Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3175: 3179

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"Stupid cow, can't you do it yourself? It's too much trouble for us to play again! "

Bai Weiwei has no good spirit to complain a word, appear some reluctant.

Seeing that Yang Wei has been killed, Bai Weiwei doesn't continue to watch the opera. She can only turn into a white snake and join the war.

The whole body of five color green sheep has blue hair, but the whole body is surrounded by a layer of colorful clouds. On top of the head, a pair of glass bent horns, like green clouds, release a gorgeous light.

There is no difference between the appearance of white snake venom and that of the white snake.

"Law is heaven and earth!"

After the two demons were transformed into their original forms, they both displayed the magic power of the heaven and earth, and their bodies expanded to the size of a hundred eyed demon and a four elephant Taurus.

"The fifth stage fairyland, ye dance storm!"

The glazed sheep horn on the top of the five color Qingyang releases the most abundant green awn, and the sheep head spews out a whirlpool of blue storm, and flies towards the Baimu demon.

The storm is full of green light, mixed with tens of millions of blue light, containing the power of terrible destruction!

"The fifth stage fairyland, to urge the sun to poison the fire!"

The White Snake opened its huge mouth and spewed out a huge amount of Mori white poisonous fire. The poisonous fire was like a waterfall and rushed towards the Baimu demon.

Shen Lang turned into a hundred eyed demons, who saw the joint attack of Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei, let out a fierce roar: "demon gale!"

Suddenly, a huge black storm surged all over the body of the demon, turning into a huge black tornado, enveloping the demon.

"Boom, boom!"

The storm and poisonous fire exerted by the five color green sheep and the White Silver Snake hit the wind on the body surface of the Baimu demon, and made a loud noise.

After Shen Lang became a Baimu demon, his combat power was increased at least two or three times, and his Dixian skill was much stronger than before.

He can barely resist the attack of the five color green sheep and the Flower Silver Snake by relying on the demon wind.

However, Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei's magic power broke the attack rhythm of Baimu demon and was forced to turn to defense.

Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei hold down the Baimu demon. Jin Hong, who has been attacked just now, has a chance to breathe. The four elephant Taurus quickly retreats to a safe distance.

The blood soaked four elephant Taurus is extremely angry, his nostrils are constantly spouting flames, his eyes are covered with a golden blood flame, and his mouth sends out a huge roar: "the sixth stage fairyland, Taurus rampage!"

In the roar, the four elephant Taurus gushed out thousands of golden mansions, and the dazzling golden light gradually condensed the virtual shadow of hundreds of golden cattle.


In an instant, a hundred ten thousand meter long golden cattle gathered behind Jinhong, making a roaring and howling sound. Each Taurus virtual shadow gushes out a large number of golden flames, and the flames of hundreds of Taurus converge into a raging sea of golden flames!


At the front, the four elephant Taurus transformed by Jin Hong completely fell into a frenzy. The whole body's meridians burst out and their muscles swelled. They led the cattle to bump into the hundred eyed demons!

A hundred golden bulls, like golden meteorites, come with a sea of fire. They have the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Where we passed, the ground roared and trembled, and the whole wasteland was like a big earthquake!

Still in the defense of the Baimu demon, glimpsed Jinhong led the raging cattle to come, eyes flashed deep fear!

The strength of Jin Hong is even stronger than that of the ordinary friars in the middle period of human immortals. Even if it is Shen Lang, he doesn't dare to take on such a violent attack.

"Pray for rain!"

Although Shen Lang's chest is full of violence and killing, he still dominates the mind of Baimu demons, and he hastily displays the magic power of praying for rain.

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All of a sudden, the sky overhead was filled with black clouds.

Baimu demons opened their mouths and spewed out angry kuishui Yin thunder into the black clouds, which were absorbed by the black clouds. A large number of three yin heavy water and GUI water Yin thunder were integrated with each other.

"The sixth stage fairyland, GUI Shui long Lei!"

At this moment, the Baimu demon's mouth gave out a low and hoarse roar, and a huge black Thunder Dragon burst out of the black cloud. The dragon was filled with dense black arc, and the GUI water Yin thunder wrapped the three yin heavy water.


The black Thunder Dragon roared up to the sky, fearless of the cattle, and flew toward the attacking cattle with a kind of almost strange speed. The violent thunder sound carried a powerful power of destroying the heaven and the earth!

"Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong!"

The black Thunder Dragon bumped into the cattle, causing a big explosion.

All of a sudden, the color of the sky changed. A large amount of golden light and black lightning intertwined and collided, and the terrible energy collided around. The five colored green sheep and the white snake were almost lifted out, and they were frightened to display their defense magic power.

"Tianxin sword rhyme!"

Xia Shan'er also gnaws her teeth and displays Tianxin sword formula to defend against the impact of explosion energy. Her pretty face is extremely pale.

The power of the collision of the supernatural powers was so strong that Xia Shan'er could not intervene in the fight between Shen Lang and the three descendants of the Seven Saints of Meishan.After a blow.

The cattle were almost annihilated by the black Thunder Dragon, but the Baimu demon was still shaken out by the huge power, and a large number of wounds were blown out of the whole body, which was a heavy blow.

Jinhong's side was even worse. It was also affected by the energy of the black dragon's explosion. His whole body was covered with blood and flesh, half of his body was frozen with cold air, and a large number of black arcs were surging around the body of the four elephant cattle, paralyzed and convulsed, and it was difficult to move.

At this point, Hong Jin's combat effectiveness is zero.

Seeing that the Baimu demon was shaken far away, Jin Hong roared at Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei: "what are you two rubbish doing there? Hurry up and attack me

Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei are very upset when they hear Jin Hong's shouting and swearing.

However, it was a good time to capture Shen Lang alive. The five color green sheep and the White Snake rushed towards the Baimu demon one after another.

"Ye dance storm!"

"Poison the sun!"

Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei two attacks have hit Baimu demon.

"Boom, boom!"

In a burst of roar, the Baimu demon's body was blasted out of multiple wounds, making a roar of rage.

"Demon fire!"

The Baimu demon spewed out a raging black flame in his mouth and launched a counterattack, but all of them were resisted by the five color green sheep and the white snake.

Due to the fact that he has just cast a six level fairyland, the Baimu demon has some power relief, and the attack power released is not enough.

Five color green sheep and White Flower Silver Snake join forces to fight with Baimu demon.

The Baimu demon was severely damaged by Jin Hong, and was caught unprepared for a time. He was defeated and soon his whole body was bloody.

Shen Lang's cultivation is too weak. The Baimu demons transformed by the power of demons are just like the fairies in their infancy. Their own combat power and physical defense are greatly reduced.

"It's shameless. You are still the descendants of the Seven Saints of Meishan. Take advantage of others' danger and deceive the less with more Don't you feel ashamed? " Xia Shan'er angrily denounces. She can't stand any longer. She puts out Tianxin sword formula with all her strength. Ninety nine pieces of Tianxin sword formula are turned into sharp sword net, and they shoot at five color green sheep and white silver snake, trying to relieve the pressure for Shen Lang.

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