Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3221: 3225

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Shen Lang said bluntly: "the younger Taoist couple also passed the hunting trial and got the hunting jade card. You can see if you can extend the time limit for her to worship in the seven holy palaces to 200 years."

"It's easy. I'll arrange it for you."

Jin Zhanyuan agreed.

"These are the demands of the younger generation. Thank you, master Jintang." Shen Lang's face showed gratitude and clasped his fist.

Jin Zhanyuan took a golden note from the storage ring, threw it to Shen Lang, and said, "200 years later, you can pass on the note and report to the seven holy palace. If you don't come, you'll be at your own risk! "

After saying this, Jin Zhanyuan threw off his cloak and left the ancient ware gate with the law enforcement friars of the seven holy palaces.

Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief and floated to the ground. Ning Rufeng and a group of ancient ware door elders met him one after another.

"Ha ha ha, Shen Lang boy, you are really giving the ancient ware gate a long face this time!"

Rather like the wind, smile not close mouth.

"Yes, elder Shen will have an unlimited future if he can become a disciple of the master of the Seven Saints palace."

"Ha ha, we can also get some light on our antique door."

"Elder Shen is really the lucky star of our ancient ware gate!"

All the elders of the ancient ware gate were beaming with joy. Shen Lang suddenly soared into the sky. It was a great good thing that the ancient ware door could also be protected.

"You're all wrong. Shen is just lucky." Shen Lang said some polite words with a smile.

In fact, he was not so happy in his heart. Instead, he had a strong sense of uneasiness. He only hoped that the master of the seven holy palaces would not have any malice towards him. Ning Rufeng cleared his throat and said in a loud voice: "this time, Shen Lang, the great elder of the ancient ware sect, was accepted as a disciple by the palace master of the Seven Saints palace. This is a great wedding! Pass on the old man's command immediately. Ten days later, a banquet will be held in cangluan mountain, and invitation cards will be sent to invite all major schools of Qianqiu to come to the banquet! "


All the elders answered in unison.

Shen Lang didn't refuse, but the banquet can make a big contribution to the ancient ware gate.

On that day, the ancient ware door began to prepare for the banquet.

The news that Shen Lang was accepted as a disciple by the master of the Seven Saints palace soon spread all over Qianqiu peak. The whole ancient ware door vibrated up and down. The disciples were stunned when they first heard the news.

Shen Lang has just become a great elder, but he has encountered such good things again. His luck is against the heaven!

The master of the Seven Saints palace took his disciples in person. This row of noodles is not so big. This kind of thing rarely happened in Meishan history.

All the disciples are very happy. If Shen Lang gets mixed up in the Seven Saints' palace after Shen Lang, they will have a backing for the ancient ware gate.

Five days later, the news spread all over the Qianqiu peak.

All the six immortals of Qianqiu peak have received the invitation from the ancient ware gate. According to the ancient ware sect, Shen Lang, the peerless genius of their sect, has recently broken through the realm of human beings and immortals, and has been accepted as a disciple by the palace master of the Seven Saints palace. In order to celebrate this event, the antiquities department specially held a grand banquet, inviting senior officials of the six major sects to attend the banquet.

As soon as the news came out, the six immortal gates were shaking violently.

It wasn't long before three monks passed the hunting trial in the ancient ware gate. Now it's hard to imagine that the master of the Seven Saints palace accepted the monks of the ancient ware gate as their own disciples.

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For a while, Shen Lang's name spread all over Qianqiu peak.

This time, Shen Lang, a talented person, is expected to develop and expand in the future. Naturally, the six immortal gates of Qianqiu peak dare not neglect and agree to attend the banquet.

In this way, ten days later, the banquet of ancient ware gate was held in cangluan mountain.

The six immortal sects sent congratulatory gifts one after another, and all the leaders and senior officials of each sect came.

At the banquet, Shen Lang and the elders of the six immortal sects talked in a loud way. They showed modesty and courtesy, and showed good intentions in their words. They also asked the six immortal sects to pay more attention to the ancient ware sect.

Seeing that Shen Lang can support the ancient ware door so much, Ning Rufeng is happy to blossom in his heart.

It's a pity that such a good boy didn't become his son-in-law.

The banquet was very lively, and even the drunken elder Zhaoyang proposed to compete with Shen Lang in magic power.

Shen Lang didn't keep a low profile this time. He made a small test of ox knife, and won the master of Zhaoyang clan. He was astonished by his skills.

Although it's only a little bit, Shen Lang's amazing strength has opened the eyes of the senior officials of the six immortal sects. No one dares to look down upon this new elder of the ancient ware gate.

The disciples of the ancient ware gate cheered in unison. Unconsciously, Shen Lang had become the object of their worship.

Xia Shaner is also happy for Shen Lang, but at the same time, she is also a little disappointed. She does not disturb Shen Lang to talk with the senior officials of the six immortal sects. She just raises a glass and drinks a mug with a slightly melancholy expression.

Just at this time, Ning Xiaoyao came over and saw Xia Shan Er frowning and sighing. She couldn't help asking, "Shan'er, do you have something on your mind?"

Xia Shan'er looked up at Ning Xiaoyao and pursed her mouth: "demon elder martial sister, Shan'er just feels useless. She can only rely on elder martial brother shenlang, but she can't share any pressure for him. In this way, Shan'er will certainly become a burden to elder martial brother. " Ning Xiaoyao understood Xia Shan'er's thoughts and comforted him: "Shan'er, Shen Lang is not a man who needs women's help. The more you help him, the more he will feel that he owes you and increases his psychological pressure. So, Shan'er, you just need to be goodGood practice, don't give Shen Lang any trouble. "

Xia Shan'er's eyes flashed a trace of splendor and nodded: "sister demon, you are right! Well, Shan'er is so stupid. You know elder martial brother Shen Lang better than Shan'er. "

As soon as he said this, Ning Xiaoyao looked a little unnatural and shook his head and said, "elder martial sister, you have seen too many people, so you can distinguish clearly. Shan'er, you are not experienced enough. Let Shen Lang teach you more when you have time. "

"Well, elder martial brother shenlang has been teaching me, but Shan'er is still too stupid. Well, if you don't say that, sister demon, will you join the seven holy palace Shashaner changed the subject.

Ning Xiaoyao sighed: "my father wants me to practice in the seven holy palace, but I've been hesitating. " Xia Shaner said seriously: "there's nothing to be hesitant about. With your talent and qualification like demon elder sister, you should go to the seven holy palace to practice. Only in this way can elder sister demon have a better development. What's more, elder martial brother shenlang has been accepted as a disciple by the palace master of the Seven Saints palace. If elder sister demon goes to practice in the palace, elder martial brother shenlang can take care of you. "

"No! I don't want to owe him any more. "

Ning Xiaoyao quickly waved his hand and shook his head: "Shan'er, it's better not to have too much intersection between me and Shen lang. don't mix them up blindly."


Seeing Ning Xiaoyao's face refusing, Xia Shan'er puffed up her small mouth and answered.

It was not until late at night that the party was over and the guests dispersed.

Shen Lang is called by Ning Rufeng to the main hall of the ancient ware gate.

Ning Rufeng laid a layer of hidden prohibition of sound insulation and isolation from divine sense exploration. Then God said mysteriously: "Shen Lang boy, I have something to give you!" "What?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

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