Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3342: 3346

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The fierce tiger was shocked to learn the news. Unexpectedly, before his ass was hot, the friars of liushamen had already killed him.

Is that too fast?

What's more, liushamen led a hundred thousand monks this time. It's not for fun. If you don't take care of it, maybe they will die.

"I'm going to inform Mr. Shen Lang right away. Please order all the disciples to gather in the square as soon as possible!"

After liehu put down this sentence, the whole person turned into a golden light, rushed out of yaoyangzong and rushed to the cave outside the mountain behind riyao mountain.

"Master Shen, something has happened! There are a large number of friars outside who are coming towards riyao mountain. They are suspected to be the friars of liushamen. "

The fierce tiger shouts outside the cave.

Shen Lang took back Guangtian palace for the first time, and turned into a golden escape light from the cave, and quickly arrived at the top of riyao mountain.

"Magic pupil!"

Shen Lang displays his unique insight and magic power, and the magic eye at the center of his eyebrow is full of purple and gold aura.

Sure enough, the black army of friars approached riyao mountain quickly like a mighty tide.

The spirit of the army's suppression on the territory is awe inspiring!

Between the electric light and the flint, Shen Lang grasped the basic situation of the incoming friars through the eyesight of the holy magic eye.

The overall accomplishments of this group of friars were weak. Except for the five leading friars who had the early cultivation of Dixian, there were only more than 200 immortal friars, and the rest were all half immortal dregs.

The first five friars in the early days of Dixian should be the elders of liushamen.

Shen Lang is sure that if only five friars at the beginning of the earth immortals are there, he can still cope with it. However, if you really want to fight, you may not be able to take into account the safety and security of the yaoyangzong friars.

"Liehu, take all the monks of yaoyang sect away from riyao mountain immediately. I'll deal with it here!" Shen Lang sends a message to the tiger.

"Good! Master Shen, you should be careful. "

Liehu answered in a trembling voice and immediately went to the yaoyangzong square. He took all the yaoyangzong disciples to fly away from riyao mountain at the first time.

Shen Lang is the kind of person who will be rewarded by the dripping water. Even if yaoyangzong's kindness to him is small, Shen Lang doesn't want to see the yaoyangzong Friar's innocent and tragic death, so he decides to face liusalmonella's army alone.

Please search Zhong Hao on the contrary: the beautiful mountain moon, which contains the detailed settings and secrets of the real fairyland.

"Elder Li, the friars of yaoyang sect are escaping to the West. Shall we chase them?"

One of the pioneers in the army of friars pointed to a large number of monks of yaoyangzong who had fled far away and asked Li Feng, the elder of liushamen, who was in charge of the army.

Li Feng was about to give orders, and a silver light suddenly rose from the top of riyao mountain. The deep waves drove the silver winged cloak to the sky and quickly came to liushamen monks' army.

"Thief of quicksand gate, your opponent is my uncle!"

Shen Lang glanced at the black army of friars right in front of him, and scoffed without expression.

"Shua Shua!"

In a flash, countless eyes focused on Shen Lang, some were shocked, some were surprised, and more were disdain and contempt.

Li Feng glanced at Shen Lang, but he couldn't see his accomplishments. His face was cloudy and clear and he said, "boy, who are you? How dare you talk like that?" Shen Lang said coldly: "it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I killed the dead body of the Zhuo heaven in your Liusha gate. Now I'm standing in front of you. You mobs in liushamen don't have to struggle to find the murderer

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As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang turned his hand and took out a golden bell from the storage ring and threw it to Li Feng.

Li Feng subconsciously takes over the flying object and looks at it. It's the bell that controls the corpse in the sky.

"It's you

Several celebrities, the elder of God, were furious.

In an instant, the hostility of the five liushamen elders was concentrated on Shen Lang, and they didn't care about the yaoyangzong friars who fled from riyao mountain.

Li Feng's eyes were fixed on Shen Lang, and his face was gloomy and incomparable: "boy, how dare you, even my corpse puppet of liusalmonella dare to kill wantonly? What is your purpose? "

"What's the purpose? Of course, I can't stand what you're doing Shen Lang's mouth showed a scornful sneer.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you insult me? If I don't kill you today, I swear I won't be a man! "

Li Feng's face was livid, and he gave orders immediately.

"Hold on!" Shen Lang suddenly stopped, pointed to Li Feng and said: "you Liusha gate a group of monks bully me. Even if you win, it will be too boring to win. Since you are the leader of this mob, do you dare to fight against me alone

"You think I dare not?"

Shen Lang's words immediately aroused the anger of Li Feng.Li Feng is also a violent temper. Regardless of the opposition of other elders, Li Feng immediately rushed out of the battle and offered a golden halberd with golden awns. He pointed to Shen Lang angrily and exclaimed, "boy, as you wish, come to fight!"

"The sixth stage fairyland, the fury of mountain gods!" Li Feng roared at his mouth, and his body quickly soared to the height of ten thousand feet. He rolled up a bloody light all over his body, and his muscles and muscles swelled rapidly, and his body burned with blood flame.

his eyes showed fierce blood light, and his violent breath was creeping!

The golden Euphorbia in the hand also soared to tens of thousands of meters long, releasing the golden brilliance of the sun.

Li Feng is a rare friar of body refining. This magical power named "the anger of Mountain God" is similar to the intensified version of FA Xiang heaven and earth. However, it can be used only when the body is cultivated to a very high level.

In the face of Shen Lang's ridicule, Li Feng is really angry. In full view of the public, he is ready to use his strongest shot to kill Shen Lang to show his dignity as the commander of the army!


Li Feng, who is huge in shape, holds the golden halberd, infuses the chaotic spiritual power of his whole body into the giant halberd. The power is released to the extreme, and a halberd fiercely stabs at the Shen wave!


The halberd tip of the giant halberd bursts out a golden awn, just like the sun explodes, which contains indescribable terror power!

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk, but his magic power was still insignificant in his own eyes.

"Blood turns nine!"

Shen wave a shock drink, the whole body golden light rose, instantly became the golden eye stone ape posture.

"Nine turn gold body! The realm of divine power

Shen Lang exerted two magic powers in one breath. The golden eye stone ape's body was covered with gorgeous golden light, and the whole body's bones and meridians crackled and their strength soared.

"Dragon tooth hammer, break it for me!"

Then, Shen Lang's incarnation of the golden eye stone ape turned his hand to sacrifice the dragon's tooth hammer, and swung the dragon's tooth hammer, and his divine power was released to the extreme.

"Roar!" In the mouth of the golden eye stone ape, the Dragon tooth hammer in his hand, like a strong golden meteorite, hit the golden halberd heavily.

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