Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3315: 3319

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Xuanming originally wanted to capture Shen Lang alive, but he felt that the boy was extraordinary and there would be no other means to protect his life. So he decided to take his life directly to avoid rebirth of variables.

In the battlefield, Shen Lang felt that he was suddenly locked in by a powerful air force. He was alert for a moment. He saw that xuanming in the distance had already exerted his magic power of Dharma and heaven and pulled the Dragon bow.


The light released by the arrow tip of Dragon God is becoming more and more intense, which gradually turns the large space into pure gold. The frightening sound of dragon chant is frightening.

"Not good!"

Shen Lang was shocked.

The manic and spiritual power released by the Dragon God bow is just like a river over the sea. The deep waves are covered with cold hairs. Instinctively, it feels that the power of this arrow will be terrible!

"Be careful, brother Shen!"

Dai Tian also found xuanming holding up the Dragon bow for the first time, and immediately made a startling sound towards Shen Lang.

Without Dai Tian's warning, Shen Lang has found xuanming with a bow and an arrow. In order to avoid surviving the target, he immediately changed back to the human form to block the attack.

"Son Shen Lang, you must die

Xuanming uttered a fierce roar and shot the Dragon God arrow out.


A sharp sound of breaking the sky sounded. The arrow almost took out 30% of the chaotic spiritual power in xuanming's body!


The huge golden arrow turned into a five claw Golden Dragon with a long body. It was flying towards the Shen wave with the golden awn and the unimaginable frightening power. The majestic momentum was awe inspiring all over the world, and the roar of the dragon was heard everywhere!

At this moment, all the disciples of the Seven Saints palace were shocked by xuanming's shocking arrow, and all of them showed a look of panic.

"Deep waves!"

Bai Weiwei's face turned pale with fright.

The arrow shot by xuanming not only overthrew the attack of all the disciples of the seven holy palace, but also killed Dai Xiong! No matter how powerful Shen Lang is, it is only the cultivation of human beings and immortals. How can it resist the Dragon arrow?

"Elder martial brother, be careful!"

Xia Shan'er bit her silver teeth, and her beautiful eyes stare at the flying five clawed Golden Dragon. She tries her best to display the Tianxin sword array with 12 points.

Ninety nine Tianxin flying swords soared into the sky, turned into a dense net of swords, and flew towards the five clawed Golden Dragon.

Unfortunately, before the sword net hit the spirit itself, it was easily dissolved by the golden awn rushing out of the five claw Golden Dragon.

The power gap is too big!

"Stop the spirit! If elder Shen Lang dies, we will all be buried here! "

Dai Tian's face roared ferociously, and the red sun dog exerted his blood sun power with all his strength. A blood colored vortex was formed in front of him. The endless blood colored light blade rushed out of the whirlpool and swept towards the flying five claw Golden Dragon.

Dai Tian's words are true. Shen Lang almost broke the balance with his own strength, and gave the seven holy palace monks hope of survival. If Shen Lang dies, the situation is likely to deteriorate instantly and the consequences are unimaginable.

In addition, the blood of the witch beast swallowed by the descendants of the seven saints could not last long. Shen Lang's life should be saved in any case.


All the disciples of the seven holy palaces made the sound of shaking and drinking one after another, showing their magic powers and attacking the flying five clawed Golden Dragon.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

A large number of attacks hit the five claw golden dragon like a storm, and the aura burst all over the sky.

More than a thousand monks of the seven holy palaces are still unable to resist the power of the Dragon God, arrow and spirit.

Compared with the previous attack, the main reason is that the number of monks in the seven holy palace is not enough, and many disciples' support is not timely enough to defeat the Dragon God arrow spirit.


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Seeing the five clawed Golden Dragon attacking her, she quickly swallows away towards the deep waves. Xia Shan'er starts to cry with tears.

"Elder Shen..."

Many disciples of the Seven Saints palace closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look again.


Shen's eyes smell the death of the arrow.

Ordinary means can't resist this kind of attack at all. Even if your body is transformed by the nine turn Taoist Scripture, you will die after being hit!

"That's what I'm going to do!"

Shen Lang's face showed a trace of ferocity and madness. He opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of blood essence. He gave out a thunderous drink: "seventh stage fairyland magic, gold thread jade clothes!"

The roar, like thunder, vibrates in all directions.

The essence blood from Shen Lang's mouth turned into a large amount of blood color and spiritual power and poured into his body.

Then, Shen Lang's whole body burst out with dazzling golden light. A large number of golden runes broke out from the skin, blood, bones and collaterals, meridians and even spirits, and quickly condensed on Shen Lang's body surface.


All the nine turn Dharma Seals in Shen Lang's body were released in one breath, and the body burst out with golden brilliance like the scorching sun, and the intense strong light stabbed people could not open their eyes!In the golden bath, Shen Lang's body surface actually condensed a gold and jade armor!

Please search and attack Zhong Hao's "Huayou mountain moon" against your will. There are both inside and outside. The gold and jade armor was covered with dense gold runes, releasing a thrilling golden brilliance. The mysterious gold and jade armor added to Shen Lang's body made the whole person's temperament change dramatically. It's majestic. It seems that

to go is like a God's residence, not angry and self-confident!

The next moment.


Shen Lang was engulfed and submerged by the flying five claw Golden Dragon. The body of the five claw Golden Dragon burst. The golden fire covered everything around him, and the whole sky turned into dazzling gold.

The power generated by the explosion of the spirit swept around.


A series of shrill screams were heard. Many disciples of the seven holy palace who had no time to escape were burned to death by the golden flame, and the scene was in a mess.

The friars opened their defense barriers to resist the impact of the fire.

"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Shen Lang, this is your end! "

Seeing Shen Lang engulfed by the Dragon God and arrow spirit, xuanming uttered a sneer, and a trace of contempt and disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it, the tricky boy is dead at last!"

"Tut, brother xuanming should have killed him long ago."

As long as Shen Lang dies, the situation will be basically stable.

At this time, surrounded by a large area of golden flame, suddenly came a loud roar: "fool of the seven holy palace, don't be too happy too soon!"

"What's going on?"

The four celebrities were shocked by the offering of Salmonella, and xuanming's face suddenly solidified.

An astonishing scene appeared.

In the middle of the sea of fire, a strong wind of demons blew away the flames around. Shen Lang stands in the sea of fire, and the giant dragon god arrow shows its original shape, which looks like a sculpture. In front of Shen Lang's body, the sharp points of golden spears pierce into the gold thread jade clothes condensed from Shen Lang's body surface, which makes the surface of the gold jade armor crack with dense cracks, which is ferocious and terrifying!

Rao is so, the gold thread jade clothes still persisted, did not collapse! And completely resist the Dragon God arrow strike.

Shen Lang was undamaged.

"This It's impossible! " Xuanming's face finally changed, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth made an incredible sound of astonishment.

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