Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2218: 2219

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Seeing that the city master of Huangtian city led a large number of demon monks to rush up, the two generals of the cattle demon family army showed a trace of disdain at the beginning.

The strong man with golden horn waved his hand: "the whole army, stop attacking first!"

At an order, the demon repair army of the cattle demon clan stopped releasing the demon storm.

The strong man with silver horn was puzzled and asked: "brother, why stop? This mob can't be our opponent. Is it difficult to negotiate with them? "

The voice of the strong man in the golden ox horn replied: "no, it's better to fight against the city Lord of Huangtian city instead of trying to exterminate this group of dying and struggling mobs. When the enemy's army is in chaos, we can do twice as much with half the effort if we want to kill the city."

"All right." Although the strong man with silver horn was not happy, he still agreed.

The Lord of the city led nearly a million demon practitioners in Huangtian city and came to the army of cattle and demons.

The two sides were at daggers drawn.

"Tut, isn't this Lu Feng deer Taoist friend of Huangtian city? Why, Lu Daoyou seems very nervous. " The strong man with silver horn sneered and his words were full of scorn.

Lu Feng, the city's Lord, gnashing his teeth, and his forehead has exuded cold sweat.

He was really flustered.

Now the battle line of guarding the city has been broken, and Lufeng was forced to do so. He was very concerned about his own life, but he could not take off his armor and run away.

The punishment of the Julu people for deserting soldiers and traitors is very serious. In addition, it is extremely humiliating to run away without fighting. Lufeng can only bravely lead the demon Xiu of Huangtian city to confront these cattle demon troops.

The strong man with golden horn said with a loud smile, "you don't have to be nervous, we can give you a way to live. The cattle and Demons always advocate martial arts and respect the strong. I see that your cultivation is not bad. As long as you surrender to our cattle demons and are planted with "Dementors" by us, the cattle demons will save you from death and will give you a good treatment by the way. "

Lu Feng's face was uncertain. In fact, he wanted to surrender in his heart, but the price was to be sown with Dementors, which he could never accept.

Dementor is equivalent to the enhanced version of forbidden divinity. However, only the monks who are above the fitness period can perform this skill. It is equivalent to planting a ban on the spirit. The caster can control the existence or death of the spirit of the caster at any time, or even make the spirit of the caster collapse with a single thought.

In short, Dementor is a rather terrible secret. Those who have been planted with this skill will basically become slaves.

Lu Feng clenched his teeth and said, "do you want me to surrender? you must be dreaming! I tell you that a large number of reinforcements of the Julu people are rushing to Huangtian City, and they will arrive here in less than half an hour! It's not sure who will win or who will lose at that time. "

The strong man with silver horn sneered: "stop pretending. Our scouts of the Bull Demon clan have heard about your reinforcements. It will take at least two days for the reinforcements of the Julu clan to arrive here. By the time your reinforcements come, you will be dead. "

"What's more, we have sent millions more reinforcements, and the speed is faster than your reinforcements. We will arrive here in half an hour at most!"

"No way, don't try to cheat me! How could you cattle demons have reinforcements coming! " Lu Feng widened his eyes and showed an incredible expression.

The strong man with golden horn said grimly: "stupid! We have already obtained the information of your sending more reinforcements. Do you still forbid us to send more reinforcements

"No It's not true. "

Lufeng finally showed a look of panic. The line-up of these cattle demon troops is very terrible. If there are reinforcements coming quickly, they even have no chance of survival!

Not only the city Lord Lu Feng, but also the monks who guarded the city in the period of refining empty were all pale.

"No more nonsense, Lufeng. I'll give you two choices. First, surrender to our cattle demons. Second, death Golden Horn face fierce roar way.

Next, the scene that made all the demons of huangtiancheng be astonished appeared.

Lu Feng, who was sweating all over his body, finally couldn't resist the pressure and said in a trembling voice: "I I surrender, I am willing to submit to the Bull Demon! Just ask two Taoist friends not to kill me

While begging for mercy, Lufeng kowtowed to the two early generals of the cattle demon clan, looking extremely humiliated.


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At the moment, the demon repair of Huangtian city was in a mess, making an uproar, and even the army stationed in the city was in a commotion.


Shen Lang and Hua Ziling were both caught off guard. Unexpectedly, Lu Feng, the city master of Huangtian City, suddenly begged for mercy.

The plan couldn't keep up with the change. Originally, they planned to escape in the war. Unexpectedly, the city Lord Lu Feng fell without fighting.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The strong men with golden horns and those with silver horns laughed incessantly. When the demon building army of the cattle demon clan saw the enemy's city Lord surrender, it was also a burst of laughter.

Listening to the harsh laughter, Lufeng was extremely humiliated, and his head was embarrassed to lift up.

"Lu Daoyou, since you have surrendered, that's our people. Come here!" The strong man with golden horn laughed and exclaimed."Good OK

Lu Feng ran to the camp of the cattle demon clan army in dismay.

The demon cultivation on this side of Huangtian city is confused. Even the city master has surrendered. How can we do this?

"Lufeng, you son of a king, you are a monk of Julu clan in vain

"Come down without fighting. I can't afford to be a city Lord like you!"

"The garbage who is greedy for life and afraid of death is not worthy to be the city master of Huangtian city!"

The army of Julu nationality stationed in the city was constantly heard with indignation. Many demon Xiu of the army stationed in the city were very angry at Lufeng's defection and surrender, and began to curse.

Deer peak crouched in the army of cattle and demons, silent.

The strong man with golden ox horn glanced at a large number of demon Xius in Huangtian city opposite him, waved and said, "the army of cattle and Demons obeys orders, attack and kill this group of mobs!"


A large number of Bull Demon monks roared and rushed towards the demon Xiu of Huangtian city like a huge wave.

"Don't be timid, brothers. Kill it!"

"The city Lord has surrendered and killed a hair! Run

"Let's run!

Due to the surrender of Lufeng, the spirit of the demon repair troops in Huangtian city was in chaos, and a large number of demon Xius ran away without any resistance.

They don't have much sense of belonging to Huangtian city. They care more about their own lives.

A large number of demon Xiu are in the shape of circular arc, running for their lives in all directions.

Of course, not all the demon Xiu escaped, and many of the Julu people's garrison troops were as good as dead.

Lu Yong, holding a trident in his hand, commands his demon repair team to launch a counterattack, and shouts at Shen Lang and Hua Ziling: "Shen Daoyou, Hua Dao you, quick! Let's meet the enemy quickly

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling look at each other, holding hands and running away directly to escape from the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Lu Yong saw Shen Lang and Hua Ziling run away. He was stunned and then became angry: "ah! How did you two run? Come back to me

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