Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2921: 2925

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"You want to die!"

Du Xuan had never been scolded like this before. He was suddenly furious, and a sea of fire poured out all over his body. He attacked the golden gate of Guangtian palace crazily.

"Boom, boom!"

The earth shaking explosions are heard all the time. However, despite Du Xuan's attack, the Guangtian palace still stands, and the golden gate of the palace is still motionless. There is not even a trace of being hit on it.

Guangtian palace is worthy of being the immortal treasure at the level of tranquility spirit. Du Xuan's attack can hardly reach the palace.

"Ghost world's scum, get out of here for me!"

Du Xuan's face was livid, and his mouth gave out a violent roar. He was still attacking the gate of Guangtian palace.

Shen Lang in the hall paid no attention to Du Xuan's calling and swearing. Su Ruoxue and Bai Lan's two women's bodies have been restored as before, and the three golden flowers in the center of their eyebrows quickly fade away.

Fortunately, Shen Lang's glass skylight ability is enough, so that the two women's destroyed bodies can be reborn.

Hearing the cry outside Guangtian palace, Bai Lan looked ugly and frowned and asked, "Shen Lang, what should we do now? Just let that guy attack from outside? "

Shen Lang shook his head and sighed: "there is no way to think about it for the time being. I can only avoid it in Guangtian palace for a while. This immortal tool left by the ancestor of Xinkui Taiyi is very advanced. The guy outside should not be able to break through the hall door. "

Su Ruoxue gently shook his head: "this is not a long-term strategy. If we are trapped in the Guangtian palace for too long and wait until the Kyushu secret place is closed, we really can't go out again. "

This word a, Shen Lang and Bai Lan two people facial expression change more ugly.

"The real immortal outside is too powerful. We are not his opponents. We can only die if we go out rashly. Now the only way is to discover some of the abilities of the Guangtian palace and see if we can save ourselves. "

Shen Lang shook his head helplessly.

Su Ruoxue suddenly thought of something and said, "Shen Lang, I read a letter in the early years, which recorded some strange stories about guangtianxian city in ancient times. It is mentioned in the letter that this Guangtian palace has the ability of flying and space shuttle. The ancestor of Taiyi once controlled this treasure to travel through the three realms! "

Shen Lang's eyes lit up and said, "in this case, let me try to see if this treasure can produce this effect."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang pressed his hands on the ground and continued to enter the spiritual power into the Guangtian palace.

"Listen to the scum inside. Don't think you can't take advantage of you if you hide in this palace. Get caught! Otherwise you will die miserably

Du Xuan also attacked the gate of Guangtian palace outside, and his mouth uttered hysterical cries of abuse.

Shen Lang's face was very gloomy. In order to prevent Du Xuan's scolding from disturbing his mind, he put down a layer of sound insulation prohibition.

It is worth mentioning that although Guangtian palace is closed, it does not isolate the aura of the outside world, on the contrary, it can absorb the aura of the outside world! Therefore, the aura density in Guangtian palace is very high, which is no less than that of Qishan.

When Shen Lang delivers spiritual power to the Guangtian palace, he can also absorb the spiritual power around him greatly and make up for his own consumption with the body of five elements.

However, the Guangtian palace is just like a bottomless cave. Even if it absorbs the huge spiritual power transported by Shen Lang, there is still no sign of being urged.

In fact, Guangtian palace is a magic weapon that only the real immortals in the upper world can activate, and it is not something that ordinary real immortals can urge at will.

For example, to activate Guangtian palace normally requires sea level spiritual power, while Shen Lang can only provide spiritual power of stream level.

Shen Lang is just a monk at the top of Mahayana, and there is no trace of chaotic spiritual power in his body. It is too difficult to motivate the vast Guangtian palace.

Fortunately, the spiritual power transported by Shen Lang to Guangtian palace will not dissipate at will, but can be accumulated into many. Shen Lang firmly believes that as long as his spiritual power is gathered to a certain extent, he should be able to activate this treasure.

Guangtian palace can only accept the spirit power of the magic weapon master. Su Ruoxue and Bai Lan can't help Shen Lang, so they can only sit on one side and recover their internal damage and spiritual power.

Shen Lang keeps pouring spiritual power into Guangtian palace, and even sends a trace of soul power while infusing spiritual power, trying to make it easier for him to communicate with this treasure.

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I don't know how much spiritual power the Guangtian palace is going to eat. Shen Lang has delivered enough spiritual power to Guangtian palace for several hours. However, Guangtian palace still has no response.

Fortunately, Shen Lang is a body of five elements, which can barely support the consumption of this speed. If you want to change to the ordinary Mahayana peak, the spiritual power in your body will be drained.

Shen Lang had no choice but to bite his teeth and stick to it.

In a flash, ten days passed.

Shen Lang is not tired of pouring spiritual power into Guangtian palace. His spirit is a little tired. Guangtian palace has no reaction yet!

Su Ruoxue and Bai Lan both began to have a pessimistic mood. They had never seen such a long time of spiritual power to motivate a magic weapon. It seems that the Guangtian palace is really beyond the control of ordinary monks.

Shen Lang didn't give up. He could feel that Guangtian palace gradually had a weak connection with his spirit. This might be a breakthrough!Time goes by day by day.


Two months later, under Shen Lang's insistence, Guangtian palace finally had a reaction!

The huge golden palace is like an instant channeling. It rises and floats in the sky of Kyushu secret land, releasing a gorgeous nine color glow.

"It's done!"

In Guangtian palace, Shen Lang's tired face is full of surprise. Finally, he feels that his mind is connected with Guangtian palace, and seems to be able to control Guangtian palace like a driving object!

Su Ruoxue and Bai Lan feel the fluctuating energy in the palace, and they are also overjoyed.

"Shen Lang, come on! Leave Kyushu as soon as you can control Guangtian palace Su ruoshue hastily reminds a way.


Shen Lang quickly controls Guangtian palace and flies to the north exit of Kyushu secret place.


Guangtian palace is covered with a strange force of laws. The time velocity is different from that of the outside world, which is about 10:1. Ten days in Guangtian palace and one day outside.

Shen Lang spent two months to motivate Guangtian palace. But outside, only six days have passed.

During these six days, Du Xuan attacked Guangtian palace like a mad dog. He tried every means to force Shen Lang and others out.

However, the defense of Guangtian palace was too strong to isolate all energy. Du Xuan's attack could not reach the interior of Guangtian Palace at all. It was just like scratching one's boots, which was useless.

"Hateful, hateful, hateful!"

Du Xuanqi's seven tips are full of smoke. He knew it would be like this. He should have killed Shen Lang and others with the momentum of thunder, instead of playing with those ants for so long.

If the saint knows that the immortal treasure of the silent spirit level is taken away by a lower bound friar, he will be furious!

Generally speaking, even if the owner is dead, it will take a long time to eliminate the original owner's spirit mark to restore the treasure to its peak state.

"No, we must try to kill this boy! Otherwise, I can't bear the blame of the Lord! "

When Du Xuan wanted to leave the Kyushu secret place first and find another half immortal friar of the same trade to discuss the way.

Suddenly, "boom" a dull sound, in front of the towering Guangtian palace suddenly soared to the sky, released a large amount of nine color rainbow light, and flew away toward the north sky with lightning speed.

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