Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3271: 3275

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Zhu tou, after all, is a descendant of the seven saints who has been famous for a long time. He made a shocking mountain seal with all his strength, and he resisted the GUI water dragon thunder released by Shen Lang without losing ground.

After the explosion, Zhu tou's whole body condensed a piece of white light to resist the impact of the explosion. He only stepped back a few steps, and was surprised in his heart.

Even though he had seen Shen Lang's magic tricks, he was shocked when he felt it personally.

Just a friar in the early stage of human immortality, the magic power attack released can be so powerful that it is really incredible!

After so many days of fighting, Shen Langmu finally met an opponent who could play a little more seriously.

"Nine turn gold body!"

"The realm of divine power!"

Before the sound of the explosion was completely silenced, Shen Lang successively displayed the golden body of nine turns and the realm of divine power. The body was covered with gorgeous golden light, and the whole body's bones and meridians crackled.


A dull explosion sound sounded, and the whole man rushed out like a shell. He turned his hand to offer a soul chasing gun and took Zhu tou's chest directly!

With the blessing of jiuzhuan golden body and divine power, Shen Lang has raised the speed and agility of the body to the limit. The whole person is like a golden flash, which makes people dizzy!

Seeing Shen Lang holding a spear like a golden light, Zhu tou narrowed his eyes, and his face became serious. He also turned his hand to sacrifice a huge golden sword.

The long Dao is pure gold, and the blade also emits dazzling golden rays. It is like transparent gold crystal, with great momentum.

This Dao is called "Jinyuan Dao". Its body is made of the heaviest "Jinyuan heavy sand" in the real fairyland. It belongs to the current of the best immortal tools. It is as heavy as a mountain, and extremely strong!


Zhu tou shook and drank, and his fat arm tried to swing the Jinyuan sword, and he slashed it towards the attacking soul chasing gun.


The sharp metal percussion sound is deafening. The swords and guns intersect, and the dazzling black and gold awns collide with each other. The fierce spirit power is splashed and the vigorous wind blows around.


Shen Lang smacked his lips. He could clearly feel the horror of the other side's long golden knife conveyed to his own soul chasing gun, and directly acted on his arm, which made his arms numb.

You know, Shen Lang has exerted nine turns of golden body and divine power, and has raised the strength of the flesh to the limit. He can also feel such a great pressure, enough to prove that Zhu tou's physical strength is terrible to an unimaginable degree!

What's more surprising is Zhu tou, who has already used 70% of his strength in the blow he launched just now with his "Jin Yuan Dao". If he becomes an ordinary monk, he will even fly out with a gun.

In front of him, the deep wave felt only a little discomfort, and then recovered as usual, standing still.

Zhu tou was shocked by the strong body of the other party!

"Interesting! Take it

Now that he is close, Shen Lang certainly has no reason to retreat. His soul chasing gun turns into a dense black gun shadow, and shoots at Zhu crazily.

Zhu tou's face was dignified, and he set up the Jin Yuan knife in his hand to chop and defend.

"Dang! Dang! Bang

The sound of violent metal collision is endless. Every time a knife and gun collide, the light splashed out almost blinds people's eyes. The fierce vigorous wind is rampant in the arena.

All the monks were stunned.

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It is the first time to see such a close combat of physical quality.

Most of the duels between the real immortals are to compare their respective magic powers and magic weapons, and to see who sends out the magic power or the magic weapon that is fired out is more powerful. Almost all of them win by the power of the magic power.

The competition between the flesh and the body is extremely rare. After all, there are few friars in the fairyland today who choose to practice.

Because it is very difficult to practice the body refining skill, and it requires a lot of natural materials and earth treasures to be smashed into the body, and most of the monks can't afford to consume them.

In addition, since the end of the World War II, there are not many heritages left in the fairyland, and there are very few exercises such as body training. Therefore, over time, no friars will choose to practice.

On the challenge arena, Shen Lang and Zhu tou have already turned into shadows. A lot of gold and black light burst out in the places they passed, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Under the field, the monks felt very hearty and cheered.

Dai Li and Yuan Fei watched the war and were also shocked by Shen Lang's performance.

"Damn it, it's really an evil sect. Shen Lang, such a scum, can use his magic power to frighten people. How can he cultivate his body like this?"

Yuan Fei is full of haze.

According to his father Yuan Tianzong, Shen Lang is a friar of feisheng. His bone age is just over 100000 years old. Yuan Fei really can't figure out how Shen Lang practiced.

Dai Tian carried his hands, and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.

Although Zhu tou's strength is not as good as his own, his physical strength is better than his own. Shen Lang can attack his strong points and fight Zhu tou in close combat to such a point, which is really amazing.Xia Shan'er, Ning Xiaoyao and Bai Weiwei look at the battlefield with worried expression. Although they don't think Shen Lang will lose, such a fierce confrontation will make them worry about Shen Lang.

In the arena, the fight between the two sides continues.

Shen Lang was surprised. He thought Zhu tou was short, fat and slow in action, but he didn't expect that the speed of the other party was so amazing that he could keep up with his own speed!

Zhu tou's heart was filled with bitterness and cold sweat. He was so absorbed in the spirit that he could resist the attack of Shen Lang.

After fighting for so long, Shen Lang's attack became more and more fierce. In fact, he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Shen Lang.

The main reason is that Shen Lang just took over the soul gun, but he was not very proficient in controlling the magic weapon. After fighting for so long, Shen Lang mastered the soul chasing gun more and more skillfully.


Seeing that Zhu tou was getting weaker and weaker, Shen Lang seized the opportunity and tried his best to infuse the chaotic spiritual power in his body into the soul chasing gun in his hand, and shot straight out!


The surface of the soul chasing gun gushes out endless black awns, and a huge black light column is shot from the gun tip, carrying the terrifying destructive energy. The electric light and flint attack Zhu tou's face door!


Zhu tou's hair stood up all over his body. Obviously, he could feel how powerful the blow of Shen Lang was!

In a hurry, he swung his golden knife with all his strength, and struck a golden storm, just like a giant tornado. The dense golden beams in the tuyere interweaved and collided, carrying a chilling destructive power.

"Boom, boom!"

The golden storm hit the black column of light and made a deafening roar.

Unfortunately, Zhu tou's effort in a hurry was slightly inferior to Shen Lang's.

The black light from the soul chasing gun pierced through the golden storm and hit Zhu tou's body, tearing out a lot of wounds and bleeding. The soul chasing gun, like the embroidered needle of the God of death, fell into Zhu tou's chest and abdomen, and its overbearing power quickly ground his body into slag!

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