Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 28: 29

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Shen Lang scurried out of the woods, and the Mercedes Benz behind him had stopped on the muddy roadside.

This is a remote suburb, far from the city center, the road is muddy, barren mountains, not even street lights.

It was evening and the light was dim. Only a few farms can be seen in the distance. There are no street lights, let alone surveillance cameras.

No one will find out if you kill people in this place.

The door of the Mercedes Benz was suddenly pushed open. Two killers hid guns in their waists and walked towards Shen Lang. The driver also put on sunglasses and followed.

"Boy, are you scared or stupid? If you don't run away, you can still send it to the door." A bald killer scoffed.

Shen Lang shrugged and sneered, "why did I escape? Are you sent by Jolan to deal with me

"Yes, you're not stupid, but you're going to die here soon." There is a trace of violence on the bald man's face.

"All right, don't talk nonsense. Get rid of this person. Ms. Qiao is still waiting for our reply!"

Another killer with a scar on his face was silent and pulled a silver gray pistol directly from his waist.

Browning M1911, this kind of pistol has large caliber, strong lethality, outstanding performance and high durability. It's a pistol used by American and central European killers.

The two killers looked at Shen Lang as if they were staring at cockroaches on the ground. They were full of disdain and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang

The sound of two guns rang through the wilderness, and the birds in the forest were scattered.

Amazingly, after the sound of two guns, the figure of the heavy waves in the mountains and forests suddenly disappeared, just like the evaporation of the world!

"Why What's the matter, where are the others? "

The two killers changed their faces and looked around in a hurry.


A silver shining sharp weapon suddenly flew over.

The scar killer's neck was pierced by a Western-style knife, and his neck was pierced, and his blood splashed like a fountain. He fell to the ground and died before he could even scream!

"In the sky!"

The driver behind him roared in horror.

The voice has just dropped.


Another knife flew out, and the driver's throat was pierced by the knife and fell into a pool of blood.

The rest of the bald killer was so scared that he finally found Shen Lang in the air about seven or eight meters above the ground, flipped his right hand and lit up a knife.

The bald killer's scalp is numb. He has no time to consider why Shen Lang appears in the air and raises his gun at the fastest speed.

Without waiting for him to pull the trigger, "whew", another sharp sound of breaking the air sounded.


The M1911 pistol in the skinhead's hand was pierced by a knife and turned into debris!

Seeing his pistol split apart, the killer took a cold breath and doubted whether he had seen the illusion. He had never seen such a terrible guy.

Shen Lang, with one hand into a claw, grabbed the skinhead killer's throat with lightning speed. He said grimly, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you'll answer them honestly, or you'll die!"

Listening to a seemingly understatement, the bald killer felt boundless fear. The voice of Shen Lang was like the God of death. The man's hands, feet and limbs were shaking and his urine was incontinent.

The bald killer's hands are covered with blood. He's seen the world. Even if he's pointed at by a gun, he won't be scared like this.

The main reason is that he can feel that the body of Shen Lang sends out an extremely fierce murderous breath, which makes him breathless!

It's hard to imagine how many people this man has killed!

The skinhead killer finally knows why Shen Lang didn't pay attention to them just now. By contrast, they are cockroaches on the ground.

"Master Rao Spare my life! Forgive me, I replied Said the skinhead in a trembling voice.

Shen Lang has a cold smile. Sometimes he shows a little anger, which makes people obedient.

"Besides you, did Qiao LAN send anyone else to kill me?" Shen Lang asked in a low voice.

"No, just him and me!" The bald killer panicked and pointed to another killer who fell in the pool of blood, and said with horror on his face.

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"Qiao LAN only let you kill, didn't want to fight Su Ruoxue?" Shen Lang asked again.

"Yes, yes, yes, Ms. Qiao only let us deal with you alone, and we must not hurt Miss Su!"

"Yes, that's all. You can call Jolan now. " Shen Lang is not cold or light.

"Yes, I will! But please Give me a break! We are only ordered to do things, you know, you are such an expert, we will not take this job if we kill you! " The bareheaded killer said in horror, his intestines were blue with regret.

"Call!" Shen Lang looks cold, repeat.The bareheaded killer was so scared that he took out his mobile phone and dialed Qiao Lan's phone.

"Well, are you ready?" There came a woman's arrogant voice on the other side of the mobile phone, with obvious anger in her voice.

After hearing Qiao Lan's voice, Shen Lang exerted his right hand.


The neck of the bald killer was suddenly broken by the Shen wave. His body was soft and he fell to the ground and died!

After finishing this matter, Shen Lang took the mobile phone back to his ear as if nothing had happened. He said with a weak smile: "Ms. Qiao, I'm sorry, the two killers you sent out have been killed by me now."

Qiao LAN listened to this sarcastic voice, all over a shock, immediately burst out a way: "Shen Lang, it's you!"

Shen Lang said coldly, "it's not who I am. No more nonsense, old woman, don't challenge Laozi's bottom line! I am a very fair man. If you dare to send someone to kill me or threaten Su ruoshue, I will do your son! "


Qiao Lan was shocked. Shen Lang's cold words made her feel cold.

He usually dotes Qiao Xing most. Shen Lang threatens himself with Qiao Xing's life. To be honest, Qiao LAN is really a little afraid.

"You If you dare to attack my son, I will let you die Qiao LAN roared.

"Ha ha ha ha, you can try it. Dare you to do it to me again and collect the corpse of your son!"

With that, Shen Lang hung up the phone and directly crushed the phone into slag.

The metal chips are flying in the wind.

The reason why Qiao Xing is used to threaten Qiao LAN is that Shen Lang is too troublesome to let the other party know that he is not easy to be provoked. If I don't say a word about this today, Qiao Lan's cheap woman will continue to send a killer to kill him.

Such a threat, Qiao LAN again want to deal with their own, must weigh.

Too lazy to think too much, Shen Lang found a few rolls of sacks from the Mercedes Benz on the road. It seems that the two killers have done this kind of business.

Shen Lang put the bodies of the three people on the road into sacks and threw them into the gully in the distance.

After finishing these things without expression, Shen Lang patted the ashes on his body and walked towards the grove before.

The sky is getting dark. The gray trees, gusts of cold wind, and the sound of insects at night make su Ruoxue in the car afraid. She prays for the safety of Shen Lang.

Just now she heard the sound of a gun in the distance. She was really scared and her heart was in her throat.

In panic, Su ruoshue's thoughts are clear. It must be because Shen Lang started with their mother and son before, but Qiao Lan was angry and sent a killer to deal with Shen Lang.

Su Ruoxue secretly scolds herself for being a fool. As long as she comes forward to negotiate and apologize, Shen Lang's life will not be in danger.

Although she didn't like the man, she didn't want to be a villain.

As soon as she got up, she heard footsteps coming from outside the car.

Su Ruoxue was so scared that her heart almost jumped out. She immediately hid under her seat and whispered, "Shen Shen Lang, is that you? "

There was no response from outside the car.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was white, and a strong sense of fear welled up in her heart.


Before she finished shouting, Shen Lang suddenly poked out a head from the window and made a face at Su Ruoxue in the car.


Su Ruoxue looks pale and sends out a scream.

After a moment of loss of mind, Su Ruoxue's face turned red and she gasped. The snow-white mountains under the collar of the dress fluctuated at a high speed. She was angry and said, "Shen Lang, you bastard, just scared me to death!"

Looking at the pathetic appearance of the woman, Shen Lang thought it was very interesting and said with a smile, "Miss Su, you are so lovely."

"I'm not finished with you!" Su Ruoxue's face turned red, and she was ashamed and angry.

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