Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3323: 3327

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Shen Lang wants to venture to the Holy Spirit mountain. This trip is very dangerous. It's the best result that shasaner doesn't go with her.

In fact, Xia Shan'er realized this. She just didn't want to be a burden around Shen Lang, so she decided to leave.

The two understood each other, tacitly.

Although Xia Shan'er's leaving completely let Shen Lang have no concern, Shen Lang's heart also becomes empty and has an indescribable sense of loss.

It's like something important suddenly passes away from you.

Shen Lang shook his head and forced himself to get up.

When I came back to God, I found that all the disciples of the seven holy palaces had all gone, and had left for a long time.

Shen Lang also got on the escape crane, fully controlled the car, and flew away in the direction of Meishan Qipan peak.


In the sky above the barren mountains not far from the northwest, Yuan Fei used the art of concealment. He secretly hid under a huge stone, and seemed to be observing the movement of the southern horizon.

"It's been a long time since the monk liushamen has been chasing him away." Yuan Fei thought secretly. He was going to wait for monk liusalmonella to leave and go to the scene to look for the remains of shenlang's eight wangzi.

Previously, Yuan Fei secretly sent a note to Qipanshan, which was mostly received by friars of liushamen.

If the monk of liushamen believes it, he will surely send an elder to hunt down Shen Lang and others.

As a result, as Yuan Fei thought, liushamen sent monks and made a lot of noise.

Yuan Fei followed the sound and hid far away to avoid being found by friars of liushamen.

Now it's almost an hour before the sound of fighting stops. Yuan Fei can't bear it anymore. He thinks that after all this time, friar liushamen should have really left.

Thinking about it, Yuan Fei's courage was enlarged. He lifted the hidden magic power and rose from the bottom of the barren mountain.

At this time, a blue light suddenly flew from the distance, which startled yuan Fei.

Yuan feizheng wanted to escape, but he found that the figure in the escape light seemed familiar. After a closer look, he found that it was Yang Wei.

"Lying trough!"

Yang Wei was also startled. He almost thought it was the monk of liushamen who had been intercepted and killed. He was so scared that he was trying to escape. It turned out that it was yuan Fei.

"Who did I think it was? It's you. It's you that scares me

Yuan Fei gasped for a breath and exclaimed in a displeased voice.

"Yuan Fei, why are you here?" Yang Wei's eyes shrunk and his face looked surprised.

Yuan Fei shrugged his shoulders and pretended, "I didn't go to explore the way before, but I haven't gone far. Why can't I be here? By the way, how did you escape on your own

Yang Wei glanced at Yuan Fei and said suspiciously, "Yuan Fei, how do you know we escaped? Did you know that friar quicksand was attacking us

Yuan Fei's heart "cluttered" a jump, hastily covered up: "you You're kidding! Will the young master join hands with the friars of liushamen Yang Wei hehe said: "that's not necessarily! Previously, Lord Dai took us to escape well. If we had not been exposed, we would not have attracted those monks. Just before the group of monks came after you, you suddenly left the team for a ridiculous

reason. Yuan Fei, don't tell me, it's you who informs the friars of liushamen! "

Yuan Fei sneered and said, "Yang Wei, it needs evidence to say this kind of words. Do you have any evidence to prove that this young master informs friar liushamen?"

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"Well, I know exactly what you're thinking. You want to kill Shen Lang for a long time. Maybe you want to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Shen Lang by Liu Salmone

Yang Wei broke through yuan Fei's plot.

The reason why yuan Fei had problems was that Yang Wei had great hostility to Shen Lang in the past, and even had the idea of killing Shen Lang.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yang Wei felt that his temperament was similar to Yuan Fei's, and they were all narrow-minded people, so he could infer yuan Fei's motives.

Yuan Fei's face suddenly became sullen when he was told of the pain. He reached out and grabbed Yang Wei's collar and smacked his lips: "Tut, I'm too lazy to talk to you about this nonsense! Tell me, Shen Lang, is that son of a bitch dead? " Yang Wei's face was livid, and he roared: "those friars of Liusha gate just now were really attracted by you! Shen, do you want to kill all of us? It's a pity that you are still the young master of the seven holy palace!

"no nonsense! You don't want to die in the same way. You have no right to say I am. "

Yuan Fei was furious. Since he had been seen through, he was too lazy to cover it up.

"I hate Shen Lang, but I'm not as crazy as you are. You don't even have a little conscience to be a descendant of the seven sages. I don't care to be with such scum like you Yang Wei angrily exclaimed.

"You want to die!"

Between the electric light and the flint, Yuan Fei pinched Yang Wei's neck and forced him to ask, "I'll ask you if Shen Lang's son of a bitch has died?"Seeing yuan Fei's ferocious manner, Yang Wei was certainly frightened, but at the thought that this crazy guy wanted to kill all of them, his anger instantly dispelled his fear. Yang Wei was angry and said with a furious smile: "ha ha ha, I'm afraid you're a scum. Shen Lang didn't die, but he saved a large number of Seven Saints' palace monks and killed several famous Salmonella elders. That's a big show! It's much better than the waste that you'll only shell out. "

In fact, when Shen Lang Gang saved so many disciples of the seven holy palaces with his own strength, Yang Wei had no hatred for Shen Lang any more. He only felt his own ugliness.

Compared with Shen Lang, he is a scum! Yang Wei is self aware of this.

But yuan Fei is not as good as the dregs! Yang Wei couldn't swallow it.

"Fart! Can he kill the elder liushamen? It's impossible to lend him a few lives! "

Yuan Fei's face was ferocious and twisted. He grabbed Yang Wei's right hand by the neck and kept exerting force. He said: "Yang Wei, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Since you don't want to tell the truth, then don't blame Ben Shao's active use of soul searching! "

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Fei's left palm condensed a golden awn and pressed it down on Yang Wei's head.

"Rubbish, stop it for me!"

At this time, the distant horizon suddenly heard a violent drink, like thunder, sound shock tens of thousands of miles!

In the roar, there was a violent rage to the extreme, just like the roar and roar of ancient beasts, and the whole barren mountain was shaking!


Yuan Fei was shocked and turned to look forward.


See a black light shuttle disease like lightning hit, straight to Yuan Fei's chest!

Yuan Fei was shocked. In a hurry, he quickly sacrificed the wind thunder shield and tried to infuse chaos spiritual power into the shield to resist the sudden attack.

There are a lot of purple lightning storms around the surface of the wind thunder shield, and the soul chasing gun flies hard on the surface of the shield.


The burst like percussion sound makes people's tinnitus, and the powerful force conveys yuan Fei's whole body from the wind and thunder shield. Yuan Fei took a breath of cold air, and the whole person was shaken back thousands of meters, which stabilized his figure.

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