Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3191: 3195

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When Lu Peng saw Nangong Mo's hesitation, he was dissatisfied: "father, you are the elder of the ancient ware gate. You don't even have this power?"

Nangong Mo frowned and said, "peng'er, you don't know. Everyone can enter this treasure house. What's more, if I give you treasures at will, it will certainly arouse the dissatisfaction of Ning Rufeng and the elders in the door. "

Lu Peng said in a hurry: "father can rest assured that the child will only choose one or two things, and will not wantonly ask for it! You just let me in. "

"Peng'er, what do you want that your father can provide you, so you don't have to be so obsessed with the treasure house? Most of the treasures in the treasure house are the relics of previous generations of leaders. You may not be able to use many strange things. " Nangong Mo advised.

Lu Peng said, "because of this, the child wants to take a chance. Shen Lang's boy is lucky because he has many chances. He doesn't want to lose to him! "

Looking at Lu Peng's vow, Nangong Mo couldn't talk about it again. He could only promise: "well, if my father gives you a chance, I'll let you enter the treasure house, but you'd better not take more than two things."

As soon as the voice falls, Nangong Mo takes out a white jade token from the storage ring and throws it at Lu Peng.

Thank you, father Lu Peng took the token, secretly pleased in his heart and repeatedly expressed his thanks.

The treasure house is on the lower floor of the main hall of the ancient ware gate. Nangong Mo directly opens a transmission array to send Lu Peng into the treasure house.

"Whoosh" sound, Lu Peng transmission came to a golden hall.

It's full of treasures, all kinds of armor, swords, spears, halberds, mirrors, tripods, fans, harps, pearls In addition to magic weapons, there are also various bottles and jars of pills, books, calligraphy and paintings, as well as rare materials. There is no lack of bones and collaterals of ancient animals and other powerful creatures.

There are too many kinds to count!

"Ha ha ha ha, it's a treasure house of ancient ware gate. It's really extraordinary!"

Lu Peng's heart burst into excitement. He immediately released his divine consciousness and began to search for the rune jade slips.

After searching for a while, Lu Peng found many strange jade slips, but none of them were Fu Wen jade slips.

as Lu Peng was as like as two peas in despair, he suddenly found a Golden Jade Jane in a big tripod in the corner. The energy of jade Jane was exactly the same as the forbidden energy he saw outside the hole of Han Guang.

"This is it!"

As soon as Lu Peng's eyes lit up, he immediately took out the rune jade slips in the tripod.

In order to avoid being discovered by Nangong Mo that he has a rune jade slip in his body, Lu Peng wrapped the jade slip with chaotic spiritual power and swallowed it into his stomach. He expected that Nangong Mo would not check his own body even if he checked it.

After taking the Fu Wenyu bamboo slips, Lu Peng took two treasures from the treasure house at will.

Although there are many treasures here, there is no magic weapon that can make him win the heavy waves. Lu Peng only places his hope on the treasure of heaven and earth.

After leaving the treasure house, Lu Peng returned to the main hall of the ancient artifacts gate through the transmission array, and returned the token to Nangong mo.

"Father, I have found what I need. I will practice hard in the future, and I will live up to your expectation." Lu Peng pretends to say.

"That's good."

Nangong Mo ordered: "peng'er, I know you hold a grudge against Shen Lang, but he is protected by Ning Rufeng, which is not something you can provoke. As for Shan'er, this girl is not simple. If she doesn't want to fulfill her engagement with you, you should not force her to do so, otherwise there will be many hidden dangers. "

Lu Peng's face is black. This can't be provoked, and it can't be forced. Nangong Mo can't help himself. What's the use of this father?

"Peng Er, no matter how dissatisfied you are in your heart, don't provoke that Shen Lang again in the future!" Nangong Mo finally admonished.

Lu Peng's eyes flashed a trace of deep resentment, and his mouth echoed: "the child knows!"

The more Nangong Mo said this, the more determined he was to take the life of Shen Lang dog!


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After leaving the main hall of the ancient artifacts gate, Lu Peng went to the Hanguang cave in a hurry.

Not long after, Lu Peng came to the outside of the Han Guang cave, spit out the Fu Wen Yu Jian that had just been swallowed in his stomach, held it in his hand, and poured chaotic spiritual power into the jade slips crazily.


A large number of golden Rune marks gushed out from the jade slips, which impacted the golden light curtain outside the Hanguang cave like waves.


The golden light curtain was shocked by countless runes, and its surface was indeed turbulent, and it was gradually torn open with a gap about two meters wide.

Overjoyed, Lu Peng rushed into the gap.

The hole is full of water and the air is cold and humid.

Through a pool, there is a stone platform in front of it. On the stone platform, there is an old and clumsy gray mirror.

The mirror has a peculiar shape. The whole body looks like a stone. It is no different from a broken stone that has been slightly processed. Its edges and corners are worn out.

The stone mirror is not round, but irregular square with a slit in the middle. In the middle of the seam into the border, the stone mirror left and right engraved with the word "heaven and earth", ancient and thick."This is the treasure of heaven and earth!"

Lu Peng's eyes were shining, and he fell into madness in an instant.

His whole mind was full of thoughts of revenge. He was too lazy to manage the three or seven twenty-one. He flew forward and seized the treasure of heaven and earth on the stone platform, and tried to enter the magic power of chaos into the treasure book.

After several attempts, the mirror of heaven and earth still has no aura and no reaction.

Lu Peng's heart is fierce, with a sharp blade to cut his fingertips, dripping blood into the treasure of heaven and earth.


At this time, the treasure of heaven and earth was awakened by the blood of Lu Peng, a common man. The stone mirror immediately broke away from Lu Peng's hand and floated in mid air.

"The treasure of heaven and earth, please give me supreme strength!"

Lu Peng's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was almost feverish. He immediately fell to the ground and kowtowed to the treasure of heaven and earth.

"Mortal generation, dare to wake me up with the blood of filthy filth, and go away in smoke and ashes!"

Floating in the air, the treasure of heaven and earth spewed words. It seemed that some people were angry. The surface of the mirror suddenly splashed with golden light, which covered the whole Han Guang cave in an instant.


Lu Peng did not respond to what happened, he felt a powerful force that was beyond description from the West. He could not help but scream in his mouth!

The strong golden light was fleeting. Lu Peng's body was blasted into powder by the golden light, and the spirit was no longer there!

In just a moment, Lu Peng was killed by the treasure of heaven and earth, and he was completely killed.

"Strange thing! When the time has come, why is it that the man who came here is not the Savior mentioned by dizu, but a despicable and ordinary person? "

The treasure of heaven and earth makes a sound of doubt.

"Well, it's less than a million years since the great calamity of the fairyland has come. I can't wait here any longer. Now that we are awakened, let me have a look! "

Helpless, heaven and earth treasure use the last energy, opened the mirror.

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