Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3321: 3325

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Although the heart is unwilling, Shen Lang has no other way.

The disciples of the seven holy palaces sighed one after another. Although there was a flaw in the beauty, it was also a blessing in misfortune.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll take care of the wound in situ for the time being. After a short rest, we will discuss the countermeasures. " Shen Lang shouts to the disciples of the seven holy palaces.


The disciples of the seven holy palaces responded with one voice and looked at Shen Lang with burning eyes.

After this fierce fight, Shen Lang became very tall in the hearts of the disciples of the seven holy palace. If it had not been for Shen Lang, they would have been wiped out.

It can be said that Shen Lang saved all of them. All the disciples of the seven holy palaces looked at Shen Lang with respect and worship.

Shen Lang's left arm has been healed and recovered after the treatment of glass sky light and three flowers gathering top. The broken arm has also grown new blood and flesh. The overall injury has recovered by more than half, but his energy consumption is quite serious.

If there is another such fight, Shen Lang will certainly not be able to hold on.

After Dai Tian, Zhu tou and Jin Hong were able to swallow the blood of the witch beast, their bodies began to suffer from severe regurgitation, and their breath rapidly weakened to freezing point.

Dai Tian's strength is strong, barely able to hold on, but his body becomes extremely weak, and he can no longer fight.

Zhu tou was sitting on the ground, meditating and recovering. His whole body twitched slightly and his body was unable to move.

Jin Hongxiu fainted because of his weak strength.

Shen Lang all injected part of the glass skylight into the three people's bodies to replenish their vitality and stop the internal damage in time.

The three people were extremely shocked by Shen Lang's amazing healing power. Shen Lang's Glazed aura was more effective than any other panacea.


Dai Tian found Dai Xiong's body for the first time. He immediately lifted Dai Xiong's bloodstained body from the pit, his arms trembling.

"My father still has breath! Brother Shen, can you save my father? "

Dai Tian sees that Dai Xiong still has a faint breath. He is very excited. He holds Dai Xiong and comes to Shen Lang in a hurry. He kowtows and kneels down, imploring Shen Lang to heal his father.

"Brother Dai, please get up quickly. You don't have to be like this!"

Shen Lang's heart was startled. He quickly helped Dai Tian up and immediately checked Dai Xiong's injury.

Dai Xiong is still alive! However, the vitality is extremely weak, as if it is about to extinguish the sporadic candle fire in general, uncertain, will be extinguished at any time.

After swallowing the blood of the sorcerer and exploding himself in his body, he can save a breath when he is hurt to this extent. Dai Xiong's vitality is really tenacious! This may also be related to Dai Xiong's inheritance of the Seven Saints of Meishan.

Although the red sun dog is only the superior true spirit, if the ancestor's cultivation is strong to the level of Luo Tianxian, the blood inherited from the back will be greatly different from that of the ordinary superior true spirit.

Shen Lang rushes into Dai Xiong's body with glass skylight to stabilize his anger.

With Shen Lang pouring the glass skylight into Dai Xiong's body, Dai Xiong's body and spirit began to recover.

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After working hard for half an hour, sweat came out from Shen Lang's forehead, and Dai Xiong's three flowers on top of his head were reunited and out of danger of life. Although he was still in a coma, Dai Xiong at least lost his life.

"Thank you for saving your father, brother Shen." Dai Tian was so excited that he got up and said goodbye. Shen Lang helped him up and said, "brother Dai, don't be happy too soon. Although I saved Lord Dai's life, his internal damage was too serious and his spirit was seriously damaged, which was almost impossible to repair. Even if you can wake up,

the body will have great sequelae. If you are light, your accomplishments will fall sharply; if you are serious, you will If you lose your mind, you will not recognize it. " Dai Tianshen took a deep breath, still clasped his fist: "these are not important, the important thing is that Shen Lang saved my father! Brother Shen, Dai Tian owes you a great favor. As for his father's sequelae, Dai will find a way to cure his father's sequelae. After that, he will not worry about brother Shen. "

Shen Lang only nodded slightly. It was his limit to be able to do this. Since Dai Tian asked so, he had nothing to say.

After ten minutes of meditation and rest, Shen Lang sent a message to the disciples of the seven holy palaces around him, asking them to gather and discuss the next countermeasures.

"All the disciples of the seven holy palaces must have known the situation. For some reason, we were caught by the friars of Liusha gate

"Although we killed the 20 monks who just came here, we accidentally let a monk at the top of the Dixian run away, and our situation is still in danger."

"For the present, we have to act separately. We still go to the South China Sea of Tianyuan as planned, but the route is not the same. It is expected that even if friars of liushamen have more energy, they can't send so many monks to pursue us in batches. "

Shen Lang said in a loud voice.

All the disciples of the Seven Saints Palace said that it was the only way.

"Mr. Shen took away the storage rings of the five immortals who killed them. I will give you all the inferior immortal stones in the storage rings. These resources are enough for the long journey. "As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang took out the five storage rings of the monk liusalmonella Dixian.

Unfortunately, the storage rings of those 15 liusamurai were destroyed by Dai Xiong's supernatural powers. Shen Lang only collected the five immortals sacrificed by himself.


The Seven Saints palace disciples looked at each other with awe.

You know, the storage ring of five earthly friars is a huge fortune! Shen Lang can take it as his own. After all, he killed the five noble monks, and the disciples of the seven holy palace would not have any objection at all.

However, Shen Lang was willing to share the resources with the public, which instantly made the disciples of the seven holy palace look at Shen Lang's character with great appreciation.

In full view of the public, Shen Lang opened the storage ring of five famous Salmonella.

It is worthy of being the storage ring of the earth immortals friars. The wealth is really amazing. The lower grade immortal spirit stones alone add up to hundreds of millions!

Each disciple of the Seven Saints palace was given hundreds of thousands of lower grade immortal spirit stones, and they were very excited. In addition to the immortal spirit stone, there are a lot of treasures in the storage ring, such as pills, heavenly materials, earth treasures, etc. These things are not easy to divide. In addition, the descendants of the Seven Sages, such as Dai Tianzhu, Jin Hongbai and Weiwei, strongly demand that Shen Lang take it by himself. Shen Lang has no guests, so he takes other things in the storage ring.

"It should not be too late. Everyone should go away and arrive at the nearest island in the South China Sea within half a year. Mr. Shen is not on the same path with you. All your actions in the future will be under the command of Daitian Daoyou

Said Shen Lang in a deep voice.

"Elder Shen, why don't you go with us?"

"Yes, you saved all of us. We respect you as the leader. Even if we really want to set up a sect overseas, we are willing to support you to be the leader of this clan! "

"Yes, we will follow elder Shen to the death!" The disciples of the seven holy palaces said excitedly.

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