Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2858: 2862

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The next moment, the black-and-white whirlpool formed by the nine round sun collides with the colorful God Huang with the sea of seven colors of fire.


The earth shaking explosion makes people's heart tremble, and the light all over the sky seems to tear the sky apart!

The body of the seven color Phoenix was engulfed by the whirlpool of the seven color Phoenix.

After a blow, the colorful God Huang was shaken back a long way, and her body was stained with a lot of yin and Yang sky fire.

The black-and-white flame penetrated into the body of the colorful shenhuang, making a sound of "peeping". Fengyang's body was burned out with blood, which made the body feel cold and numb temporarily.

Yin Yang sky fire contains a strong power of curse. If it is accidentally contaminated with a trace, it will not only burn the monk's body, but also burn the spirit of the monk, which is extremely terrifying.

Even if the monk of Mahayana peak is infected with a trace, it will be fatal!

"Colorful Yuanguang!"

Fengyang a high drink, colorful God Huang eyebrow at the heart of the seven color flame light soared, the body suddenly poured out a layer of colorful light, began to treat their own injuries.

The Yin and Yang fire that invaded the body was quickly dispelled, and the blood holes and other wounds on Fengyang recovered instantly.

Qicai Yuanguang is one of the original magic powers of Qicai shenhuang, and it is also the best recovery magic power in the three realms.

The colorful God Huang has "colorful God source", which can produce colorful yuan light. Seven color yuan light can cure all injuries. Even if the head is cut off, it can be used to recover even if the head is cut off.

The body of the true spirit colorful God Huang is almost immortal! In terms of physical resilience, the colorful God Huang is not inferior to the true immortal who has just reached the state of "three flowers gathering together".

"What a trouble!"

Seeing that the injured colorful God Huang recovers as usual so quickly, Wujin is very upset. He says in a sullen voice: "you're a hybrid animal of Tianfeng nationality. I'm too lazy to bully the little one with the big one. You should hand over the boy Shen Lang quickly! If I am in a good mood, I may let you go. "

"Want me to hand over Shen Lang? Hehe, bedbug of Outland, you'd better pass the level of my ancestor first

Fengyang cold smile, colorful God Huang spread gold wings, wings gush out of the waves of seven color fire, once again into a sea of seven color fire, burning heaven and earth.

The colorful God Phoenix is also the true spirit of fire attribute. The power of this life power, colorful God flame, is incomparably powerful and can be used by various means.

"If you don't eat, you'll be punished, and you'll die!"

Wujin became angry and opened his mouth and spewed out a large number of arrows burning black and white sky fire, which turned into fire and arrow rain. He released a sea of seven colors of fire towards the colorful God Huang and ran into it.

Each arrow is about three feet long. The surface of the arrow is filled with strange aura. It seems to be an enhanced version of the sky fire Xuangang arrow, containing extremely dense energy.

"Boom! Boom!"

Dense black-and-white arrow rain and seven color fire condensed into a sea of fire interweave and collide, the light burst.

Unfortunately, Fengyang is still a little inferior.

The light and dark insects ejected hundreds of sky fire Xuangang arrows, which broke through the seven color Fire Sea and hit the body of colorful God Huang.


The colorful God Huang was stabbed by hundreds of sky fire Xuangang arrows, and her whole body was burned by Yin and Yang sky fire, and her mouth uttered a shrill cry.

The colorful God source at the center of the eyebrow releases the brilliance of the sun, and the colorful God Huang consumes a lot of colorful yuan light. Only then can it barely fight the internal fire of yin and Yang and restore the body.

After the blow, Fengyang heart half cold!

Although the colorful God Huang can be revived continuously by the colorful yuan light, there is also a limit. Once the energy of the colorful God is exhausted, it will not be able to release the colorful yuan light.

The magic power of Wujin is extremely strange. The black-and-white flame is just like the maggot of tarsal bone. It will continue to cause serious damage to the monk's body and spirit, even the colorful yuan light is difficult to extinguish.

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Only the supernatural arts of the upper world can achieve this effect. If the opponent uses the magic power of chaos to display such magic arts, it occupies too much advantage, and ordinary magical powers can't compete with it.

Fengyang finally understood how terrible the other side's strength was. He could never be the opponent of Wujin.

"The miscellaneous hair of the Tianfeng clan, how long can you last? Die

Wujin laughs wildly, and the light and dark Saint insects once again set fire to the sky on the ninth day. They burst out nine black and white suns, like nine meteorites, hitting Fengyang one after another.

"Phoenix nine days!"

Fengyang's eyes were about to crack. How could he be so easily knocked down by black gold, and his mouth let out a scream.

A shocking scene appeared.

I saw the colorful God Huang in the center of the eyebrows of the colorful God Huang. The colorful God Huang transformed by Fengyang was actually divided into nine! And they're all entities.

Each of the nine colorful phoenixes spread out a sea of seven colors of fire to block the black and white sun released by black gold.

"Damn it!"

Black gold dark scolded a word, the colorful God Huang this life magical power is really some strange, he also can't distinguish these nine colorful God Huang which is the original one.After a series of deafening explosions, nine colorful phoenixes simultaneously spewed out large pieces of seven color beams into the sky.


At this moment, the sky seems to be cracking, forming a huge gap, the gap is filled with seven colors of light, extremely dazzling, people can not open their eyes, gorgeous incomparable.

In the gap, the colorful feifeng virtual shadow constantly flies out.

Countless feifeng virtual shadows either display their magic power to attack the light and dark Saint insects, or burn a sea of fire all over the body, fearing life and death to hit the light and dark Saint insects.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

There are too many flying phoenix spirits falling from the sky. The light and dark holy insects are not well defended for a time, and are hit by intensive attacks.

Although this level of attack will not hurt Wujin, it will also make him extremely irritable.

Shocked by the attack of a large number of feifeng spirits, Wujin became angry and frantically released a large number of yin and Yang fire and opened a defense barrier.

Just then.


At the command of Fengyang, all the empty shadows of the flying phoenix from the sky all burn up and hit the light and dark holy insects in a suicidal way and start to explode.

"Boom! Boom!"

For a moment, the terrible explosion was like an avalanche.

The self exploding power of these flying phoenix spirits is beyond imagination. The defense barrier opened by Wujin was seriously impacted. After several seconds, the barrier even began to crack.

Fengyi Jiutian is the most powerful one in Xuanyu, the colorful God. It is quite mysterious. It can divide one's body into nine in a short time, and each body has the same combat power as benzun.

However, only the original one can release the colorful yuan light and restore the body, while the other eight bodies only retain the fighting power, but not the recovery ability of the colorful God Huang.

In addition, the nine physical forces can also summon a continuous stream of flying phoenix spirits as their own combat power.

Fengyang has reached the level of the fifth metaphysical realm when it displays the nine days of Phoenix. The power of the spirit body summoned by Fengyang is no less than that of the monk at Mahayana peak.

Even though Wujin's defense is strong, it may not be able to hold on for a while in the face of thousands of Mahayana monks!

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