Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2658: 2659

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After a while, two patrol friars of the Tianhu nationality, who guard the border, came up. The two patrolling demon monks were handsome and evil, and both had accomplishments in the middle period of practicing deficiency.

It seems that the demon Xiu of the Tianhu people are all beautiful men and women.

"May I ask why this elder of Feng nationality came to our Tianhu people?" The two patrolling demons had a strong breath of Shen Lang, and they were the top masters of the combination. Naturally, they did not dare to neglect them and said respectfully.

Shen Lang takes out the alliance order, and the golden token emits a golden light to disperse the white fog around, revealing a forest land full of green grass and flowers.

"Alliance order!"

Two patrolling demons of the Tianhu clan were shocked.

It is said that the alliance order of the Tianfeng nationality has the ability to lift the traffic ban in most areas of the Tianhu nationality. This golden token can unlock the magic array at the border of the Tianhu nationality. It can only be an alliance order.

"Can I ask if this token can identify you?" Shen Lang asked.

"Of course, I've met the Feng family's holy envoy!"

"We hope the holy envoy will not blame us for our neglect."

Two demon Xius of the Tianhu clan were surprised and bowed down in a hurry.

Those who hold the alliance order are all the sacred envoys sent by the Tianfeng nationality. They are responsible for connecting with the top level of the Tianhu people and participating in important meetings and activities.

The emissary is a very important guest, even the patriarch can not neglect it.

"You're welcome. I'm here to see Princess xiaorou of the aristocracy. Please show me the way." Shen Lang said straight to the point.

"This Princess xiaorou has a special status. If the saint wants to visit, she needs to report to her superior. " One of them is a demon of Tianhu nationality.

Shen Lang nodded: "well, you should report it as soon as I can see Princess xiaorou."

"Come with me, my Lord."

Two patrolling friars of the Tianhu nationality led Shen Langfei into the sentry tower on the border of the Tianhu nationality, and they were transmitted to a square in the central area of the Tianhu nationality through the transmission array in the tower.

The two patrolling friars retired and reported Shen Lang's visit to Princess xiaorou to the elder of the Deacon hall. The elder personally came to the square and repeatedly asked about Shen Lang's purpose.

After talking with each other for a long time, the elder believed that Shen Lang was the sworn brother of Fengyang ancestor of Tianfeng family. Only then did he let him see xiaorou and warned Shen Lang not to disclose xiaorou's residence.

The process is so complicated that we can see how tight xiaorou is protected by the Tianhu people.

From that elder's mouth, Shen Lang also almost knew xiaorou's recent situation.

More than 200 years ago, xiaorou evolved into a Nine Tailed sky fox. Since then, she has been trained by the Tianhu ethnic group, and her movement has been restricted. She has been blocked in an area, and she has cut off all contact with the outside world.

The great elder of the Tianhu nationality personally guides xiaorou's practice until her body matures.

Please pay attention to Xiagong Zhong, which is called "Huayou mountain moon", which has wonderful push and spoiler. I remember it's the four words "Huayou mountain moon". Don't get lost.


There is a valley named "Jinghua Valley" in the north of the Tianhu nationality.

The whole valley is shrouded in a layer of mysterious space prohibition. The space in the valley seems to be sealed by some kind of force. The outside monks can't enter it at all, just like a hidden independent space.

The peach Valley is like the seal of the world.

Jinghua Valley covers an area of thousands of miles. The valley is full of spiritual flowers. The scenery is beautiful and pleasant. The breeze blows and emits a strong fragrance.

In the middle of the valley stands a white jade square, which is surrounded by a sea of flowers, with a beautiful environment.

At the moment, in the middle of the square, there are two monks, one male and one female. In front of them, there is an old man with crane hair and childish face.

The white haired girl is xiaorou.

More than a thousand years later, xiaorou's appearance has not changed much, but her temperament has changed dramatically, and her cultivation has reached the middle stage of Mahayana.

Xiaorou is wearing a pink skirt, with willow eyebrows, star eyes, small mouth and Qiong nose. Her facial features are like elaborately carved, which makes her beautiful and irresistible. Long white hair like a cloud scattered to the slender waist, crisp, chest high, the buttocks very warped, a pair of snow-white legs long and attractive, like ripe peaches, mouth watering.

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Although the body is more mature and charming, but xiaorou's temperament is more elegant. She pursed her small mouth, her beautiful face mixed with a trace of cold.

"Bai hang, Xiao rou. I have taught you how to control Jiuyuan Xuanguang before. Let me see if your strength has improved recently. " The old man said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master."

The young man hugged her and whispered.

The handsome young man named Bai Hang is xiaorou's elder martial brother. In the later period of Mahayana, his cultivation was one level higher than xiaorou. His essence was the superior Zhenling Jiuyou Tianhu.

"Xiaorou, you come first. You release Jiuyuan Xuanguang to create Xuanyu and attack me." The old man sat on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Master, take the call!"

Xiaorou immediately emerged behind the nine white tail, tail released a large amount of white silk, light silk condensed into countless white awn needle.Numerous sharp needles crushed the space, and the disorderly white needles collided in the space, forming a huge white storm around xiaorou.


Xiaoroujiao drinks, the white storm is like a tornado, attacking the old man sitting in front! In the wind outlet, there are millions of white awn needles pounding endlessly, transmitting the terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth.

Seeing the white storm coming, the old man pushed out his right palm in no hurry, and made a faint light in his palm. The faint light was like a rotating star, which resisted the storm and the white Awn Needle in the storm.

"It's just so. It's a little bit better."

The old man was very satisfied with what he said.

Only two hundred years ago, this little girl has been able to master this "Xuan Guang domain" in a certain way. Her talent is amazing.

Xiaorou keeps releasing Jiuyuan Xuanguang, and her face turns red. She doesn't stop until the old man calls to stop. She gasps again and again.

"Xiaorou, you're not familiar with the supernatural power. You're too slow to release. There's still a lot of room for improvement. You should be more serious in your daily practice." The old man said sternly.


Xiaorou puffed up her mouth and said sadly, "well, it's so hard to learn. I don't know it's going to take a long time to leave this boring place."

"Younger martial sister xiaorou, you are already very good. It is unprecedented that Xuanguang domain can be mastered to such a level in such a short period of time

Bai hang stepped forward and complimented.

"Elder martial brother, don't praise me. People are upset." Xiaorou sighs.

"Younger martial sister xiaorou, I'll take a walk with you after the training is over." Bai hang stepped forward and said affectionately.

Xiaorou subconsciously stepped back and said, "elder martial brother, take a walk by yourself. Xiaorou has no idea."

Seeing xiaorou's refusal, Bai hang had to give up.

Since xiaorou evolved into a Nine Tailed Tianhu and was accepted as an apprentice by the elder master, Bai hang has been obsessed with this lovely little sister.

He has always fantasized that he can soak up xiaorou and let her fall in love with herself. I even dreamed that one day, I could build a double cultivation with my younger martial sister.

Xiaorou is the top nine tailed heavenly fox with the highest true spirit. Bai hang can get great benefits if she can double cultivate with the top true spirit.

Unfortunately, no matter what way baihang uses to seduce her, xiaorou has always kept a distance from him. She can look at him from a distance instead of playing with him, which makes Bai Hang's heart itchy.

"Bai hang, it's your turn." The old man interrupted Bai Hang's YY.

"Yes, master."

Bai hang tiger body a shock, head up and chest forward, ready to make a good performance in front of xiaorou.

Just then.

All of a sudden, a message came from the outside world.

"To the elder of Yunfeng, the saint envoy of Tianfeng family wants to see Princess xiaorou!"

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