Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2202: 2203

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Shen Lang continued to deliver Shengyang fighting Qi to huaziling's hind legs. The Shengyang fighting Qi in the body consumed most of the energy, which finally drove away the fire poison in the woman's body.

However, the leg of huaziling, Shen Lang tried his best, exhausted all kinds of panacea, and still could not recover.

Of course, huaziling's legs are not completely incurable. Although the burn was extremely severe, some of the main root bones of the leg were preserved.

If Shen Lang can't be cured, it doesn't mean there's no cure.

However, Shen Lang bound huaziling's right leg with the bark of chaos spirit tree and sealed all the remaining Shengyang fighting Qi to maintain the vitality of his legs.

The two men were officially confirmed, but there was no too much speech. Both Shen Lang and Hua Ziling began to meditate and recover.

The love of the immortals is not just a matter of time and space. If you love me, your company and love will be enough.

What's more, they are trapped in a maze, so it's still a question whether they can leave the maze.

A day later, Shen Lang had returned to its full bloom.

In fact, he wanted to act alone, so that even if he encountered any danger, he would not implicate huaziling.

But with Shen Lang's understanding of huaziling, women certainly won't allow themselves to act alone. Shen Lang simply did not mention it, and decided to wait for huaziling to recover.

Until ten days later, huaziling's injury was completely recovered, but his right leg couldn't move, so he was lame temporarily.

She knew that Shen Lang had been waiting for her body to recover. Hua Ziling felt a little sad in her heart, so she could only try not to burden Shen Lang in her later actions.

In the past ten days, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling have been staying in the corridor of the labyrinth, silent and without any threat.

Shen Lang thinks that this maze should not be a dreamland, which is uncertain and aggressive, and there is no safe place to live in.

But the labyrinth in this palace is different. As long as you don't break into those rooms, you won't encounter any danger.

Ten days later, Shen Lang finally began to prepare for action.

"Huaziling, or I'll explore the way first, and then I'll come back and take you away with me after I'm sure there's no threat." Shen Lang was worried and couldn't help saying it.

"Are you so disgusted with me? My magic power doesn't depend on the flesh. If I'm lame, it won't affect my combat power. I I'll try not to be a burden on you. " Flower purple Ling bit silver teeth, pretty face showing a trace of pain, appears to be somewhat delicate and pitiful.

Looking at the woman's expression of some pain, Shen Lang secretly scolds himself for his stupidity. What he said just now may have hurt huaziling's self-esteem.

"Well, let's do it together."

With that, Shen Lang squatted down and took huaziling's snow-white arm and carried her on her back.

Seeing that the man was so intimate, Hua Ziling's delicate pretty face showed a trace of blush, crept down on Shen Lang's back and whispered, "don't care too much about me. You just care about you. I will protect myself."

"I see." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

The corner of huaziling's mouth was bent, and she gently encircled Shen Lang's shoulder. Shen Lang's solid back gives her a sense of warmth and peace of mind.

It has to be said that Hua Ziling's figure is too attractive. His weak waist and legs, as well as the soft and sometimes overstock on Shen Lang's back, make him a little uneasy.

However, this level can be controlled.

"Shen Lang, there are too many rooms in the labyrinth, and the confusion is too strong. What should we do next?" Hua Ziling asked about the business.

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"If this maze is not an illusion, there should be a way out. Let me try it."

With that, Shen Lang offered sacrifices to the apricot yellow flag and performed the technique of five flags resonance.


The shadow of a big flag of apricot yellow condensed behind him, emitting a hazy glow. The rays of the sun beat regularly, causing resonance.

Soon, Shen Lang saw a spot of light in front of him, located in the center of the palace!

Although there is a rough location, but the maze is full of rooms, who knows where to turn after seven turns and eight turns? It's still a problem whether we can get to the spot exactly.

At present, there is no other way, Shen Lang can only be brave enough to try.

Soon, Shen Lang carried huaziling into a room.

A large number of snowstorms raged in the room, and as soon as they entered the room, a tornado with a dazzling cold light hit them.

Shen Lang runs the apricot yellow flag, and they are covered with a layer of apricot yellow light wall to resist the impact of the tornado.

There are two exits in the room. Shen Lang chooses one to enter the next room.

The next room is a very different scene. A large number of black poisonous fog diffuses in the room, which is extremely poisonous and can corrode the monk's body in an instant.

Shen Lang didn't expect this kind of attack in the maze. Xinghuang flag can defend the five elements attack, but can't defend the attack of poisonous fog.Fortunately, shenlang has Shengyang battle gas to protect his body. They pass through the poisonous fog and enter the next room.


In this way, Shen Lang, carrying huaziling on his back, whirled around in the maze. Each room in the maze had different ways of attacking, but most of them were several.

Such as bloody lightning, fire, cold light, wind blade, sandstorm, gold blade, poisonous fog and other attacks.

Shen Lang with apricot yellow flag and Shengyang fighting spirit to protect his body, can walk safely in each room, did not encounter a major threat.

However, after turning for more than half an hour, Shen Lang once again used the technique of five banners' resonance, and found that the northern Xuanyuan water control flag was still a vague target.

The exit of the room in the maze is full of uncertainty, and Shen Lang doesn't know which direction the next room will lead to.

However, Shen Lang can only mark back and forth. Every time he passes a room, he leaves a piece of Leigang stone. Each piece of Leigang stone is placed in different positions, so that he can judge the direction.

Although the room is full of all kinds of attacks, it seems that only the living individuals will be attacked, and Lei Gang stone will not be destroyed.

It is not so much that every room will attack the intruder. It is better to say that the moment the intruder enters the room, the attack ban is activated in the room, which is similar to a killing array.

Another hour later, Shen Lang had already walked back and forth in five or six hundred rooms, and only five repeated rooms were encountered in the middle of the way. It is enough to see how terrible the number of rooms in the maze is.

Shen Lang is really curious about the use of this maze. It should not be used to trap people.

Fortunately, this labyrinth is not an illusion. Shen Lang's mark is still valid. You can use the exclusion method to exclude the rooms you have been to, and you can roughly figure out a route to the center of the palace.

Finally, Shen Lang finally arrived at the room in the middle of the maze.

But the scene in the room really surprised Shen Lang and Hua Ziling.

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