Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3043: 3047

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Seeing Shen Lang and Xia Shan'er looking at each other, Lu Peng is not happy. He is a possessive person, and he has long regarded his younger martial sister as his own woman.

"Boy, don't get carried away! We, the monks of the ancient ware gate, can't get a humble free practice to point out. "

Lu Peng snorted coldly. Shen Lang was already quite disagreeable to him.

"Although I am a casual practitioner, you are not so good. Apart from the girl just now, are all the monks like you who can only bark

Shen Lang laughs and sneers at Lu Peng, but he is not satisfied with Lu Peng.

"Boy, do you dare to insult our antique door?" Lu Peng's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Lu Peng, don't argue!"

The old man in golden robe frowned and made a cold voice.

"Yes, elder he."

Lu Peng's heart next Lin, had to bow down to retreat.

The gold robed old man, named He Jian, is an elder of the Deacon Hall of the ancient ware gate. Lu Peng dare not neglect him.


Shen Lang is too lazy to argue with Lu Peng, who is a fool. He turns around and flies away and disappears in an instant.

Seeing that Shen Lang left, Lu Peng was still a burst of disdain and murmured: "hum, I dare to be so arrogant as a little monk. I really haven't seen the world."

Xia Shan'er, with a slight frown on her eyebrows, said, "elder martial brother, you should say less. That Taoist friend saved Shan'er's life. "

Lu Peng put on a well-informed manner and urged: "younger martial sister, elder martial brother is also a person who has come here. These scattered practices are cunning and cunning, and there are few good things. The boy may have been mean to younger martial sister for a long time, but just as we arrived, he didn't dare to make a mistake. "

Without waiting for Xia Shan'er to reply, He Jian interrupts in a deep voice: "Lu Peng, don't talk nonsense. The young man must have come from a famous family, otherwise he would never have such strength. I don't know how talented the other side's teachers are, and how they can train such amazing young people... "

Just now, he could see clearly the scene of the battle in the mountain protection array of Panshi village.

He Jian sighed in his heart that although the other side only had the early cultivation of Banxian, his strength was no less than Xia Shaner, and even slightly better.

This young monk seems to be the Ninth "blood spirit immortal body" among the ten immortal bodies. However, he simply devoured nine kinds of true spirit blood vessels and did not explore the immortal body's ability.

He Jian guessed that the other party might be a disciple of a famous family in Meishan. He came here to experience.

"Elder he, are you not mistaken? I don't think that boy is so powerful. "

Lu Peng's eyebrows were twisted, which was really incredible.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Lu Peng, I would like to remind you that in the future, you should not stir up trouble, or there will be a disaster one day! "

He Jian, well aware of Lu Peng's rebellious and conceited character, strongly admonished him.

"I know."

Lu Peng was quite dissatisfied with the answer.

He Jian said unhurriedly: "you are all the talented young disciples of the ancient ware sect. The sect has high expectations for you. After you go back, you must study hard and prepare for the hunting trial 20 years later."



Shen Lang flew for three days and three nights, until it reached the western end of Qianqiu peak, which stopped.

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At the western end of Qianqiu peak is a vast expanse of desert, the gravel is dark red, extremely hot, almost a Jedi, no life can survive here.

This place is called "Longyan desert", which is the border area of Qianqiu peak and chiyun peak.

Although the environment in Longyan desert is bad, it still can't affect Shen Lang, a half immortal who has cultivated into an immortal body.

The temperature here is extremely high, and the space is slightly disordered. Thanks to this, once a monk enters the desert, his divine sense exploration distance will be significantly shortened.

Hiding in this desert, it is not easy to be found by monks.

Shen Lang immediately decided to find a shelter in the Longyan desert and Practice for a period of time.

Just now, after exterminating the group of half immortals in Panshi village, Shen Lang got a lot of booty and collected a lot of immortal spirit stones, which is enough for him to practice for a long time.

After making up his mind, Shen Langhua spent several days searching for a seclusion place in the desert, and chose a fault rock in the west of the desert.

From the outside, the fault rock is like an abyss, but inside it is like a natural cave, which is very suitable for being closed.

Shen Lang flies into the fault rock, displays the breath of nine babies, covers up all the breath, and puts a layer of hidden prohibition outside the entrance.

He was not sure whether the several hidden magical powers he had laid could completely block the monks' prying, but he expected that no friar would search this kind of place without any reason. Most of them were safe.

After simply arranging his new cave, Shen Lang offered a sacrifice to Guangtian palace.

The mini Guangtian palace appears in Shen Lang's palm, releasing a gorgeous light.After Shen Lang became an immortal, he could freely control the size and breath of Guangtian palace. However, due to his lack of cultivation, he could not urge the treasure to play its role.

However, the time flow rate of guangtiangong is ten times slower than that of the outside world, which is already the ability of anti sky level!

The fairyland is more difficult to mix than expected. Shen Lang also wants to race against the clock on the way to practice.

After making some protective measures for the cave, Shen Lang entered Guangtian palace.

Guangtian palace is extremely spacious, clean and fresh air, isolated from the external high temperature, the previous discomfort completely removed.

Shen Lang's heart gradually calmed down. He took out a lot of colorful storage rings from his arms and began to count the spoils.

It has to be said that sanxiu is really inferior to others. There are not a hundred immortal stones in the storage rings of these half immortal monks in Panshi village. They are poor and jingling.

Fortunately, that Feng's fortune is fairly good. Shen Lang found more than 400 immortal stones from his storage ring.

Put together all the fairy stones in the spoils. No more, no less. There are just 500 immortal stones.

For a friar in the early stage of half immortals, 500 immortal stones are already a huge fortune!

Shen Lang's heart secretly pleased, with so many immortal stone support, his cultivation should be expected to go to a higher level.

In addition to the fairy stone, Shen Lang also found several pieces of fairy ware, the most precious of which is Zhang Feng's medium-sized fairy ware, Golden Jade halberd.

Although Shen Lang rarely used a single immortal weapon to fight against the enemy, but considering that he did not have a medium-sized immortal weapon, he simply recognized the gold jade halberd as the master in case of unexpected needs.

It's strange to say that since I arrived in the fairyland, the purple flame snake tooth fire spear spirit in my body has completely disappeared, and I no longer exclude myself from bringing other immortal weapons into my body.

Shen Lang continued to count the other trophies, but Shen Lang did not find any other valuable things, such as some bottles and jars, pills with unknown names, secret scripts of martial arts, even utensils used for array arrangement, and some miscellaneous trinkets.

Shen Lang, who was interested in reading the secret scripts of martial arts, found that they were all crude, and none of them was worth practicing.

However, Shen Lang found several useful books and got some basic information about Tianmu Xianyu and Meishan.

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