Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2534: 2535

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"Well, since your father and daughter are reunited, it's none of my business. I'm leaving."

Shen Lang shrugged and was ready to leave.

"Hold on!"

The black prison angrily reprimanded and said, "you bastard, it's you again! What have you done to my daughter? "

Heixueji hastily explained: "father, don't get me wrong. Shen Lang didn't do anything. He saved his daughter's life."

"Did the boy do something rude to you?" Asked the black prison.

Heixueji blushed and said shyly, "father, what are you talking about! Shen Lang is not what his father imagined... "

"Xueji, you didn't hate this boy to the bone before. How can you speak for him? This man may be the running dog of the Dragon Emperor. Don't be bewitched by him! "

"Running dog? Ha ha, don't make a mistake. The Dragon Emperor is my enemy, and he never dies! Black prison, I can kill you with my fingers now. You'd better not mess with me. "

Shen Lang glanced back at the black prison. His face was overcast and cold.

The black prison saw Shen Lang's skill just now. Although he didn't know why the boy could use his magic power, he didn't doubt that Shen Lang had the ability to kill him.

The black prison stood in front of heixueji, her eyes fixed on Shen Lang, her face cloudy and clear, and said, "why do you want to save my daughter? What's the purpose?"

"Your daughter told me the way to leave tongtianmo river before, so I saved her. It was just a trading relationship. Besides, I have no interest in your daughter, so she can stop pestering me in the future Shen Lang said impatiently.

"Do you hate me so much?" Heixueji puffed up her small mouth, which seemed to be a bit hit.

"Ha ha, I rewarded you with good deeds and killed the black spirits for you, but you black demons didn't give me any benefits. If I don't bother you, I'll be fine. " Shen Lang said without being angry.

"You killed the black soul?" he said

Heixueji explained: "it was Shen Lang who killed the black soul. Now Siyou Guqin is there."

Seeing the long jade box on Shen Lang's back, the black prison understood everything. After silence for a while, he sighed and said, "Shen Daoyou, you saved my daughter and avenged my black demon family. I should be grateful for you. Let's write off the old grudges? Just now you said that you and the Dragon Emperor have endless hatred. If you have a chance, I will help you deal with the Dragon Emperor. "

As soon as Shen Lang's eyebrows were lifted, the black prison was not unreasonable, so it was good. He didn't expect the black prison to help him deal with the Dragon Emperor, as long as this guy didn't come to trouble himself.

"Whatever you think, I don't want to have any involvement with you black demons. Goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, the deep wave turned into a streamer and drifted away.

Looking at the figure of Shen Lang disappearing in the sky, heixueji suddenly has a kind of sudden feeling of loss. It may be that Shen Lang brought her a strong sense of security. Now that Shen Lang is gone, this sense of security suddenly disappears.

"Shirky, tell me all that happened before." Black prison frowned.


Heixueji sighed and told the whole story to the black prison.

After a long time, the black prison sighed: "this man is a man of temperament, but he has done some rude things to you Oh, Xueji, don't be enemies with this man again. You can forget what he did to you before. "

"It's OK. Xueji doesn't blame him any more." Heixueji shook her head and bit her teeth.

"Xueji, you look so dejected that you are not interested in that boy?" The black prison was suspicious.

Black Snow Ji flushed with shame and annoyed: "how possible, father, don't you talk nonsense, how can I be that kind of cold and boring guy interesting?"

The black prison is a little depressed. Seeing his daughter show this kind of expression, he is really inseparable.

Just when he wanted to remind Hei Xueji.


There was a loud noise all over the world, and the distant Zhongshan Mountain seemed to explode. The gray light covered everything. The space was shaking unsteadily, and the dazzling gray light wanted to break through the sky.

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At the top of Zhongshan Mountain, the gray light surged out. Many monks near the foot of Zhongshan Mountain were stunned by the sudden gray light!

The earth roared, and the ground at the foot of Zhongshan Mountain cracked and crumbled, and the monks at the foot of the mountain screamed and roared and became a mess.

"Why What's going on? "

Seeing this sudden scene, Hei Xueji turned pale and thought that there was going to be some natural disaster.

Fortunately, they were far away from Zhongshan and were not affected.

"Zhongshan's prohibition seems to have begun to collapse. I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing..." The black prison was staring at the bright and dark Zhongshan in the distance, and his face was coagulated.

Who knows, his voice just dropped.


The black light of Zhongshan Mountain rushes directly into the sky, and a huge gap is bombarded in the sky, and the gap is constantly spreading.The power of the law of the whole body magic river began to collapse!

On the gray sky, there are a lot of dark clouds!

The dark cloud surges and spreads like a whirlpool, covering hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant. In the dark clouds are surging with startling golden arc thunder, like golden dragons rolling endlessly.


The golden thunder and lightning in the dark cloud carries the power of nine sky thunder, which is extremely frightening!

"Father, what is that?"

Heixueji looks at the golden thunder surging in the sky, and her beautiful eyes show a trace of fear.

"Am I right? That's du'erjinlei who was robbed in 1999! Are there monks who break through Mahayana on Zhongshan Mountain? " The black prison has an incredible look.

As a later monk of Mahayana, the black prison of course can see that at the moment, the sky is filled with hijacking clouds. The golden thunder like a dragon in the hijacking cloud is just like du'erjinlei in the ninth robbery!

In this situation, it is clear that there is someone on the Zhongshan Mountain to attack the thunder caused by Mahayana!


Heixueji is also confused. How can a monk impact Mahayana on Zhongshan?


Shen Lang also saw the wonders of Zhongshan Mountain in his flight and was greatly surprised.

Just as all the friars marveled at the strange omen, a strong black storm swept out from the top of Zhongshan Mountain, flying the monks around the foot of the mountain thousands of miles away.


Around Zhongshan, there were howls everywhere. All the monks had little resistance and were swept away by the black wind.

At the foot of Zhongshan Mountain, it was cleaned up instantly, and there was no shadow of any living things.

"If you dare to approach Zhongshan again, you will be killed!"

From the top of Zhongshan Mountain, a cold and piercing sound, such as thunder, spread all over the river.

The black wind swept all around, and at the same time it came towards the deep waves.

Shen Lang's heart is big Lin, hastily crushed a piece of defense type top-grade spirit talisman named "the Ming King mantra of immobility".

A brilliant colorful Buddha light enveloped his body. The Buddha light was like a wall of iron, which resisted the erosion of the black wind!

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