Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2332: 2333

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Out of the bedroom, Shen Lang, following Liu Yunmeng and Murong Mingyue, rises into the air. He sets out his divine sense for the first time and explores Fangcun mountain. He is amazed.

The whole Fangcun mountain covers an area of more than 100000 Li, surrounded by mountains. The buildings of the whole sect are made of white crystal stones, which gives people a feeling of elegant buildings and buildings, which is very amazing.

Moreover, Fangcun mountain is just located in the center of tens of thousands of spiritual veins. The spirit of the five elements is extremely rich, and even the sky is filled with a layer of colorful fog.

In addition, the "Taiyi positive and negative nine palace immortal array" of Fangcun mountain has the effect of purifying the five elements aura. Therefore, the five elements aura diffused in Fangcun mountain can be described as pure and can not be more pure.

Compared with the outside world, the training speed of this unique cultivation condition is naturally thousands of miles.

Along the way, Shen Lang inquired about some basic information about Fangcun mountain from the two women, and both of them explained one by one.

Fangcunshan is the largest sect of the Terran family. There are only tens of thousands of monks in the sect. However, all of them are extremely talented. The worst ones are in the early stage of practicing deficiency!

In Fangcun mountain, there are no monks such as gatekeepers, and such positions are all replaced by puppets.

According to Liu Yunmeng, there are nine Mahayana monks in Fangcun mountain, and thousands of them are in syncretic period. Their influence is very huge!

Baihuachi is a hot spring valley in the north of Fangcun mountain. A large number of spiritual springs will emerge from the ground every day. It has the miraculous effects of nourishing the body, beautifying and beautifying.

Therefore, many nuns come to take a bath in the Baihua pool every day. This is also the exclusive land for nuns in Fangcun mountain. Male monks are forbidden to enter.

There is also a defense ban around the area, which is isolated from divinity exploration, to prevent the unscrupulous male practitioners from peeping.

Liu Yunmeng is Xi Feng's disciple, and Murong Mingyue is also an elder disciple. The two women are of noble status, so they directly let the puppet guarding the entrance of Baihua pool to release.

The two girls brought Shen Lang to the Baihua pool. Many beautiful looking nuns took a bath in the middle of the valley. From time to time, the sound of fighting and frolicking came from time to time.

Shen Lang was embarrassed to see such a place for the first time. Fortunately, there was a large amount of fog around the valley, blocking his sight. Otherwise, he could see the nun bathing in the valley at a glance.

"Shen Lang, you'd better be calm and honest, or I'll look down on you!" Liu Yunmeng glared at Shen Lang fiercely.

"Know I see. " Shen Lang answered in a hurry.

Murong Mingyue covered her face with a smile: "Mr. Shen, please follow the moon."

As soon as the voice fell, Murong Mingyue flew over the valley and flew toward the hills behind.

Shen Lang and Liu Yunmeng followed closely.

Shen Liu's eyes are in the valley to prevent the death of women.

Shen Lang was staring at him and felt uncomfortable. He didn't squint and didn't move at all.

Soon, the three people flew to the north of the hill. Murong Mingyue floated down and whispered: "this place should be quiet enough. Master Shen doesn't have to worry about being bugged by anyone."

Shen Lang looked around and nodded slightly.

As a precaution, he set up the western Gengjin cloud flag, and behind it rose a pale gold flag shadow.

The ability of the western Gengjin cloud boundary flag is to cover the surrounding terrain in a large scale, to hide the terrain and hide itself.

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As soon as the cloud boundary flag was urged, a large golden cloud group emerged from Shen Lang's body, covering a range of several hundred meters, including Shen Lang, Liu Yunmeng and Murong Mingyue.

After the clouds dispersed, the three figures disappeared in an instant.

At first glance, it seems to be disappearing. In fact, it is hidden in the space created by the cloud boundary flag. It is impossible for anyone to find out. Even the Mahayana monk may not be able to find out.

Shen Lang only needs to provide spiritual power continuously to keep the cloud bound flag running continuously, and the cloud boundary flag itself consumes not much five element spiritual power.

Based on this, the cloud flag is a very practical and functional magic weapon.

Liu Yunmeng and Murong Mingyue can't help but marvel at Shen Lang's hidden magic power.

"Two girls, what Shen is going to say next is very important, so we must be cautious and forgive me." Shen Lang hugged the two girls.

Murong Mingyue said positively: "Mr. Shen, it's OK to talk about it. Mingyue and liudaoyou all listen."

Shen Lang nodded solemnly, and then told them all the stories of him, yunxianzi and Zhang Daoling, and told them all kinds of conspiracy theories and suspicion chains.


After hearing what Shen Lang said, the two girls were extremely surprised.

Liu Yunmeng, in particular, is Xi Feng's disciple. She didn't expect that so many things were involved.

"Cloud trace son It's my last incarnate younger generation. Although Shifu and Daoling Shizu said that, I still can't believe that yuncengzi is a wicked person. " Liu Yunmeng's eyebrows frowned and felt a little inconceivable.

Shen Lang asked, "Miss Yunmeng, has Xi Feng mentioned this matter to you before?"Liu Yunmeng shook his head and said, "No. I still hear from you that yuncengzi is a disciple of Daoling master, and the master has never mentioned anything about yuncengzi. "

Shen Lang asked again, "Miss Yunmeng, you have practiced in Fangcun mountain for many days. Do you think that Zhang Daoling and Xi Feng are abnormal?"

"This I didn't feel that master was a very straightforward person and never beat around the bush. As for Laozu Daoling, our disciples have few opportunities to meet him and do not know him well. We only know that Daoling ancestor is extremely mysterious. "

"But I've heard of the nine pole heavenly book. It's said that there are nine kinds of supernatural powers in the book of heaven and earth. I didn't expect it was Xuanyu. Maybe I'm too low-level to touch these things. "

Liu Yunmeng said frankly.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, and then asked Murong Mingyue: "Mingyue girl, how do you look at this matter?"

The reason why Shen Lang specially asked Murong Mingyue to come here was that he thought that this woman was extremely intelligent. Maybe Murong Mingyue would have different opinions.

Murong Mingyue rubbed her head and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Shen, it's really difficult for Mingyue. Before telling you the answer, Mingyue will give you a message. "

"The bright moon has a pair of magic eyes, and it is also the 34th" spirit treasure body "among the top 100 constitutions. It is born with the ability to recognize treasures and observe Qi and fortune. Mingyue only saw Daoling Laozu twice, but she was deeply impressed. When Daoling Laozu appeared twice, Mingyue's Lingbao eyes all saw the dazzling black and white light. The black and white light like the Taiji diagram occupied the whole eyes of Mingyue, and Mingyue's eyes were almost blind! "

Shen Lang was shocked and frowned: "black and white Tai Chi diagram? It seems to have something to do with Zhang Daoling's practice. I have seen this change in his body before. "

Murong Mingyue shook his head and said, "it may be due to the insufficient cultivation of the moon. I can't see why. So later, in order to prevent the damage to his eyes, the moon would never appear on the occasion that the ancestor of Daoling appeared publicly. It is concluded that the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty can reach the peak in two months. Second, the Daoling ancestor may not be a Living creatures

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