Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3255: 3259

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"Shen, you You wait for me. One day, I will make you look good! "

After Yang Wei made a clamor in a hurry, he straightened up and was about to fly into the palace of Seven Saints.

"Wait! You waste, cast a spell to let Ning Xiaoyao recover his original mind, or you can't leave safely Shen Lang's eyes were like electricity. He flew forward and grabbed Yang Wei's neck. He threatened with a sharp voice.

Yang Wei's face was like clay.

He repressed the humiliation in his heart and had to say hoarsely: "this woman has been cursed by" fengjue ". All her emotions and desires are closed. She has no consciousness of thinking at ordinary times. She only follows the person who casts the curse, just like a puppet."

Shen Lang glared at Yang Wei angrily, and his strength increased a little bit: "it's really your hands and feet! If you dare to play with my elder martial sister like a puppet, I must kill you! " Feeling Shen Lang's boiling killing intention, Yang Wei was scared out of his wits and exclaimed, "this Ning Xiaoyao is still a virgin. I didn't play with her! The curse of sealing off her seven emotions and six desires, even if I want to, it is difficult to succeed.

Although I like women, I never force others. "

On hearing this, Shen Lang's anger subsided a little, and asked, "how can I get rid of this curse?"

Yang Wei sweated on his forehead and gritted his teeth to explain: "the curse of sealing off can only last for a month, and it doesn't need to be lifted deliberately. Wait another month at most, Ning Xiaoyao will recover by itself. "

Since Ning Xiaoyao was worshipped by the Seven Saints palace, Yang Wei has been salivating at her beauty and pursuing her desperately. However, Ning Xiaoyao has never looked at Yang Wei with a straight eye, and makes sarcasm every time.

Yang Wei could not get it, and finally became angry. Taking advantage of his unprepared, he lurked in Ning Xiaoyao's residence, and gave her a curse.

Unfortunately, the ability of this curse breaking is limited, and its control over the cursed is weak. It can only make it become an emotionless puppet to follow him, but can not control the other party's actions.

Ning Xiaoyao, who has been cursed, has no consciousness, but still retains a trace of vigilance instinct. As long as outsiders get too close to her, she will immediately launch a counterattack, even Yang Wei.

Although Yang Wei controlled Ning Xiaoyao's action with the curse of sealing off, he could not get Ning Xiaoyao's people and heart, so he could only let her follow him around everyday to comfort him.

"Go away, don't let me see you again next time!"

Shen Lang gave a cold drink and kicked Yang Wei out.

With the sound of "Dong", Yang Wei, like a broken kite, flew far away again, with seven meat and eight vegetables all over his body.

"Elder martial brother Shen Lang, what should I do with the demon elder martial sister?"

Xia Shan'er came forward and asked, with some worries in her heart. As soon as she approaches Ning Xiaoyao, Ning Xiaoyao will launch an attack, which is really a headache.

Shen Lang frowned. It's not a thing to hang Ning Xiaoyao here. Maybe his magic eye can eliminate her curse.

"The magic pupil of heaven!"

Shen Lang opened the eyes of the holy devil, and suddenly a Soul-catching blood light flashed from his eyebrows. The blood light attacked Ning Xiaoyao like a huge wave.


All of a sudden, Ning Xiaoyao was hit by the blood light, and her mouth gave out a sharp cry, and a large number of blood illusions enveloped her.

Less than a few rest time, Ning Xiaoyao fainted in the past.

Shen Lang flashed forward and took the woman's slender waist with one hand and held her in his arms.

Ning Xiaoyao's body is weak and boneless, and the fragrance of Gardenia like fresh fragrance floats on her body, which makes Shen Lang's mind swing.

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Bai Weiwei glimpses this scene, in the heart immediately is not a taste, premonition oneself again wants another love enemy.

Ning Xiaoyao's appearance is extremely beautiful, facial features are extremely delicate, temperament is slightly cold, especially that pair of slender legs is particularly noticeable.

Although Bai Weiwei is quite confident in her appearance and temperament, she can't find her own advantages for the beauty like bining Xiaoyao, which makes her a little headache.

"Shen Lang, you are already a disciple of Tianying ancestor. You are so busy in practice. I just have time. Let me take care of this girl." Bai Weiwei a corner of the mouth, voice gentle way.

Without waiting for Shen Lang to speak, Xia Shan'er on one side hastily said, "no, white girl. Elder martial sister Ning is very familiar with me. Let me take care of her. " Shen Lang nodded slightly: "Shan'er, Ning Xiaoyao is cursed and looks bad. Although the illusion I just released can make her sleep for a long time, it can't guarantee that she will be OK. Shan'er, you and Ning Xiaoyao live in my cave for the time being. In case of emergency, I can take care of you as soon as possible. "

"Well, I'll live with my elder martial brother for the time being."

Xia Shan'er nodded again and again. She was not familiar with the place of Seven Saints palace. Living with Shen Lang, she could also feel a full sense of security.

"What about me?"

Seeing Shen Lang, she offered to live with the two girls. Bai Weiwei's Vinegar jar was almost overturned. She couldn't help but ask.

"What does it have to do with you? It's not like you don't have a place to live. "Shen Wuwei looks at the water.

"Well, forget it. I'll ask you in vain!"

Bai Weiwei Jiao hum, although she has been secretly in love with Shen Lang, but Shen Lang has always regarded her as a stranger, how much let Bai Weiwei some lost.

"Weiwei, you didn't have a good thing before."

Shen Lang takes out a cloth bag from the storage ring and throws it to Bai Weiwei.

Bai Weiwei subconsciously takes the bag and opens it. It contains a red fruit, which is the size of a cherry. However, it emits an amazing aura of chaos. Taking a deep breath, she is refreshing.

"This is Fairy fruit! It is said that after swallowing a plant, it can instantly replenish the fruits of its vitality and chaotic spiritual power? "

Bai Weiwei's beautiful eyes shine, and her face is shocked.

"Yes, you seem to have some insight."

Shen Lang grinned and said casually, "this is for you. It should be of some use to you."

Bai Weiwei's delicate face was flushed instantly. She was both excited and shy and asked, "is it OK to give me such a precious fruit?"

"You can't give it back." Shen Lang said impatiently.

"I want it, I want it! This is the first thing you give me. I don't want to have it! "

As soon as Bai Weiwei's mouth was bent, she immediately put away the bag containing the fairy fruit. In her heart, she was as sweet as honey.

I can't believe that Shen Lang, who has always been cold to her, would give her something. The huge contrast makes Bai Weiwei feel happy in her heart. When she is excited, she flies forward and quickly kisses Shen Lang on the cheek.


With a warm touch, Shen Lang was stunned at first, then stepped back a few steps, and roared: "Hey, woman, don't push your luck!" "It's just a kiss, and it won't lose a piece of meat. By the way, I usually live in the Wanhua forest behind the Seven Saints palace. If Mr. Shen feels lonely in his heart, he is welcome to come here to enjoy tea and have a rest. " Bai Weiwei smiles gently, and her eyes are like silk.

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