Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2671: 2672

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When Huo Qilin heard this, he immediately got angry and said in a deep voice: "don't you think we can give people the scales of huoqilin at will? Our true spirits of the Kirin family are connected with their own blood essence. Pulling out a scale is equivalent to losing some blood essence. "

"You don't have to be so serious. You don't have 5000 scales on your body, but there are 3000 scales on your body. I only need ten. Isn't that too much? As long as you promise me this request, I will immediately untie the Buddhist prohibition for you. " Shen Lang bewitched the way.

Huo Qilin's face was cloudy and clear. He gritted his teeth and said, "it's not that the king can't promise you this condition, but you'd better prove that you have the ability to break the Buddhist prohibition. Otherwise, the king will give you scales and you will not break the prohibition. What should we do

"This is easy."

Shen Lang smile, he patted his spirit beast bag: "xiaorou, come out."

As soon as the voice falls, xiaorou flies out of the animal bag and becomes the body of the Nine Tailed Tianhu.

The giant white fox is ten thousand meters long, with no trace of mottled color. It emits gorgeous white light. The tail of nine foxes flutters like silk, and its ruby like pupil emits a thrilling light. It is holy and elegant with beautiful posture.

The white fox roars up to the sky, releasing a huge spiritual pressure and deterrence.

"Top Top real spirit, Nine Tailed sky fox

Huo Qilin was scared to the extreme.

Although the Nine Tailed white foxes only had the cultivation in the middle of Mahayana, they gave him a suffocating sense of authority, as if they were suppressed by blood!

He won't admit it wrong. It's really the top nine tailed heavenly fox!

"Don't panic. This Nine Tailed sky fox is my son's spirit animal. Jiuyuan Xuanguang Taoist friend of Jiuwei Tianhu should have heard of it? This light is the first magic power to break the ban in the three realms. Just then the Buddhist wall outside was broken by my spirit beast. " Shen Lang said calmly.

Huo Qilin is shocked and speechless. He is very sure that Shen Lang must have hidden his cultivation. Otherwise, a mere human monk of the right period would never have conquered the spirit beast Jiuwei Tianhu.

Even the strong at the top of the Terran don't have this ability?

"Tao Daoyou has a lot of supernatural powers. I admire Jiuwei Tianhu, a top-level spirit Huo Qilin looks excited.

Indeed, all around the altar was sealed by the original Puyuan Zun with the "dassumi three-phase transformation immortal array", which is difficult for ordinary Mahayana peak monks to break through.

The other side can break the array, must rely on the power of nine yuan Xuan light. If it's Jiuyuan Xuanguang, it's more than enough to break the seal array of Buddha's fire heart lamp and the ban on his own side.

"In this case, Daoyou, please give me ten scales as soon as possible." Shen Lang said impatiently, and called Xiao Rou to fly back to the spirit beast bag.

"Well, please keep your promise

Huo Qilin waved his huge claws all over his face and tore apart ten scales on his body. The scales peeled off from his body with blood.

Each scale is at least as big as the mouth of a bucket. The surface of the fallen scales burns a dense fire red flame, which is extremely bright and dazzling. It is Nanming Lihuo.

After the scales fall off from the body surface, the surface of the scales can burn for at least ten years.

Ten scales are enough for the amount of fire in Nanming.

The power of Lihuo in Nanming is very high, so it is difficult to store the scales of huoqilin in in ordinary containers.

Shen Lang simply offered a sacrifice to Juyan tripod and directly threw ten scales of huoqilin into the tripod.

"Well, now my scales have been given to you. Please let your spirit beast untie the Buddhist prohibition!" Fire Qilin's copper bell like eyes stare at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took back Juyan Ding and said with a sneer, "I think it's good for you to stay here. You can save yourself from harming others."

Huo Qilin was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out and said, "what do you mean?"

Shen Lang said with a smile: "it doesn't mean much. What I mean is that you, the old man, still stay here and die. You don't want to go anywhere!"

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He said that to help Huo Qilin untie the ban was to deceive the other party. Anyway, my goal has been achieved. It's time to slip away.

Huo Qilin's asthma was about to break out, and he realized that he had been cheated. He shivered and roared angrily, "you bastard of Terran, dare you cheat me?"

"Goodbye, Daoyou. I wish you a safe life."

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about Huo Qilin. He flew into the gap in the Buddhist wall that came in before.

"Ah!!! Dog scum, even if I die, I won't let you leave alive! "

Huo Qilin's brain is about to explode. He is angry and spits a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

"Dimensional blockade!"

Huoqilin opens his mouth and spurts out a pillar of red gold fire.

In a short time, the whole area of hundreds of thousands of miles in the hinterland of Wushan mountain was covered by dense twisted fire, and the space passage had been locked up.

Then, Huo Qilin bursts out a dazzling golden light all over his body, trying to blow himself up.In any case, his longevity is less than tens of thousands of years. He simply gives out this evil spirit and dies with Shen Lang.

As soon as Shen Lang left the altar, he noticed something was wrong.

"No, childe, that fire Qilin wants to blow himself up!" Xiao Rou exclaimed.

"Damn it!"

Shen Lang's face is as black as the bottom of a pot. He didn't expect that the other side would come to this kind of vicious move. This pit father is in trouble.

Space has been locked by dimensional blockade, unable to use teleport to leave.

Huo Qilin wants to die with himself!

"No, he must be stopped!"

Shen Lang's face was extremely gloomy.

Even if he can resist the self explosion of Huo Qilin, once Huo Qilin dies, the seal array will stop working without the energy support provided by Huo Qilin. At that time, the evil spirit sealed in Wushan will break out of the array at the first time and will surely kill himself!

However, Shen Lang broke into the gap again.

Huo Qilin has already started to burn the spirit and essence of his life. He can see that the fire light surging all over his body is more and more intense, and the dazzling fire light covers everything around him.

"Childe, if you want to stop this Fire Kirin from exploding, you can only use the spirit attack to make him mentally disordered!"

Xiaorou immediately flew out of the beast bag, and nine snow-white tails appeared.

"Xuanguangyu, go!"

Xiaorou's tail releases a large amount of white silk. The light silk condenses into countless white awn needles to crush the space. It turns into a giant white tornado, and it's heading for the Fire Kirin, which is about to explode!

Different from Jiuyou Tianhu, Jiuwei Tianhu's Jiuyuan Xuanguang can also attack spirits. Xiaorou's Xuanguang domain is a double attack of physical spirits, which is a higher level than baihang.

"Five colors of magic light!"

"The lock of heaven!"

Shen Lang opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of five color illusory light, sweeping towards the burning unicorn, and offered a sacrifice to heaven's lock, trying to restrain the body of Fire Kirin.

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