Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3180: 3184

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From the treasure fans, the extremely prosperous cold awns burst into hundreds of frost dragons with a body length of 1000 meters.

Each frost dragon was burning a dark blue cold flame, and attacked the monks of the fire cloud palace, such as Wan Zhifei, with an overwhelming momentum.

The icy waves and the frost covered the ground.

The monks of huoyun palace were shocked by the sudden attack.

"Be careful, it's an enemy attack!"

Wan Zhifei took the lead in drinking a big flame sword.

"Yanlong chop!"

A shock drink, Wan Zhifei swung a huge sword, a sword cut.

Suddenly, the suffocating heat wave spurted out from the giant sword, and the intense fire turned into a dark red dragon with a body length of 10000 meters.


The fire dragon flapped its teeth and claws, and flew toward the frost dragon.

"Magic art, fierce Gu Yan!"

"Fairytale, dancing with fire snakes!"

"Magic, the setting sun melts gold!"

The rest of the monks of huoyun palace responded quickly, and they used powerful magic to fight back.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

The six friars of huoyun palace, including Wan Zhifei, collided head-on with a hundred frost that hit them, making a shaking sound. A large number of firelight and cold light interweaved and collided, and the terrain within a dozen miles was almost destroyed.

As the enemy is outnumbered, Ning Xiaoyao's life like attack is still resisted by the friars of huoyun palace led by Wan Zhifei.

After the explosion, Wan Zhifei's eyes flashed: "as expected, it's the demon girl, quickly surround her, don't let her run away!"

At an order, five monks of huoyun palace rushed out at the fastest speed.

Ning Xiaoyao didn't have time to withdraw, so he was surrounded by friars of huoyun palace, and his face became very ugly.

"Ha ha ha, you cheap woman, you can keep running! Isn't it nice to be caught? " Wan Zhifei's eyes were fixed on the Ning Xiaoyao in front of him, and his mouth gave out a proud sneer.

"Thanks to you are still monks of huoyun palace. You are not afraid to be ridiculed by outsiders because you are so bullying Ning Xiaoyao's eyes flashed strong unwillingness, the mouth issued a Jiao drink.

Wan Zhifei sneered: "excuse me, which outsider is here? It's you who dare to kill me, monk huoyun palace. Don't give me any reason! " Ning Xiaoyao angrily rebuked: "it's clear that the friars of huoyun palace deceived me first. Can I just bear it in silence and have no chance to fight back? What's more, my younger martial sister and younger brother and I saved your life. You scum now

bite the hand that feeds the hand, and you don't feel ashamed? "

Wan Zhifei said contemptuously: "ha ha, which eye of you saw me need your rescue? Your two companions may have been killed in the forest of beasts for a long time, so you'd like to take their two wastes out


Rather small evil spirit can't speak, and wanzhifei this scum simply can't reason.

"Elder martial brother Wan, why do you talk nonsense with this witch?

"Elder martial brother Wan, it's cheaper to kill the witch directly. Hey hey, the enchantress is very beautiful. Why don't you let me have fun with her!

"Ha ha, good idea!"

Several disciples of huoyun palace stare at Ning Xiaoyao with silver evil on their faces.

"You Look for death

Ningxiaoqi's body trembled slightly, her delicate face was awe inspiring, her black hair had no wind, and her whole body gushed out towering cold.

Even if you are dead today, you should give some color to this group of smelly men!

"Dixianshu, ice dragon roars!"

Ning Xiaoyao's cold eyes covered with a blood light, burning their own blood essence and soul power, exerting the strongest magic power.

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She was wrapped by a large amount of cold, and turned into an ice dragon with a body length of kilometer. Her whole body was like ice crystal condensation, and her whole body was full of chilly air, which was frightening.


The ice dragon made a high pitched whistling sound and rushed to the monks of huoyun Palace on all sides.

The friars of huoyun palace were shocked and released attacks one after another, fighting with Ning Xiaoyao, who turned into an ice dragon.

Ning Xiaoyao's magic power of transformation is extremely brilliant. Ice dragon has a hard time fighting with six friars of huoyun palace!

Ice dragon is extremely fierce. After fighting for a while, in addition to Wan Zhifei, the most powerful, several other friars of huoyun Palace are injured.

One third of the body of the monk of huoyun palace, who was most seriously injured, was frozen by the ice dragon.

Unfortunately, Ning Xiaoyao's advantage did not last long.

After fighting for a while, the chaotic spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted, and gradually stopped.

"Long Yan chop!"

Wan Zhifei brandishes the huge sword, splits out a huge fire dragon, swallows up the ice dragon.

Ning Xiaoyao can no longer hold up the consumption, ice dragon after suffering from the fire dragon heavy damage, turned back to the body, weak fall on the ground.

"Damn it, the witch's life is so hard!""Take her down!"

Seeing that Ning Xiaoyao fell to the ground, several friars of huoyun palace swore at each other and felt relieved at last.

Wan Zhifei stepped forward and stepped on Ning Xiaoyao's blood stained side face. He said grimly: "cheap woman, if you were good enough to let us play, maybe you can still leave your life! But now, you'd better die for me

As soon as the voice fell, Wan Zhifei waved his huge sword and stabbed at the body of Ning Xiaoyao.

"It's ridiculous that I should have died in the hands of a group of smelly men..."

As the fire of the huge sword burst out, Ning Xiaoyao bit her silver teeth and flashed strong resentment and despair in her eyes.

Now, not only will his body collapse, the spirit will also be destroyed by wanzhifei, the insane dregs!

At this critical moment.


At the back of the forest, a purple and Golden Phoenix bird suddenly flew out of the forest. The shrill howling sound was heard from the whole forest.

Nine ghost sparrow whole body burning fierce purple flame, with the potential of rapid thunder hit Wan Zhifei's back.


A burst of dull sound, Wan Zhifei was a huge energy impact, the whole person flew out, the body was swallowed by a large purple flame.


Wan Zhifei's skin was quickly burned and scorched, and his mouth was crying like a wolf.

Fortunately, he was quick enough to form a defensive barrier around him in time, which prevented the collapse of his body.


The sudden scene startled several monks of huoyun palace and looked around.

When Wan Zhifei fell to the ground, he quickly got up and roared wildly: "which animal is hiding in the dark to attack this young master!"

"It's Laozi

There was a startling roar from the forest.

Under the fury, the deep waves turned into a black storm, and rolled Ning Xiaoyao, who was lying on the ground, flew to a dead tree on the back right.

Storm a convergence, Shen Lang helped Ning Xiaoyao, quickly into her body into a glass sky light.


Ning Xiaoyao's body is stimulated and spits out a mouthful of blood. In a trance, Ning Xiaoyao saw that the man in front of him was Shen Lang, and his face was startled. His cold eyes were full of Splendor: "Shen Shen Lang? "

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