Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2990: 2994

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Seeing that Shen Lang can release the magic skill of holding the candle dragon, the real dragon people are amazed.

Thanks to this magic power, it would not be so easy for them to get out of trouble.

Under the cover of the candle dragon breath, the holy world army is like fish on the chopping board without any threat.

Even so, it is not so easy to completely kill these holy world armies. The friars from Outland who broke the boundary still attack the Dragon tomb, and they don't know when it will be the end.

Shen Lang can only go all out to kill as many monks as possible.


The great wilderness, through the end of the sea of corpses, is the Bank of the river Styx.

At the moment, there are more than 20 billion friars on the Bank of the Styx river!

The black army of friars was like a swarm of locusts.

Nearly a thousand monks in charge of the supreme cultivation of Mahayana led their own teams to use the large-scale joint attack technique and launched an attack on the sky above the Styx river.

As the saying goes, ants shake elephants.

At the same time, the army of more than 20 billion friars released the joint attack technique, which was so powerful that it was astonishing.

"Boom! Boom!"

Wave after wave of thunderous sound makes people's eardrum tremble and ache, and the people who are stabbed by colorful aura can't open their eyes.

The whole Styx River swayed, the black water poured back, and the filthy air rose to the sky. Here, the energy of space is producing great fluctuations.

After more than 20 billion friars attacked for half a day, a bloody barrier emerged over the river Styx, which finally shook the power of the twelve blood lotus mended laws.

"Everybody, the power of law is limited by energy. Once our attack exhausts the power of law, the power of law here will disintegrate! When the time comes, the Lord will reward me a lot! "

A leader of the holy world army cheered loudly, and the monks under him worked harder to perform the joint attack technique.

In a flash, three days passed.

The army of the holy world is still attacking the barrier of the power of the law of the South abyss. The blood in the sky of the river Styx is much dimmer than it was three days ago.

As a result of the constant urge spirit to launch attacks, the holy world army has been extremely tired. They hold a large crystal to absorb spiritual power while casting.

Finally, on the night of the third day.


The heavy noise is like the collapse of the earth, and a crack is broken in the blood light barrier in the sky of the river Styx.

"It's only a little bit short. The power of this law is about to be broken. We'll attack with all our strength."

I don't know that it was the barrier that the commander drank loudly. The monks of the holy world were fighting like chicken blood, exerting the combined attack technique and attacking the power of the law.


After several rounds of violent attacks, the barrier in the sky of Styx was finally bombarded with a huge gap.

As soon as the gap appeared, it quickly tore up and became bigger, and the power of the whole Nanyuan law was finally defeated!

"Ha ha ha, it's a success!"

The army of the holy world was beaming with joy.

Although the former twelve blood lotus repair strengthened the power of the law of the land of Nanyuan, it was only based on the original repair and reinforcement, which was not too strong.

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Red sun in full bloom, it is easy to break the power of this law.

However, he was seriously injured and didn't want to have unnecessary consumption, so he specially sent a wave of holy world army to the Bank of the Styx River to help him break the power of the law.

With the efforts of more than 20 billion friars, the power of Nanyuan's law was broken.

Just as the holy world army cheered and celebrated, a red whirlpool appeared over the Styx river. A red haired young man fell slowly from the whirlpool, commanding himself and soaring into the sky.

The young man with red hair is not the original one of Chiyang!

I can't believe it.

Now, the state of the spring sun is no longer strong, and I can't see that it's full of vitality!

"See the Lord!"

At the bottom of the river Styx, the more than 20 billion holy world army saw the sudden appearance of Chiyang. All the friars knelt down respectfully and yelled in unison.

"Get up

Red Yang waved his sleeve and ordered: "you wait outside the river Styx. Don't let a monk enter the land of Nanyuan! I'll leave the rest to you. "

"Yes, Lord!"

The monks answered in succession.

Chiyang slightly turns around and looks at the force of the law torn over the river Styx. Suddenly, the voice of the fragments of Tianji hexagram disk rings: "don't forget the transaction between us, sir. In this operation, you must obtain the two things I have said, otherwise you will not have to exist in the world. "

As soon as the words came out, Chiyang felt a little flustered and immediately said, "master, don't worry. Although the goddess of the river Styx is a big Luo Jinxian, she is still a dead body. I can't even fix a corpse."

"Very well, just do as I say. When things are finished, you will have a chance to live, and I will not deprive you of your accomplishments. " The fragments of Tianji hexagram disk are indifferent."Yes, master!"

Chiyang bit his teeth. The matter has come to this point. He can only act according to the instructions of the fragments of Tianji guapan.

Previously, in the barren mountains of the great wilderness, Chiyang and the fragments of Tianji hexagram disk reached a deal.

Debris said that we can let Chiyang get a new life, but let him do something for himself.

Although Chiyang was skeptical, he felt that he had no choice, so he agreed to the Tianji hexagram disk fragment and asked what was the matter.

The fragments let Chiyang go to the goddess tomb in the land of Nanyuan, take away the pieces of heaven and the heart of the goddess of the river Styx, and give them to him.

About the fragments of the heavenly way, Chiyang has heard of it when he was in the fairyland. In the ancient mythology of the fairyland, the legend collects all the pieces of the heavenly way, which can reverse the reincarnation of the heaven and make the heaven and earth produce some mysterious phenomenon!

No one knows exactly what the phenomenon is. The fragment of the heavenly way is also a mystery in the fairyland. I'm afraid that only the super strong such as the Trollius can know the use of this thing.

Although Chiyang didn't know the purpose of the fragments of Tianji hexagram disk, he agreed to the request of the fragments.

The fragments of Tianji hexagram disk really use great magic power. They can make time go back and forth! Make the main soul of the red sun recover to the state before it was injured.

After that, Chiyang spent three days meditating, recovering his physical body, and making himself reach the state of his heyday, which is equivalent to rebirth.

Chiyang was overjoyed, and at the same time, he was deeply afraid of this piece of Tianji hexagram disk.

If you want to kill yourself, it's as simple as eating and drinking water!

The restoration of Chiyang divine consciousness can cover the whole ancient spirit world. He knows everything that happened these days. He knows that Shen Lang is still alive and kicking around and slaughters countless friars in the spiritual realm.

Chiyang couldn't swallow his breath. He wanted to seek revenge at the first time, but the fragment ordered him to go to the goddess tomb to get something.

Chiyang did not dare to disobey the will of the fragments. After the holy world army broke the power of the law of Nanyuan, he came to the Bank of the river Styx at the first time, and prepared to enter the Nanyuan to find the body of the goddess of the river Styx.

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