Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2467: 2468

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"Little Lord!"

Three Mahayana elders of the fallen heaven clan exclaimed.


The golden eye stone ape continued to spray out the red lotus fire, and the red flame whirlpool was like a laser gun, killing all the monks of the falling sky tribe.


The defense barrier that the combined monks of the falling sky clan put up together only resisted for a moment, which was broken by the fire of Honglian industry, and all the friars were turned into fly ash in the scream.

Under the beating of the golden eye stone ape waving the lock of heaven, the three fallen spirits could hardly fight back, and their bodies were bloody and badly injured.

No one could have expected that the five Mahayana monks, working together, would have ended up in a situation of one death and four injuries.

"Shen Lang beast, I'll kill you!"

Cold matchless from the ground to climb up, eyes red, began to burn blood essence!

I saw a layer of blood light from the whole body of the fallen corpse, and a huge wave of air rose all over the body!

This is the "falling blood" magic power of the fallen corpse, which makes the body strength, speed and attack power soar to five or six times of the original in the way of burning the life essence blood.

This magic power is similar to Titan's madness. Only the high-level ghosts and ghosts can exert this power.

Of course, after using the blood of falling into the sky, it will consume the essence of life in the body continuously, which will have a great negative impact on the physical body, and will damage the longevity of Guixiu itself.

"Die for me!"

The crazy ghost temporarily paralyzed the pain. He swung the star and moon halberd, and with all his strength, he slashed towards the golden eye stone ape fiercely.

The golden eye stone ape seems to feel the threat, pull open the lock of heaven, trying to resist the chopping of star and moon halberd.


The sharp and piercing sound came, and the star and moon halberd cleaved on the lock of heaven, splashing out the dazzling light.

The power of the fallen ghost is really terrible! The golden eye stone ape was shaken back a few steps, his arms were numb.

"Fall into the sky, corpse fire!"

In the mouth of the fallen corpse and ghost, green flame whirlpool is ejected. The space is twisted and vibrated, containing the ultimate destructive power!

"Red lotus industry fire!"

Shen Lang was not willing to be outdone. The golden eye stone ape opened his mouth and spewed out the fire of red lotus industry and hit the green fire column.


The explosion sounds like thunder.

In the mouth of the fallen corpse ghost, the ferocious fury is emitted, and the power of the falling sky corpse fire is strengthened, and the red lotus industry fire is suppressed!

"Damn it!"

Shen Lang had a bad secret in his heart. He immediately sacrificed the nine swords of the sky stars and displayed the nine you sword array.

"Whew, whew!"

The sword shadow in the sky matches the fire of Honglian industry, which suppresses the corpse fire.

Seeing the surging waves of red lotus industry fire and colorful sword shadow, lengwushuang didn't dare to pick it up this time, so he quickly opened Hunyuan Holy Shield.


A burst of earth shattering sound sounded, and the fallen ghost retreated tens of thousands of meters. The golden light curtain opened by Hunyuan Holy Shield was defeated, and a crack appeared on the surface of the shield!

The attack of Shen Lang finally made a scar on the hard shield.

Leng Wushuang did not get hurt. I never thought that after he became crazy, he could be suppressed by this boy!

Now they can't retreat. No matter how much they pay, they will kill the beast Shen Lang! Otherwise, this animal will certainly threaten the rise and fall of the fallen heaven clan in the future.

"What are you three fools waiting for! If you fight like this, there is only one way to die. All of you can use your blood to kill this boy Cold matchless toward three just take a breath to fall to the sky the fierce ghost to drink the sound.


The three ghosts also knew the advantages and disadvantages, and immediately launched their blood.

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The fierce bloody air waves were all around the three fallen ghosts, and their breath soared.

"Kill me!"

The fallen ghost waved the star and moon halberd again and rushed towards the golden eye stone ape.

At the same time, three crazy devils also launched a fierce attack.

The golden eye stone ape crazily waved the lock of heaven, but this time it was difficult to hurt the four fierce ghosts.

Seeing that the lock of heaven was invalid, Shen Lang had to take it back. In fact, the original ability of tianzhilock is very strong, but due to Shen Lang's cultivation and the space restriction in this Kyushu secret place, it can't exert its original ability.

The golden eye stone ape relies on the close combat, and the nine you sword array, and four crazy fierce ghosts fight together.

Unfortunately, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and the stone ape with golden eyes can't defeat these fierce ghosts.

Shen Lang's transformation into a golden eye stone ape is unable to use the wearable Hunyuan magic weapon and Hunyuan Yiqi because of blood conflict.

In an instant, the golden eye stone ape appeared to be in decline, and the body was attacked in many ways with numerous scars.

"Die! Die! Die

Extremely crazy cold incomparable, waving the star and moon halberd, slashing at the golden eye stone ape.The golden eye stone ape tries to dodge and uses the Jiuyou sword array to resist.


Leng matchless caught a chance, the halberd in his hand stabbed into the belly of the golden eye stone ape like lightning.


The golden eye stone ape spurts a big mouthful of blood, and its abdomen is penetrated by the star and moon halberd in the hands of Leng Wushuang.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When the ghost saw the wave, he laughed wildly. He pulled out the star and moon halberd which was inserted into the heart of the golden eye stone ape.

A lot of blood gushed out from the great ape, and there was a river of blood on the ground.

"You're crazy, little beast? There is a kind of continuing Mania

The ghost grinned grimly and kicked the golden eye stone ape out as if playing football.

"Dong" a dull sound, golden eye stone ape's huge body impartial, just hit the distant fire Liangyi mountain Flame Mountain.

The great ape opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood. He fell at the foot of the mountain, trembling all over, and making a low and weak roar from his mouth.

The fire light from Huoyanshan attacked Shen Lang's whole body, which was protected by the fire of honglianye. The fire light of Huoyanshan did not cause too much damage to Shen Lang.

"Less trunk is better!"

"The little Lord is really magical!"

"Little Lord, kill this boy!"

After seeing Shen Lang's two cold moves, he is half dead. The three elders of the falling sky clan are excited to shout.

"Hum, look at me, the little master has killed the little beast now!"

Leng matchless uttered a fierce laugh. He raised the star and moon halberd and rushed towards the golden eyed stone ape at the foot of the mountain like a wild animal, ready to insert the giant halberd into the giant ape's chest.

At such a critical juncture, Shen Lang's correct approach is to take advantage of his own strength to escape into the altar and seek the protection of the child statue.

But he is not willing to retreat!


The giant ape's eyes were about to crack, and the blood began to boil, and the bones and meridians clanged. It seemed that there was an endless stream of power from the four limbs of the body!

In the adversity, the golden eye stone ape's combat power was inspired!

Shen Lang completely free, giant ape open arms, embrace the flame mountain, the divine power release to the extreme!

A startling scene appeared, the towering Flame Mountain was actually moved by the golden eye stone ape.


The golden eye stone ape's mouth issued a crazy roar, exhausted all his strength, threw the whole flame mountain out, and severely smashed to the oncoming corpse ghost!

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