Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2617: 2618

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"It's not your fault!"

Shen Lang's face was very gloomy, and his heart was filled with anger.

Meier's voice choked and continued: "over the years, I have been sending people to inquire about fei'er. This time, I overheard the disciples who came back from abroad to say that they had seen fei'er in the Tianyin mountain in the God burial desert. I'll sneak out of the Tianfeng clan and search for fei'er's whereabouts by myself. You know all about it. "

Shen Lang took a breath: "fortunately, you are all OK. The empress Feng knew that you were leaving at the time of Nirvana, and did not send anyone out to search for your whereabouts. It seems that she really has great malice towards you. Feng clan is not a good place. Meier, it's better to throw away this burden than to engage in intrigue here. "

Meier shook her head and said, "it's not that you can leave it if you lose it. I have promised my ancestors to become the inheritor of Tianfeng clan. Besides, she has never been born, and I can't find her now. "

Shen Lang sighed slightly.

"Well, it's just a little angry. At least Phil is safe. Don't talk about it, Shen Lang, tell me how you got out of trouble? " Meier couldn't help asking.

Before that white haze so strong, Meier can't imagine how Shen Lang escaped.

Shen Lang briefly describes his own experience and tells Meier the news of Haotian Baojian.

Mei'er was stunned when she heard her pretty face. She felt a little inconceivable. But she also knew that the man in front of her had a magic power that could make things incredible.

"Hao Tian Bao Jian? It was born. "

When Shen Lang mentions that Zhenling, the superior of the four families in the Shura forest, is fighting for Haotian Baojian, Meier can't help but exclaim.

"Meier, do you know the treasure of Haotian?" Shen Lang asked.

Mei'er nodded slightly: "it's just a little bit heard. It is said that this Haotian treasure is the secret to open up the place where gods are buried in the desert. "

"What is the land of the sky?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Meier tells Shen Lang some information about the place of Tianqiu and explains the function of Haotian Baojian.

Shen Lang was so shocked that he didn't expect such a strange place to be buried in the desert.

Bai Lan must know the secret of Haotian's treasure book. No wonder she would take such a big risk to snatch the treasure from the four superior Zhenling.

"Shen Lang, you said that Bai Lan's star soul skill to you is not a problem?" Meier frowned and asked.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "it's not good. Because I had a meeting with the goddess of the river Styx. Bai Lan thought I was protected by the goddess, so she didn't kill me. Now the star soul has not been solved, I also have a lot of risks. If Bai Lan is killed, I will also suffer from the attack of star soul technique and die with me

"This It's a tricky business. "

Meier's eyebrows wrinkled tightly. She thought for a while, and her face was coagulated and said: "Shen Lang, the star soul skill is not that it can't be solved by external force. There is a race in the ancient spirit world that may be able to solve the star soul skill."

As soon as Shen Lang's eyes lit up, he quickly asked, "what race?"

"It's the Tianhu people in the ancient woods! The "nine yuan Xuanguang" of the Zhenling of the Tianhu clan can break the ban of ten thousand dharmas, and may be able to solve the star soul technique. In addition, I want to tell you a message. Xiaorou is in the Tianhu clan. She should be able to help you a lot. "

Meier is not anxious to say.

"What do you mean, xiaorou is in the Tianhu clan now?" Shen Lang said in surprise.

"Yes. That girl is very gifted and has the qualification of blood evolution just like me. Just 200 years ago, xiaorou has evolved into a Nine Tailed Tianhu, and now it is provided by the Tianhu people as a treasure. "

"It's a pity that xiaorou is protected too tightly by the Tianhu people. I've only seen her once for so many years. But that girl's situation is quite good, don't worry about me. "

Meier sighs slightly, and her eyes show a trace of concern.

Listening to Meier's saying, Shen Lang is very excited. Over the years, he also misses xiaorou. Knowing that xiaorou is in such a situation, Shen Lang is very comfortable.

Jiuwei Tianhu is the top true spirit, and its strength is incomparable. Xiao Rou can have this talent, Shen Lang inexplicably happy.

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"Shen Lang, the Tianfeng clan is not a good place. You can take fei'er away now and go to Tianhu clan to avoid it. The clan rules there are relatively loose. As long as you are covered by xiaorou, the four big families in Shura forest dare not take any actions against you. If xiaorou knew you were here I should be very happy. By the way, you can also ask her how to solve the problem of starspirit. "


Shen Lang nodded.

"Shen Lang, promise me to cure fei'er and take care of her." Meier Phoenix eyes stare at Shen Lang.

"I will."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Just promise. I know you are not the kind of ungrateful person. You go, we Good bye. " Meier bit her teeth and whispered.

"Take care

Shen Lang gets up and embraces Meier and then leaves the bedroom.Looking at the empty bedroom, Meier's heart is empty.

She squatted on the soft couch, curled up, and felt the indescribable loneliness and chill.

Although the time spent alone with Shen Lang is very short, Meier has a kind of unforgettable feeling. My heart, even so reluctant to let that man leave.

Maybe it is the annoying place of Tianfeng nationality that makes her feel deeply lonely.

Shen Lang is the only one she trusts and can confide without reservation. Getting along with Shen Lang, Meier feels like meeting a confidant.

She was born haughty, and never had a good face to any man, except shenlang. Although some don't want to admit it, Meier feels that she cares too much about Shen Lang, and even has a feeling of admiration.

"Fei'er, although you have a hard life, there is one thing that my sister envies..."

Meier looks gloomy, subconsciously touched his flat abdomen, feeling the man's residual temperature.


Shen Lang walks out of Meier's bedroom. She is in a rather complicated mood. She hopes Meier will be all right.

There should be a chance for the two to meet again.

"Daoyou, is the treatment over?"

"Daoyou, how is Princess Meier injured?"

Outside the palace, two elders saw Shen Lang come out and couldn't help asking.

The attitude of the two is much better than before, probably because of Shen Lang's excellent strength and charming friend's sake.

Shen Lang was too lazy to answer their questions and said indifferently, "the princess needs a rest. You must not let any friars come and disturb her."

"Good OK

Two elders agreed.

Shen Lang did not linger and rose into the air.

Previously, Meier told Shen Lang the address of lefei'er. It was in a bamboo forest in the south of Qishan mountain. The environment was secluded and secluded.

Lefey's mental state is not very stable. She plays the piano every day. Meier sends some maids to take care of her daily life, which is barely settled down.

Shen Lang flies towards the bamboo forest in the south of Qishan.

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