Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2326: 2327

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The first reaction of the Scarab King is that the Terrans have come to seek revenge.

Fangcunshan ranks the first in the seventy-two sects of the human race, far surpassing Tianxue palace, which ranks the second. It is basically a closed sect apart from the Taiyi League of the Terrans.

No friar knew the real details of Fangcun mountain. The gate claimed that Daoling was honored as the first Mahayana of the human race, and it was also famous throughout the ancient spiritual world.

In fact, the reason why there was no foreign invasion in the ancient Lingjie for tens of thousands of years is due to Zhang Daoling's deterrent power.


No one dares to doubt the inside strength of Fangcun mountain. Seeing the spirit boat of Fangcun mountain coming, all the holy armor Zerg are scared out of the sky. They turn into the state of transformation and flee.

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On the spirit boat of Fangcun mountain, in addition to more than 100 monks at the head of the boat, there are three people at the end of the boat. It is the wind that breaks the water and the moon and the wind and snow!

It turns out that Feng Jue Shui Yue and Feng Bai Xue met the spirit boat of fangcunshan who came to the golden green sand bar on the way out of the golden green sand bar after saying goodbye to Shen Lang.

Liu Yunmeng on the Lingzhou found the wind and the moon, and was very surprised. The former Yuanhe Shuangsheng was Liu Yunmeng's grandson.

The spirit boat of Fangcun mountain gave them a ride, and Liu Yunmeng got the news of Shen Lang by the way.

After Liu Yunmeng learned that Shen Lang was wanted by the Taiyi League, she never expected to hear the news of Shen Lang, so she begged Xi Feng to go to the Shengjia Zerg tribe to find Shen Lang.

Xi Feng also heard Shen Lang's past from his master Zhang Daoling. He felt that he was bound by Shen Lang and agreed to Liu Yunmeng's request. The spirit boat sailed to the holy armor Zerg.

After that, there was the scene.

This is really timely. A step later, Shen Lang will be killed on the spot.

"Master, please, come on Go and save Shen Lang

Liu Yunmeng looks at the golden eyed stone ape falling in the sand in the distance, with a pretty white face and an urgent tone.

Xi Feng said with a light smile: "silly girl, you have urged countless times. You don't need to say that I will do the same."

Before the high priest fled, he wanted to kill the deep waves. He opened his mouth and spewed out a dazzling cold light. Like a laser gun, he fired at the fallen golden eyed stone ape.


Seeing that the sudden cold light was about to hit the deep waves with holes all over his body, Xi fengleng on the white spirit boat snorted, took out a rusty bronze axe behind his back and threw it lightly.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

I saw the bronze axe carrying a faint light, hurling wildly in the space. The surrounding space seemed to twist and change with the swing of the bronze axe, which was extremely strange.

An astonishing scene appeared.

The bronze axe cut a huge space gap in front of the golden eye stone ape, and all the cold awns were sucked in by the space gap, and the golden eye stone ape was not hurt.

"This How can it be! "

It was the first time for him to see such a strange power.

Without waiting for him to react, the bronze axe that originally protected the golden eye stone ape came to his body like a blink and cut it towards his head.


The high priest was so frightened that he could only make the last mad roar in his mouth, and then he was hit by the bronze axe.

Before the axe blade touched his flesh and blood, the high priest was engulfed by a faint light, and his body was directly turned into a blood mist, and there was no residue left!

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It's not over.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The bronze axe swings wildly in the air, attacking those who are trying to escape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Just like cutting tofu, the bronze axe successively splits the body of the insect into powder.


In the end, only the golden beetle king was left. He watched the bronze axe approaching rapidly, his pupil was constantly enlarging, and he opened his mouth to spray out a large number of golden spirit holy fire in an attempt to resist it.

Unfortunately, this level of counterattack was like a mantis' arm in a chariot. The light flashed past, and the body of the golden beetle King collapsed into a blood mist and was killed on the spot.

After flying for a circle, the bronze axe returned to Xi Feng's hands. The blade and handle of the axe were spotless, and all the combined monks of the holy armor Zerg clan were killed!

After finishing this, Xi Feng turned his eyes to the hundred friars of fangcunshan on the white spirit boat, and said in silence: "monk Fang cunshan, listen to the order, quickly kill the holy armor Zerg, don't leave a living one."


The hundred monks of Fangcun mountain on the spirit boat answered one after another, and then rushed out of the spirit boat. Feng Jue Shui Yue and Feng Bai Xue can't help but stay on the boat.

Liu Yunmeng also rushed out of the white spirit boat. However, she did not follow the friars of fangcunshan. Instead, she hurried to the golden eye stone ape to check on Shen Lang's injury, and her eyebrows frowned.

Xi Feng a flash, left the spirit boat, also came to the golden eye stone ape side."Master, he's so hurt! What should I do? " Liu Yunmeng asked anxiously toward Xi Feng.

"I can't die. Ha ha, this boy is really tough. He dares to inspire the blood of the golden eye stone ape with this cultivation. He has the demeanor of my time. Fortunately, he has the spirit of Shengyang to protect his body, otherwise it will be difficult to do it. "

Xi Feng glanced at Shen Lang and laughed.

"Master, you still smile when Shen Lang is like this! Don't talk nonsense. Save him now Liu Yunmeng bit her teeth and said with dissatisfaction.

"Come on, come on, don't rush. Your ears are going to cocoon. This boy has such a deep relationship with me, how can I let him have an accident? "

Seeing Liu Yunmeng's face flustered, Xi Feng is a little sad.

Xi Feng takes out a jade porcelain vase from the storage ring and falls the contents of the vase towards the body of the golden eye stone ape.

A wisp of powdery gold mist enveloped the whole body of the golden eye macaque. The original air like wandering stone ape seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and changed back to human form.

After changing back to the human form, Shen Lang's Shengyang fighting Qi was finally unblocked. A large number of golden whirlwind enveloped his whole body, and his body began to repair. New granulation grew from the bloody wound, and his breath gradually recovered to be stable.


Looking at Shen Lang's rapid recovery, Liu Yunmeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Gazing at the man's face, Liu Yunmeng's emotions gradually become more complicated.

More than a thousand years later, this man is still the same as before.

However, Shen Lang's growth speed was beyond her expectation. The man even swallowed the blood of the real spirit golden eye stone ape. He didn't see it with his own eyes. I can't believe it.

"The boy forced to use the change of the golden eye stone ape, unable to control the blood. Although the body of his half immortal body has recovered, the spirit is not so easy to recover. At least he will be in a coma for several months. Take him back to Fangcun mountain first. " Xi Feng said solemnly.

"Yes, master."

Liu Yunmeng bowed slightly, and then picked up Shen Lang, not caring about the blood on the man.

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