Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3075: 3079

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"Elder martial brother Lu Peng, I don't want to quarrel with you today. If you don't like me, if you and I can solve this contradiction by ourselves in the future, don't involve elder martial sister Xia. " Shen Lang said without expression.

Lu Peng's face was full of resentment. He secretly said that it was not the time to argue with the boy. He said: "Shen, for your sake, I will spare you this time. If you dare to offend me again next time, I will make you look good! "

"As if someone would offend you."

Shen Lang laughs coldly, turns to leave, finds a place at will to stand up.


Lu Peng's face was livid, and he really didn't feel relieved.

However, since Shen Lang is already a disciple of the ancient ware sect, he can find a chance to teach this boy a lesson at any time.

Looking at Lu Peng's angry appearance, Xia Shan'er gently advises: "elder martial brother, Shan'er is wrong, don't be angry..."

"Sister Shan'er, I don't blame you this time. Next time, I don't want to see you walking with the rubbish Shen Lang again Lu Peng said coldly.

Xia Shan'er didn't want to make Lu Peng angry again. She lowered her head and bit her teeth and said, "Shan'er knows, I won't

"This is my good sister."

Lu Peng relaxed a little and patted Xia Shan'er's shoulder.

He was not a fool. Of course, he could see that there was nothing wrong with shashaner and shenlang.

But that doesn't mean that nothing will happen in the future.

In the past, he always felt that he was young and Yushu Linfeng. He didn't know how many female disciples he had fallen in love with in the sect. With his powerful strength, he could not have any competitors.

Just now I saw Shen Lang and Xia Shan'er walking together. Lu Peng was really flustered.

After all, Shen Lang is not inferior to him in appearance, and he is also a monk who has been promoted to the top. His key strength is still very strong. He hasn't seen him for more than ten years. This miscellaneous cultivation has even broken through the peak of the early half immortals! Lu Peng has always failed to find his own advantages.

Shen Lang is definitely not an oil-saving lamp. If Xia Shan'er is really abducted by Shen Lang, Lu Peng will not accept it.

He wanted to make sure that he had a relationship with xiashan'er earlier, and cooked the cooked rice with uncooked rice. At that time, the younger martial sister is really her own woman, and no one will take it away.

Thinking that the hunting trial would start immediately, Lu Peng felt that after he made a brilliant performance after the hunting trial, his younger martial sister would definitely be more attracted to him. At that time, it would be not very easy to cook cooked rice with raw rice?

When Lu Peng was YY.


In the distance, there was a huge, low roar from the sky.

A golden beast with hundreds of feet in length flew from the north sky. It was like a golden lion, but it had a pair of white antlers. It had three eyes. Its scarlet eyes were like huge wheels. The golden flame covered the body and gave out a palpable breath!

"Ancient animal species, chaotic lion dragon!"

Shen Lang took a cold breath and recognized the golden beast.

Chaotic lion dragon is not only a different kind of true spirit lion dragon, but also a kind of chaos ancient beast. It is also a top-level ancient beast, and its strength can be comparable to a monk in the realm of man and immortal!

The Golden Lion Dragon flew over the square of the ancient ware gate. The majestic sense of pressure made people dare not breathe.

On the lion dragon's back sat a tall bearded old man with a face like double dates.

"See the elder!"

All the disciples around the square bowed to the old man on the back of chaotic lion dragon, who was Nangong Mo, the great elder of ancient ware gate.

He is worthy of being a great elder of the ancient ware sect. He can take the chaotic lion dragon as his mount!

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Shen Lang also paid a salute to Nangong Mo with the body of a disciple of the ancient ware sect. It is said that the elder had the later cultivation of human immortality. Today, it is extraordinary.

You can search Weixing workers: there are a lot of revelations in the beautiful mountain moon.

Nangong Mo only said in a deep voice: "this time, all the disciples of the ancient ware sect are gathered in the square. There is nothing else. It's just that the general altar of the Seven Saints palace is arresting the suspicious monks, and we need to check the disciples of our sect. All the disciples are at ease and wait for the Seven Saints palace monks to check

On hearing this, all the disciples showed doubts.

How did the seven holy palaces capture the monks? How did they come here?

"Seven holy palaces!"

Shen Lang's heart is awe inspiring. He has been wandering in Meishan for such a long time. Naturally, he has heard of the Seven Saints palace.

Qisheng palace is located in the area of Qipan peak, the main peak of Meishan mountain. It is the most powerful immortal gate in Meishan. It has a long history and profound heritage. The founder of Meishan is the former seven saints of Meishan!

Although the seven holy palaces are declining, they still represent the most powerful sects in Meishan.

The Seven Saints' palace dominates all the Xianmen, large and small, of Meishan thousand peaks, and has absolute sovereignty.

The seven immortal gates of Qianqiu peak are all attached to the banner of the seven holy palaces, under their protection and under their control if necessary.

The friars of the seven holy palaces suddenly came to Qianqiu peak and had to check all the disciples of the ancient ware sect. It must have something to do with the omen before!It is reasonable that the Seven Saints palace sent friars to investigate.

Shen Lang didn't know how to check the other side, and he was quite uneasy.

Nangong ink made a white light column towards the sky. The light column rose to the sky, tearing open the mountain protection array of the ancient ware gate.

"Friends of the seven holy palaces, you can come in Nangong Mo called out to the sky.

After a while, a large number of escapist light flew in from the gap, and there were two or three thousand of them. Most of them had the cultivation of half immortals, and the leading ten monks in huapao had the cultivation of human beings and immortals.


There was a commotion in the square of ancient ware gate. All the disciples looked up at the group of half immortal friars who suddenly appeared in the sky. The atmosphere seemed dignified.

In this group of Seven Saints palace friars, one of the leading celebrities in the later period of Qing Pao said to Nangong Mo: "Nangong Daoyou, we are also entrusted by the seven holy palace to investigate some things. If you offend, please forgive me."

"Friends of the road are heavy. The ancient ware gate will naturally cooperate with the investigation of the Seven Saints palace. Please do it."

South palace ink deep voice says.

Fortunately, the ancient ware gate is a subordinate sect of the Seven Saints palace. If you want to replace it with other forces, I'm afraid the other side will not be so polite.


The middle-aged man in qingpao nodded, and then he yelled to a group of ancient ware disciples on the square: "please hand in your storage ring for us to check. You can rest assured that the seven holy palaces will never rob the Taoist friends' property. After the inspection, the original ring will be returned. "

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man in the green robe began to order him to check the storage ring of the friars of the ancient ware gate.

Although some of the disciples of the ancient ware sect were not happy, they could only take down their own storage rings and pass them to the monks of the seven holy palaces for inspection.

Shen Lang is glad that the previous lotus lamp has been integrated with his own body, not in the storage ring.

He ascended to the fairyland soon, and there was not much valuable thing in the storage ring.

Shen Lang gave his storage ring to a friar of the seven holy palace for inspection. After checking, the monk found nothing abnormal and returned the ring to him.

It's not over.

After checking the storage ring, the friars of the seven holy palaces hold a precious mirror that can see the magic weapons in the monk's body and take photos on the monk.

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