Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2875: 2879

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Before leaving, Shen Lang also found Shenxiu and explained some things to him.

"Shenxiu Yidi, I will be closed for a long time when I return to Tianfeng family. If you need help in an emergency, you can contact Gu Yuan, head of Tianfeng clan, or Yunfeng, head of Tianhu clan. They are all my friends and will certainly help you a lot. " Shen Lang asked.

Shenxiu put his hands together: "thank you for your concern. Shenxiu won't go out for the time being. He is also going to close the door to attack his accomplishments and prepare for the three world catastrophes thousands of years later."

"What kind of natural resources, earth treasures, panacea and so on do you need? Just tell me. " Shen Lang added.

Shenxiu shook his head: "no, Shenxiu is not short of these things for the time being. Elder brother Shen Lang, you may have peace of mind and practice. You will have a chance to meet again after we leave the pass. Shenxiu also wants to fight side by side with his elder brother, and he will certainly redouble his hard cultivation during this period of seclusion. "

"With the talent and qualification of the righteous brother, thousands of years later, he will be famous. He is looking forward to that day!"

Shen Lang nodded and inspired Shenxiu.

After a few words, Shen Lang said goodbye to Shenxiu, left Sanbao temple, and returned to Tianfeng clan through space transmission.

Previously, the master yunshenzi mentioned that he would refine a set of his own magic weapon flying sword. Now Shen Lang has almost all the materials available. After returning to Tianfeng family, he went to find Yun Zhenzi at the first time.

Yunchenzi's residence is in a secluded mountain forest in the north of Qishan. It is an attic with a quiet and quiet environment.

Stepping into this mountain forest, Shen Lang can feel the strong fluctuation of soul power, which makes people can't help but fight a spirit.

Cloud trace son is still in the closed door refining to absorb the soul power of black gold. Shen Lang has been floating in the attic, and immediately sends a message: "disciple, come in."


After hearing the voice of cloud trace son, Shen Lang respectfully worshipped him and then walked into the attic.

In the attic hall, yunzhangzi was sitting on a soft couch, holding a Golden Vase in his hand. The mouth of the bottle gushed a dense seven color rune, which bound a five inch long, mini light and dark holy insect soul body.

The light black and white air flow from the soul of the light and dark Saint insect is swallowed by the cloud trace son and digested slowly.

The fluctuation of soul power nearby is caused by cloud trace son absorbing the spirit energy of light and dark Saint insects.

"Old bastard, let me go! If you dare to swallow my spirit, the Lord will never let you go. After more than 4000 years, when the Lord comes to this world, you will surely die! " The soul of the little light and dark Saint kept struggling and roaring hysterically.

The cloud trace son turns a deaf ear, continues to absorb the light dark Saint insect's soul body energy.

Shen Lang walked into the hall and was surprised to see this scene.

Cloud trace son keeps the posture of meditation unchanged and asks, "disciple, why are you here?"

Shen Lang clasped his fist and said in a deep voice: "master, the main material for making flying swords, I should have prepared almost the same. I don't know if the master has time to refine the flying sword. If the master is too busy, he will be regarded as a disciple

"I don't have to be so polite to my teacher. I will do what I promised you before. By the way, apprentice, what kind of materials do you have? Take it out to be a teacher. " Cloud trace son says with a light smile.

Shen Lang took the lead in taking out the white shadow sword, including the lightsaber, two damaged white moon swords, and nine imitation immortal articles.

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Shen Lang also got the nine artifacts from Wu Jin's attendants. There were bone knives, long swords, long halberds, whip locks, Dharma sticks and jewels.

"Ah!!! Shen Lang, little scum, these are my own things The spirit and body Qi of the light and dark Saint insects are full of smoke, and they roar like crazy.

Shen Lang said with a sneer: "what's the right of a dead bug to judge here? Now that you're dead, what's wrong with our possession? "

"Hateful, hateful, hateful! Shenlang little scum, the Lord will certainly tear you to pieces! Don't be too early to be happy. There are three true immortals in our holy world. The Lord is the most important immortal in the world. It's easy to kill you ants The light and dark Saint insect's fury swelled to the extreme and roared madly.

Shen Lang felt as if he had heard something terrible.

What kind of holy world has three real immortals? If so, it would be much worse than I thought.

"Don't talk nonsense about things that are going to die!"

With a frown on his brow, yunjinzi poured a lot of spiritual power into the golden haze vase. The mouth of the bottle immediately poured out a large amount of colorful light, pulling the soul of the light dark Saint insect into the vase.

"I! no Gan! Heart

The light and dark Saint insects made a heartrending roar and were sucked in by the Golden Vase.

Shen Lang frowned and said, "master, what Wu Jin just said is true..."

With a long sigh, yuncengzi said, "it's hard to tell whether it's true or not. It's impossible to search for the soul of this light and dark Saint insect with his soul power. If so, the holy world is indeed a great threat to our three realms! ""That Wujin said that the saint of the holy world is the body of the earth immortals. What is the earth immortals? What is Banxian Shen Lang was puzzled.

"Disciple, you should know that there are still three damages and seven robberies in the true immortal and the five decline of heaven and man. Therefore, the true immortal also has the level of cultivation. "Banxian" refers to the kind of friars who have just ascended to the fairyland and have not yet been completely transformed into true immortals. Their bodies do not have pure chaotic spiritual power, so they can only be half immortals. "

"Banxian is also divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage and peak stage. The strength of each level is greatly different. The body of this black gold is an ancient strange beast, the light and dark Saint insect, and the blood level is slightly inferior to the top true spirit. However, it was only in the middle of the half immortal cultivation that his strength was so strong. "

"The realm after the half immortals is the human Immortals (demon immortals, magic immortals, ghost immortals). The human immortals also have four levels, namely, the initial stage, the middle stage and the later stage. Stepping into the realm of human immortals represents that the friars really abandon their bodies and become real immortals."

Yunzhenzi explained.

Shen Lang asked, "what about the earth immortals?"

"After the human immortal is the earth immortal. Before the war of annihilation, the earth immortal can be regarded as an expert in the real fairyland. Now the real fairyland is declining and withering. The friars in the fairyland can occupy one side and become the overlord. " Cloud trace son orthochromatic way.

Shen Lang's face suddenly sank, and his voice was condensed and said, "master, if the Lord of the outer world is the body of the earth immortals, then we have no chance at all?"

After a long silence, he said: "Liangzi. If the holy master of the holy world is really a celestial being, then he should be able to travel quickly through the astral realm and directly come to the ancient spiritual world. Why wait for thousands of years? "

, as like as two peas, the Holy Ghost has been able to invade three worlds, which is exactly the same as the time when the sky was removed. There are only three possibilities for such a long delay. "

Shen Lang asked again, "which three?"

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