Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3295: 3299

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Shen Lang's body is filled with a vast amount of chaotic spiritual power. It's needless to say that the progress in strength is needless to say, and the storage capacity of chaos spiritual power is three or four times more than before!

In addition, his body's origin of thunder and the color glass heart lamp light species also expanded some, even the magic species and blood spirit immortal body's ability is also stronger than before.

Although he has not had the opportunity to test his own strength, Shen Lang can almost be sure that his strength has been improved in general. Compared with the previous level, it is totally two levels. It is estimated that the friars in the early stage of fighting against Dixian are no less than that!

The treasure house of the Seven Saints palace is located on the west side of the sect. It looks like a purple gold pagoda. It seems to be made of purple gold jade. It is gorgeous and dazzling.

The treasure house is the important place of the sect. The gate keepers are all the early cultivation of immortals.

Neither the disciples nor the elders of our sect can enter the Sutra Pavilion without the reward token issued by the sect.

Only by holding the "secret treasure order" granted by the sect, can a monk of our sect be qualified to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

In fact, Shen Lang can ask Tianying Laozu for some magic weapons, but he disdains to do such things as opening his mouth and reaching out.

Father Tianying has given him enough benefits. Shen Lang doesn't want to ask for more. He also wants to be self reliant.

After a while, Shen Lang had already reached the top of the treasure house and fell straight down to the gate of the treasure house.

When the two gatekeepers saw that it was Shen Lang, they immediately cast a look of worship and bowed down and said, "I have seen elder Shen!"

After the last martial arts meeting, Shen Lang became a famous person in the seven holy palace. No one in his family knew his name and became the object of worship of many disciples.

Shen Lang carried the moon shadow Pendant with him. The two gatekeepers did not realize his current cultivation level.

"No gifts, no gifts!"

Shen Lang was a little uncomfortable. He coughed and said, "I have a secret treasure order. I want to go to the treasure house to choose a treasure. Can you let me go?"

After that, Shen Lang took out the Yellow token from the ring and showed it to the two gatekeepers.

The two gatekeepers immediately clasped their fists and said, "elder Shen, you are joking. The secret treasure order in your hand is the highest level secret treasure order of the seven holy palace! Holding this token can be directly transmitted to the top level of the treasure pavilion to select the secret treasures of the sect. "

The treasure Pavilion is divided into three layers, the upper layer, the middle layer and the lower layer. The lower layer is the most common treasure. The higher the upper layer, the higher the quality of the treasure. The top layer is naturally the "secret treasure" with the highest quality in the sect.

Shen Lang holds the Yellow secret order and can go to the top to select a treasure.

"In that case, please let them go." One of the shenlang newspapers laughed.

The two gatekeepers opened the door of the treasure house immediately after they had a good bow.

The gate of the treasure house is actually a white light curtain, and the surface of the light curtain waves with strange energy transmission.

"Elder Shen, this is the" portal ". If you put chaos power into the secret order in your hand, you can send it to the corresponding floor." The gatekeeper explained.

"Thank you for your information."

After Shen Lang nodded and said a word, he entered the chaos spiritual power into the secret treasure order in his hand.


The secret treasure order suddenly shot out a yellow light column and ran into the white light curtain inside the gate of the treasure house with the lightning speed, making a roaring and trembling sound.

The white light curtain spreads like water ripple, and a white light vortex appears on the surface of the light curtain.

The Shen wave enters the white light whirlpool, and "whoosh" is transmitted out.

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The next moment, he came to the top of the treasure house.

In front of Shen Lang, there are rows and rows of circular jade platforms, each with magic weapons of different sizes. They are densely displayed in front of Shen Lang, and there is also a light shield prohibition on each stone platform.

Under the stone platform, there are jade slips. The contents of the jade slips basically explain the use of the magic weapon.

Shen Lang walked back and forth, and glanced at it roughly. There were hundreds of magic weapons on the top of the treasure house, all of which were the best of the fairies.

According to the rules, a secret order can only take one magic weapon.

Shen Lang's attack has a soul chasing gun, its defense has a nine turn golden body, and its Shenhun defense has a mantra of Yisheng Zhenjun. No matter attack or defense, there is almost no short board.

The only drawback is probably the lack of a powerful flying magic weapon.

He Jian presented ziyundun to himself in the ancient ware gate before. Although it is a top-grade immortal, this treasure is only suitable for long-distance travel. In terms of speed, it is a bit of a difference.

Shen Lang wandered around on the top floor and finally fell on a mysterious silver cloak.

The shape of the Cape is rather strange, with a large number of unknown silver wings on its surface, which releases dazzling silver light.

Shen Lang suddenly came to a point of interest, can not help but pick up the jade under the jade platform to have a look.

"The silver winged Cape, the best immortal tool and wearable magic weapon, is made from the feathers of the ancient witch beast" silver winged giant roc ". The friar wears this treasure on his body and pours chaotic spiritual power into his cloak, which can make his escape speed increase greatly." "At the moment of crisis, the monk can also consume a lot of his blood essence to enter the cloak, summon the spirit and spirit shadow of the ancient sorcerer silver winged giant ROC, so that the escape speed can be increased three times in a short time! If a monk has this treasure, his escape ability will be greatly improvedIt's up to... "

After reading the contents of the jade slips, Shen Lang couldn't help being speechless.

Although running away is not my style, the function of the winged cloak is quite real.

Thinking of Tianying's previous instructions, Shen Lang felt that he had more things to protect his life, which was not a bad thing.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang enters into chaos spirit power toward his secret treasure order.


The secret treasure order shot a yellow light column and hit the light curtain on the stone platform.

As the secret treasure order continuously emits yellow light, the light curtain prohibition on the stone platform is also weakening.

After a while and a half, the light curtain on the stone platform finally disappeared, and the secret treasure order was turned into powder due to the exhaustion of energy. As expected, it confirms that a secret order can only take one magic weapon.

Shen Lang takes out the silver wing cape on the stone platform, because it is a kind of wearing magic weapon. He puts it on himself directly.

The silver winged Cape will automatically adjust its size according to the body shape of the treasure holder. Shen Lang wears it well and looks quite handsome.

After leaving the treasure house, Shen Lang can't wait to test the ability of the new magic weapon, and the silver light of the Cape rises.

With the sound of "boom", Shen Lang set off a strong wind of silver. Before the two gatekeepers responded, Shen Lang flew out like a shell and turned into a silver meteor and left quickly.

"Damn it, I'm running away so fast. I'm going to catch up with the elder Dixian in the sect?"

"No Elder martial brother Shen's ability is hard to guess. "

Both of the two gatekeepers were shocked and broke into a cold sweat. They couldn't help sighing, and they were really Wuxu scholars under their fame. Shen Lang urged the silver winged cloak to gallop in the sky. His escape speed was more than three times faster than his original escape speed. He might not be able to catch up with the speed of the earth immortal friars, but there was no difference.

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