Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2759: 2762

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Seeing the gold robed clan leader and a group of dragon spider clan elders fleeing the array, Shen Lang does not move. He can guess the other party's next move.

As things have come to this point, these dragon spider friars will certainly not leave obediently and will probably pour out their nests to deal with themselves.

Shen Lang did not dare to neglect, and immediately let the nine nine color bone rings on his hand appear.

The patriarch of the Dragon spider clan guessed one thing correctly. In order to maintain the state of three flowers gathering together, Shen Lang had consumed all his spiritual power, and even the body of five elements could not make up for Shen Lang's lack of spiritual power.

According to Shen Lang's current control of the glazed heart lamp, as long as he has spiritual power in his body and the 3000 glass lamps are not damaged, in theory, the state of three flowers gathering on the top can be maintained for more than ten minutes.

But for a long time to maintain the state of three flowers gathering on the top, will greatly consume glass sky fire. Once the glass lamp fire can not continue to produce glass sky fire, Shen Lang's three flowers gathering on the top state will be removed. And the glass heart lamp needs to warm up for more than half a month before Shen Lang can display three flowers to gather the top again.

The glass sky fire in Shen Lang's body has consumed one third. It is not very good to deal with the next fierce battle.

Nearly half of the nine color divine light in the nine color bone ring was transformed into five elements spiritual power, and the spiritual power in Shen Lang's body instantly recovered from dryness to fullness.

"Fellow Taoists, if Shen guesses correctly, then the Dragon spider clan demon cultivation Association will withdraw the array and kill us all. I hope you will give me a hand. In fact, it is also equivalent to helping yourself Shen Lang sent a message to the surviving friars.

Lei Yun took the lead in expressing his position: "this is nature, and we do not want to die miserably the hands of the Dragon spider clan demon repair. Lei Mou and three elders of Lei Jing clan help Shen Daoyou to kill the beast of dragon spider clan

"Not bad!"

The rest of the later Mahayana monks also repeatedly agreed.

"The little girl will also spare no effort to help Taoist friends to cope with the enemy."

Cloud Feifei made a bow to Shen Lang.

The first Jade Emperor will give her own life when she is aware of the danger.

As long as you can hold on to that time, all dangers can be easily solved.

The gold robed clan leader of the Dragon spider clan guessed that yunfeifei might be able to contact the Kunpeng nationality, so he wanted to make a quick decision to kill Shen Lang and seize yunfeifei!

All the surviving monks gathered together, including the girl in purple. She didn't want to let Shen Lang worry about herself, so she still resisted not to recognize Shen Lang.

In addition to Shen Lang, there are only nine surviving friars. Only Lei Yun, the great elder of the Lei Jing clan, has a Mahayana peak monk. The remaining seven have Mahayana later friars. The last girl in purple only has a mid Mahayana friar.

Compared with the Dragon spider clan's 300 Mahayana peak, this lineup is really poor, it's good to escape from death.

Just then.


The whole sky cloud city again heard the sound of roar. The white silk thread shrouded in the sky gradually thinned and fell off. On this day, the silkworm spider silk immortal array weakened gradually, until it disappeared.

The white thread in the sky disappeared and became clear. The spiritual power that had been imprisoned in the bodies of several surviving monks began to loosen.

However, a scene of horror also appeared.

In the sky, there are more than 300 dragon spiders in the sky. They are all over the world. They are so irritable that they can't breathe!

The space of millions of miles around Tianyun city has been sealed by dimensional blockade, so it is impossible to perform space teleportation or even jump out of space.

"All the people listen to the order, capture the princess of Kunpeng nationality alive, and kill all the other friars. Don't let a fish miss the net!"

With the order of the jinpao clan leader, nearly 300 dragon spider demon monks in the sky dive down one after another, each exerting his magic power to attack Shen Lang and several surviving friars.

The clan leader of the golden robe flew to a higher altitude and took out a million big crystal stones, which floated on his head. His body began to absorb the spiritual power from the big crystal to make up for the previous deficit.

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"If you give me ten more rest, I will let these monks die without a burial place!"

The head of the clan with gold robes looks crazy.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The chaos was on the verge of outbreak, and the sound of explosion was earth shaking.

Shen Lang urged the sword area with all his strength, and ordered nine strange beasts to launch a magic attack to resist the attack launched by the top monks of the Dragon spider family Mahayana.

"Young master, xiaorou will help you!"

Xiaorou flies out of the spirit beast bag of Shen Lang, and nine tails stretch out.

Just now in the Tianchan spider silk immortal array, xiaorou was unable to use her spiritual power, so she didn't come out all the time, so as not to let Shen Lang worry.

Now the array has been removed. Xiaorou's spiritual power is not affected. She comes out to help Shen Lang in the first time.

"Xuanguang domain!"

Xiao Rou's tail gushes white light all over the sky. These nine yuan Xuan light constantly condenses and compresses into hundreds of white storms, which attack the Dragon spider monk who is about to attack Shen Lang in all directions."Jiuwei Tianhu?"

Cloud Feifei, who follows Shen Lang behind, is shocked. Unexpectedly, the monk of this Terran can accept the top nine tail heavenly fox as a spirit beast!

When the war started, the clouds were flying and there was no time to think about it.

After seeing Five Dragon spider friars rushing towards themselves, Yun Feifei pushed his slender jade hand forward, and Jiao drank: "space is sluggish!"

All of a sudden, a faint light gushed from the palm of cloud Feifei, and the lightning and flint hit the five dragon spider friars.


The five dragon spider friars suddenly felt as if there were tens of millions of times the gravity of space oppressing his body, and their movements became extremely slow, as if they were in a deep mire!

"No, it's the Xuanyu magic power of Kunpeng nationality. Use the combo magic power to resist it!"

One of the Dragon spider friars exclaimed in surprise and immediately gave out a large amount of Stardust divine light. The other four Dragon spider friars also made great efforts to make Stardust light.

For a time, the star dust light swept over the five dragon spider clan demons, forming a solid defense barrier.

The Mahayana top friars of the Dragon spider clan are not easy to deal with. They are very good at joint attack. A team of five dragon spider friars can work together to release a third dark region similar to the Stardust light domain.

"Space is broken!"

Cloud flies, beautiful eyes flash a cold light, two palms push forward.

A huge amount of faint light swept out of her body and hit the Stardust light field opened by five dragon spider friars.

The faint light seems to be able to change the state of space and tear up the light field of star debris. At the place where the light passes, the space twists and tears like a whirlpool, and it directly hits Five Dragon spider friars.


The shrill screams followed, and their bodies were twisted with the space. Their bones, collaterals, channels, blood and flesh were frantically squeezed and torn. The powerful force of space crushed their bodies and tore them to pieces in one breath. They even had no time to escape.

Five Dragon spider friars died on the spot.

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