

A huge and extreme force spread from Shen Lang's arms to his whole body. The Shen wave fell ten thousand meters, and his arm holding the broken sky twin axes felt numb, but fortunately, he was not hurt.

"This It's impossible! Why, as a human friar, can you become a Titan and a great ape? "

The disabled giant ape pointed to the giant ape of the Titan transformed from Shen Lang, and immediately stood on the spot, and his eyes were startled.


In the distance, the demon monks of the Titan and ape clan on the giant spirit boat also opened their eyes one by one, as if they had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

Shen Lang gasped for a few breaths and grinned grimly at the giant ape with disability: "why, as the demon Xiu in the fitness period, is this strength? Or are you physically disabled and weak? "

"Boy, you've pissed me off. Let me die!"

The disabled giant ape roared angrily. The surface of the fists was still covered with a layer of Titan shield. It was like wearing a defensive boxing set, and a fist swung toward Shen Lang below.

"Aurora chop!"

The two arms of the giant ape changed from Shen Lang lost their strength for a while, so they were unable to resist the attack of the disabled giant ape, so they had to strike an aurora chop as quickly as possible.

Thousands of white sword shadows collided with the huge body of the disabled giant ape. The disabled giant ape was extremely angry, and his fists burst out with dazzling golden light. A burst of wild explosion smashed all the sword shadows!

The aurora chop didn't hurt the disabled giant ape Fen Fen Fen, but it created an opportunity for Shen lang. after Shengyang's fighting Qi, Shen Lang's paralyzed arms recovered their strength.

The disabled giant ape broke through the sword shadow, swung his fists, and hit the Shen wave crazily.

Shen Lang tries his best to activate the double axes of the broken sky in his hand and smashes violently to parry the fist of the disabled giant ape.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

There was a deafening thump in the air, accompanied by dazzling golden and silver lights. The disabled giant ape and the Titan giant ape after Shen Lang's transformation were fighting madly together.

Two great apes from the sky to the ground, from the ground to the sky, the scene is very violent!

Through the place, space distortion, vigorous wind four, ground collapse.

The giant ape friar of the Titan giant ape clan who watched the battle on the spiritual boat in the distance was astonished. Could Shen Lang's strength be too terrible to fight with his ancestor?

The great elder swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking that it was lucky that the ancestor was invited. Otherwise, the Titans and great apes might be cold

After fighting for less than 10 seconds, Shen Lang could not resist the attack of the disabled giant ape. The opponent's fist was too fierce. With the blessing of the Titan shield, he could not only resist his own sky breaking axe, but also suppress his own attack steadily.

Seeing that he was almost unable to block the fist of the disabled giant ape, Shen Lang once again made an aurora chop, slowing down the storm like attack of the disabled giant ape.

However, the disabled giant ape had been prepared for this time. With one blow, he broke through the aurora chop, grasped the flaw of Shen Lang, and smashed the giant ape's body after the change of Shen wave.

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"Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The apricot yellow light wall on the surface of Shen Lang's body was defeated. He even hit five fists and spat a big mouthful of blood in his mouth. His huge body flew out like a broken kite.

Even with green light armor, Shen Lang still suffered a lot of internal injuries. He broke several ribs and made two dents on his chest and abdomen.

The worst thing is, Shen Lang's green light armor was hit by the two fists of the disabled giant ape, which could not hold the next blow!

"Boom" a dull sound, Shen wave fell on the ground, hit a big hole. The mouth continuously gushes out the blood, the blood spirit nine changes all cannot support to go on, changed back to the human body.

"Damn it!"

In the period of combination, the demon cultivation was still too powerful. Neither the aurora chop nor the sky breaking axe could cause substantial damage to the disabled giant ape. At the moment, it may be possible to exert Titan mania, but it is still impossible to reverse the situation.

At present, his body has been injured internally, and I'm afraid that he will fall here."My grandfather is mighty

"Please kill the boy who doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Yes, the ancestor killed this human scum to avenge the patriarch Yuan Ming!"

Seeing that the Shen wave had fallen, all the Titans and great apes demon Xiu on the spirit boat were very excited and cheered for the disabled giant ape.

The face of the disabled giant ape finally looked better, and said fiercely: "human boy, I admit you have some strength. Wood show in the forest, wind will destroy it, don't blame my ancestor for his ruthlessness

As soon as the voice fell, the disabled ape fell from the sky and dashed toward the waves on the ground.

Shen Lang's eyes are bloodshot. How willing is he to plant here.

It seems that only one can be used!

If he wants to use that move with his current cultivation, he will certainly consume a lot of energy. Even if he has the Shengyang fighting spirit to protect his body, he can not recover in a long time.

There is no other choice now.

Shen Lang's face showed a trace of ferocity and madness, and his mouth uttered a thunderous cry:

"nine spirits destroy the sky!"

As soon as the roar fell, Shen Lang opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of blood essence, which turned into blood and attached to the surface of his body.

The next moment, a magical scene appeared.

Shen Lang's nine different animal patterns burst out at the same time.

The giant ape pattern on the chest releases dazzling golden light!

The pattern of golden Lei Peng on the back is full of golden thunder light!

The golden dragon pattern on the arm soars!

On the right leg of the cold flame peacock pattern gush dazzling white light!

The waist of the earth angry bear pattern splashed out yellow light!

On the right shoulder, the design of Amethyst giant turtle glitters with brilliant Amethyst Color!

The five color Golden Toad pattern on the right knee releases a five color halo!

The flaming tiger pattern on the abdomen burst out like the fire of the sun!

The image of Titan and great ape on the left arm is also full of golden light!

A monk with the body constitution of blood spirit immortal can display the final form of nine changes of bleeding spirit after collecting nine kinds of blood vessels of foreign animals

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