Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2478: 2479

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"What is that?"

The sudden scene attracted the eyes of all Mahayana monks.

I saw that the two glittering things from far to near, point by point of magnification, turned out to be a red and white two giant mountains!

Like lightning, the ice fire Liangyi mountain flew out of the twisted black hole, releasing the fire light and cold light of the sun, and smashed a group of Mahayana monks blocking the exit of Kyushu secret place.

The Mahayana monk outside the exit of the secret place saw this, and immediately opened the defense barrier, trying to resist the impact of the two huge mountains.


The earth shaking sound came.

The ice fire Liangyi mountain broke through the defense barrier set up by several Mahayana monks, and several Mahayana monks were shaken out on the spot.

There was even a friar of the wind ghost family in the early days of Mahayana. He was devoured by the fierce fire and cold light, and his body was directly blasted into powder!

The ice fire Liangyi mountain broke a hole at the exit of Kyushu secret place, flying towards the distant horizon like a meteorite.

I saw a figure standing on the cold iceberg. It was Shen Lang!

"It's Shen Lang scum. Stop him for me!" The ghost emperor's eyes were about to crack and he burst into a rage.

A group of Mahayana monks of the falling sky race quickly chase after the ice fire Liangyi mountain.

"Chase me!"

The evil wind ghost emperor's face was ferocious, and he also ordered all the Mahayana of the wind ghost family.

A total of more than 100 Mahayana monks were chasing away at the same time.

The fallen ghost emperor and the evil wind ghost Emperor didn't do it in person. Maybe they disdained Shen Lang's cultivation. It's really humiliating to chase a suitable monk in their capacity.

However, with so many monks in Mahayana period, Shen Lang could never escape.

Binghuo Liangyi mountain flies like a magnet. Standing on the cold iceberg, Shen Lang knows that he will be overtaken. He spurts a large mouthful of blood essence from his mouth. His hands immediately bear a strange Dharma seal, and he drinks: "Xuantian moving Dafa!"

"Want to run? There are no doors! "

The ghost emperor's eyes shrank. With his eyesight, he could see that Shen Lang was performing some kind of excellent spatial transmission.

"Dimensional blockade!"

The ghost emperor roared fiercely, and his body suddenly gushed black light, which spread in all directions like lightning.

Almost instantaneously, the area of tens of thousands of miles is covered by dense twisted black light.

Shen Lang, who is using Xuantian's moving method, suddenly finds that he can't break through the space!


Shen Lang's face changed greatly. He was in the area covered by black light, so he couldn't use space teleportation at all! The whole area seems to have been sealed off by the fallen ghost emperor.

This supernatural power originated from the Xuanyu fur that the emperor of the falling sky and ghost understood from the ancient volume of the heavenly book. It was called "dimensional blockade". It could block the space transmission within a certain range and prevent the monks from trying to escape by using the space transmission technique.

Dimensional blockade is one of the magical powers that Mahayana monks who master the supernatural powers can exert, which can change the space environment within a certain range.

Both Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue greatly underestimated the strength of the fallen ghost emperor. Shen Lang, who thought he could escape with the help of space teleportation, hoped to be completely defeated.

"Deep waves!"

Not far from Kyushu's secret land, fu'er looks at this scene and her pretty face turns pale.

She didn't expect that Shen Lang would cause such a disaster.

In the face of so many Mahayana friars' pursuit, don't mention her. Lian Meiling family is unable to help.


Peach demon son also shakes his head and sighs. It is a pity that Shen Lang should have a promising future, but he provoked such disasters.

As expected, it proved that the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it.

"Grab the live one, take off the boy's legs!"

At the command of the fallen sky Ghost emperor, the Mahayana friars of the falling sky clan have stopped Shen Lang, and a group of Mahayana monks attack the ice fire Liangyi mountain.

"Boom, boom!"

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A burst of earth shaking explosion came. Under the attack of a large number of Mahayana monks, the surface of the ice fire Liangyi mountain was splashed with piercing light, and it was shot far away.

The attacks launched by many Mahayana monks changed the world and made the world astonishing.

Fortunately, what they attacked was the ice fire Liangyi mountain. If it fell on Shen Lang, Shen Lang's body would be dead!

Shen Lang tried his best to keep Hunyuan from being affected by the explosion.

A gold robed elder of the fallen heaven clan took the lead in catching up with the falling ice and fire Liangyi mountain, and offered two silver shuttles without expression.

"Whew! Whew

Silver shuttle cuts through the space, carrying unimaginable power, and shoots towards the deep waves.

"Jiuyou sword array!"

Shen Lang's face is ferocious, and he brings the nine you sword array to the extreme!

The nine swords of Tianxing smashed the surrounding space into a sword shadow space as bright as stars, and swept away to the two silver shuttles."Eh?"

The gold robed elder uttered a voice of astonishment, and said coldly, "hum, it's not easy to release such an attack. However, it is ignorant to dare to show off your magic power in front of me

As soon as the voice dropped, an unimaginable scene appeared.


The sword shadow space hit the silver shuttle, just like an egg hitting a stone.

Suddenly, two silver shuttles burst out!

Shen Lang's face became extremely ugly. The Jiuyou sword array that he exerted with all his strength was not resisted for a moment, but was broken by the other party's two silver shuttles.

The gap of strength is too big!

The gold robe Dachang of the Daotian clan is always a later monk of Mahayana, which is different from Shen Lang by more than one realm.

"Whew! Whew

The two silver shuttles pierced Shen Lang's legs accurately.

"Pooh! Pooh Two muffled sound, Shen Lang's legs directly broke into a blood mist!


Seeing his broken legs, Shen Lang's eyes were wide open, and his mouth made a terrible cry.

The gold robed elder sneered bitterly: "boy, do you understand the difference of strength? Some people, you can't kill! "

With that, the elder jinpao is ready to fly to the cold iceberg and capture Shen Lang alive.

"No I'm not reconciled to it! "

Shen Lang's eyes are about to crack, and his eyes reveal extreme unwillingness!

If you are captured alive, you may be doomed to death!

For the first time, Shen Lang felt that death was so close to him.

He just promised Su ruoshue that he would survive.

No, he doesn't want to die!

Shen Lang's eyes burst out, thinking rapidly in his brain. What else can he do to save his life?

Even if there is a ray of life!

All of a sudden, Shen Lang thought of the holy worm Tower! And the sacrifice mantra.

"Holy worm tower, now!"

Shen Lang's eyes were bloodshot, and the golden beetle pattern on the back of his hand rose, and the golden pagoda was sacrificed by him.


The extremely crazy Shen Lang opened his mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence towards the holy insect pagoda. His hands made a Dharma seal, and his mouth gave out a hoarse howl: "take the blood essence as the guide, sacrifice the living creatures in the tower, please come to the world of ancestors!"

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