Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2230: 2231

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Tongtian Baojing is the 72nd tianlingbao. Its ability is to peep at a wide range of scenes and things, and can create space channels to make it easier for the holders to transfer to the place they want to go.

The ability of this treasure is similar to the jade face boy's heaven and earth mirror, but it has a more accurate transmission function.


As Niu Po Tian plays a lot of spiritual power towards the mirror, a large number of blue light immediately gushes out on the mirror, pouring into the brain of Niu Po Tian.

At the moment, the divine consciousness of Niu Po Tian seems to extend to any corner of the whole chuyun plain, and countless scenes flow into my mind like waves.

With the cultivation of divine consciousness in the Mahayana period of Niupo heaven, you can digest these scenes very quickly.


Soon, Niu Po Tian seemed to notice something and waved his sleeve robe to the mirror of Tong Tian Bao.

There is a flash of white light in the mirror, which shows a scene quickly.

The mirror shows a man and a woman riding on a gourd in the sky of a wasteland. The man is wearing a white robe and the woman is wearing a pink skirt. They are talking and laughing.

Is it Shen Lang and Hua Ziling!

Seeing this scene, Niu Po Tian was stunned at first, then stood up from his seat and roared in a rage: "God opened his eyes! On the last day, the emperor found two human scum who killed my son

Below, a group of demon Xiu in the period of fitness. You look at me and I look at you. There is a commotion.

"Congratulations to the emperor for finding the killer at last!"

"The great emperor, these two human friars have killed the young master, and they have committed great crimes. My subordinates have asked to capture these two men!"

The elder shouts with his fist clasped.

Niu Po Tian waved his sleeve robe, and his face was overcast and twisted: "you don't have to do it. I will catch these two scum personally! The emperor will surely take them back and torture them slowly to commemorate my son's spirit in heaven


At this time, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling have been flying for half a month, and come to the junction of Bull Demon clan and giant ape clan.

Along the way, the two men were safe and successfully avoided the inspection of the cattle demon family army.

Although the wanted portraits of Shen Lang and Hua Ziling can be seen everywhere in the niumo nationality, after three years, it seems that the niumo army is not very interested in tracking down the two men.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling even dressed up, mixed into the big city of the Bull Demon clan, used the Bull Demon's transmission array, and came to the border.

At the junction of the cattle demons and the great apes, it is a long and narrow plain hinterland, stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

The terrain in the plain is complex, and there are even some barren mountains, valleys, deserts and other areas.

Due to the rarity of the five elements in this area, neither the great ape nor the demon monks of the Bull Demon clan will be active in this area. Some miscellaneous small demon clans occupy this area, most of them are demon beasts without intelligence.

"Through this plain, we can reach the great ape." Flower purple Ling while controlling a gourd shaped magic weapon, while saying.

Shen Lang was more relaxed and sighed: "fortunately, we have been hiding in the prison tower for three years, otherwise we don't know how to die."

Hua Ziling snorted: "that's my girl's foresight. But don't be too happy. It's said that there is a dangerous place called "canhua Valley" on the border between the Bull Demon clan and the great ape clan. "

"Canhua Valley? Why didn't I see the place name on the map? "

Shen Lang frowned and asked curiously.

"It's normal that I haven't heard of it. After all, canhua Valley is a region only existed ten thousand years ago. It is said that it was a valley opened up by a strange and powerful friar. The great monk lived in seclusion here. There were many prohibitions around it, and many powerful puppets guarded the valley

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"When I first came to chuyun plain, I tried to cross the border of the great ape people. Then I was trapped and killed by the bans and puppets around canhua valley. Finally, I managed to escape. The great monk who lives in seclusion in canhua Valley doesn't seem to like being disturbed. "

Flower purple Ling frown way.

Shen Lang was very surprised and frowned: "in this case, let's avoid it carefully."

"I'm familiar with the terrain here. You can follow me. When passing through the canhua Valley, you must be astringent and remember not to expose yourself. " Huaziling zhengse road.


Shen Lang quickly nodded and had to say that huaziling was more reliable than before.

The vast hinterland of the plain is only half an hour's journey for the friars in the period of practicing deficiency.

Just in the middle of the formation of the two, a golden cloud suddenly rose in the sky, covering more than a thousand miles, and a vast spiritual pressure shrouded Shen Lang and huaziling.

"Not good!"

The two people were shocked. The huge spiritual pressure suddenly falling in the sky made them fall into the ice cellar, and their hair stood up all over. They had a very bad premonition in their hearts!

The golden cloud in the sky formed a space vortex, and the space was torn open.

A golden ox horn with golden armour and a strong physique came out of the gap! This demon cow head god man, eyes put gold, all exudes a strong breath of awe at the world.It's the cow that breaks the sky!

"I have finally found you. No matter how cunning you are, you can never escape from the palm of the emperor's hand

Niu Po Tian grinned grimly, and his whole body exuded a torrential killing machine, and the air around him solidified instantly.

Feeling the terrible spirit pressure and anger of Niu Po Tian, Shen Lang was like falling into an ice cellar, which made his scalp numb.

"No, it's the great emperor of the cattle demon clan, and the ox breaks the sky!"

"Prison tower!"

Hua Ziling scared pretty face pale, she did not want to, with the fastest speed to sacrifice out of tianlingbao town prison tower.


Hua Ziling didn't have time to take away his flying magic weapon. He pulled up the Shen wave and flew into the prison tower.


Seeing the red pagoda offered by huaziling, the cold laughter on Niu's face suddenly stopped.

He immediately turned into a golden lightning, and came to shenlang and huaziling in a flash. His thick palm quickly reached out and caught Shen Lang and Hua Ziling.

Unfortunately, he didn't know the intention of the two men just now. When he reacted, he was a little slow.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling enter the prison tower and disappear.

The red pagoda fell from the sky. Niu Po Tian reached out to catch the prison tower and held it in his hand. His divine sense condensed on the red Pagoda in his hand and explored for a while.

The pagoda is indeed a heavenly treasure. No doubt, two garbage friars hold tianlingbao. What's more, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling are totally different from what they imagined. Shen Lang and Hua Ziling were just practicing in the period of deficiency.

I'm too lazy to think so much. I'll force these two human scum out first.

"Hum, the scum of the two Terrans, don't you think that if you hide in the magic weapon of this space, the emperor can't help you?" The cow breaks the sky one face fierce roar way.

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