Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2215: 2216

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"Whoosh! Whoosh

When the transmission array starts, they are shrouded in a layer of white light, and a strong power of transmission transmits Shen Lang and Hua Ziling out.

Shen Lang entered a space passage somewhere. It was dark all around, as if the whole world was twisting and spinning, and the brain was dizzy.

According to Shen Lang's current cultivation, it is very difficult for ordinary transmission array to make him feel uncomfortable. This phenomenon is obviously caused by a very long distance transmission, which proves that the transmission effect of this ultra long distance transmission array in the secret land of thunder is beyond imagination.

Shen Lang was surprised and pleased. Of course, he longed for the teleportation array to transmit himself as far as possible. After all, the location of Leixun islands is too remote, as long as it can be transmitted to nine areas except the wilderness.

As if after a century of transmission time, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling were finally thrown away by some space and landed in a strange square.

A lot of brain is extremely dizzy, a whirl.

Around came a lot of noise and noise, just like the food market, the air also from time to time came bursts of roar and explosion.

Feeling the noise around, Shen Lang forced the operation of Sheng Yang Zhan Qi in his body to infuse his brain, and he was a little sober.

Two eyes quickly swept around, Shen Lang's face was full of astonishment.

What an unexpected place this time!

At present, Shen Lang and Hua Zi are in a huge square, which seems to be the central square of a large city, with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Outside the square are all kinds of buildings in the city, street markets, a bit like the building style of demon repair city.

These are not the key points. The point is that at the moment, there are a large number of demon cults around the square, dense and dense, which will block the whole square.

There are all kinds of demon cults, including tauren, horsehead, deer head, tiger, bear, leopard, werewolf, orangutan, etc. as long as you can imagine the monster race, there are all kinds of them.

Not only on the ground, but also in the sky there are countless demon cults, but all of them are gathered in the sky thousands of meters below.

Thousands of miles around the center of the square is covered by a mysterious mask. It seems to be some kind of powerful defense array. All demon monks are trapped in the defensive array.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

From time to time, there was a piercing roar outside the defense array, as if there were a large number of forces attacking the demon city.

All the demon repair in the demon city gathered around the square, and became a mess and a commotion.


Shenlang and huaziling suddenly transferred to the square of the demon city, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of demon monks around.

"Gee, it's impossible. The city guarding array has been started. How can there be foreign monks coming here? Isn't it a spy? "

"These two guys are still human friars!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down. They are masters in the period of practicing emptiness."

There was an uproar around, and a large number of demon monks pointed to Shen Lang and Hua Ziling.

Shen Lang and the recovered huaziling look at the noisy scene around, but they are also confused.

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When Shen Lang wanted to find a demon Xiu to find out, more than 20 deer heads were flying in the sky. The demon Xiu in armor quickly surrounded Shen Lang and huaziling.

The demon repair around the square consciously gave way to a road, and the voice of discussion was also reduced.

All of the above 20 armour demon practitioners of the deer head all had the accomplishments in the period of refining Xu, and the first one wearing silver armor was the later cultivation.

The demon repair commander waved his trident, pointed to Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, and asked in a cold voice, "how did the two Taoist friends come to my Huangtian city? What is the purpose? Please tell me quickly! Otherwise, don't blame commander Ben for being rude! "

As soon as Shen Lang's face changed, he was not familiar with the place where he lived, so it was not easy to have a conflict. He clasped his fist and said: "you have misunderstood me. I was accidentally transferred to your place from the ultra long distance transmission array of an island in the sea of clouds. There was no malice. I dare to ask where the mainland is, what happened here, and why there is such turmoil? "

"Sea of clouds!"

As soon as the words came out, a group of armored demon bodyguards looked at each other with a look of astonishment.

"Are the two Taoist friends really transmitted from the sea of clouds The leader of the demon cultivation asked.

"Why lie to you. You have laid a strong defensive array in your city. If it is a general transmission array, the transmission force will certainly be blocked by the large defensive array, and it is impossible for us to transmit it to the city

Flower purple Ling beautiful eyes glanced at the defense array in the sky, not cold and light said.

"Yes, only the power of the ultra long distance transmission array can do this. We two just have the wrong transmission to your place. If you are offended, please forgive me. " Shen Lang holds his fist again.

The leader of the demon cultivation thought about it for a while, and he no longer doubted.

He felt that the defense array was about to be broken. Would it be superfluous for the cattle demon clan to send spies here at this time? Besides, with the savage character of the cattle demons, they will not send spies."Sorry, it seems that commander Ben misunderstood the two Taoist friends. I am Lu Yong, one of the top ten garrison commanders in Huangtian city. " Dressed in silver armor, the demon repair commander Lu Yong clasped his fist and relaxed a lot.

"Lu Daoyou, we were here just now. We were at a loss. Could you explain it to me?" Shen Lang asked in a hurry.

Lu Yong explained: "this is the territory of Julu in chuyun plain. Our Huangtian city is a large city in the territory of Julu, which is located in the southwest of Julu

"Chuyun plain!"

When Shen Lang and Hua Ziling heard the speech, their eyes were bright.

did not expect that the awesome distance of Tian Lei's secret transmission was so powerful that he suddenly took them out of the clouds and came to the early plains.

Before he left Nanyuan, Shen Lang studied the map of the ancient Lingjie.

Chuyun plain is one of the nine places in the ancient spirit world, and its total area is only a little smaller than that of the wilderness.

Chuyun plain has a vast area and rich resources. Although it is not as good as that of the middle land, it is not too bad.

On the contrary, the whole chuyun plain was ruled by eight ethnic groups, dividing all the territory of chuyun plain.

According to the order of the eight races, they are Dapeng, giant ape, Longque, unicorn, holy lion, Golden Bear, Bull Demon and Julu.

There are also more than 5000 small ethnic groups, big and small, all subordinate to the eight major ethnic groups.

Julu people are one of the eight races at the bottom of chuyun plain. Despite the bottom of the list, Julu people also have demon cultivation in Mahayana period. In history, there was even a true spirit of seven colors swallowing Tianlu.

Although there are only one or two Mahayana among the Julu people.

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