Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3346: 3350

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"Double dragon thunder curse!"

Shen Langmu put his best light on him and did the same. He put out a double dragon thunder mantra with all his strength. Two huge thunder dragons, one gold and one dark, broke out of the body. After killing the soul of the black robed old man, Shen Langmu attacked the remaining two shaman Dixian elders.


In the end, the two elders were so scared that they had no intention of fighting.

At present, this fierce devil is also too terrible. The four of them are not rivals at all. The most terrible thing is that the defense magic power of the other side can be called against the sky!

Even if the fierce devil stood and let them fight, they could not break the defense of each other!

This battle is a joke!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Spare me

"We beg for mercy and ask for your help

In the eyes of the two celebrities, the elder was full of despair. While trying to defend himself, he began to beg for mercy.


The Baimu demon quickly approached, swung the Dragon tooth hammer, and once again killed a liushamen elder's body, and wiped out his spirit.

The last famous elder Samurai was also hit by the crazy shadow power released by the Baimu demon. His body was stabbed into a huge blood hole by the black sharp light, and his body collapsed.

Shen Lang changed into human form, and lifted the gold thread jade clothes, and a large number of gold runes poured into his body.

He turned his hand and offered a blue whip lock, which he quickly threw out.

I saw the whip lock full of blue light, which bound the spirit of the last liushamen elder dressed in red robe firmly, making his spirit unable to move.

This whip lock, named "soul locking whip", is one of the best immortal utensils. It can trap the spirit of monks in the later stage of Dixian. It is also one of the spoils of Shen Lang's previous acquisition.

"Forgive me! I just hope that you will spare me my life. I would like to be your servant and drive you for millions of years The spirit of the red robed elder was crying and howling for mercy.

Shen Lang's face was cold and said, "what's the use of me as a useless slave? Well, I just want to ask you some questions. As long as you tell me the truth, I can release your soul and inform the rest of the evil of liusalmonella

"Good, good! You may ask questions, but I don't know what to say! "

The red robed elder came back to his way with great emotion.

He thought that Shen Lang really wanted to save his life. After all, Shen Lang could search his soul, so there was no need to make such trouble.

In fact, Shen Lang didn't want to search the soul, but his cultivation was not good, so he couldn't search the soul of the earth immortal friars. In order not to reveal their true accomplishments, they can only coax the other party to tell them what they want to know.

Shen Lang opened his mouth and asked, "tell me, what are the forces of the remaining evils of liushamen? How many earth immortal monks are there? Who is the strongest monk and how is his cultivation? " The red robed elder didn't know why Shen Lang asked this question. He didn't think much about it. He quickly replied: "now liushamen, under the command of leijimen, has occupied nearly one-third of the territory of Huangfengling, and there are nearly 500000 monks under the command. However, the accomplishments are generally low, which is similar to that of today's monks."

"Now there are 19 earth immortals friars in Liusha gate. Oh, no, there are only 15! The earthly friars mentioned below include the elder of Yuanliu Salmonella and the local monks of Huangfengling

"Now the strongest monk of Liusha gate is Reggie, the acting master. Although Reggie had only the early cultivation of Dixian, he had acquired a superb puppet magic, and his combat power was comparable to that of a mid-term Dixian monk. "

The red robed elder told Shen Lang the news.

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Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief in the bottom of his heart. The monk power of the current Salmonella was weaker than he imagined. Only worthy of attention, that is only the acting headmaster Reggie.

"How about yuntianlin's whereabouts?" Shen Lang continued to ask.

Shen Lang suddenly asked this question, which startled the spirit of the red robed elder. He thought that the other party was not from the seven holy palace, right?

The red robed elder did not dare to think about it. He replied honestly: "we have no information about the Cloud Gate leader for the time being. As early as 200 years ago, Reggie sent someone to check it. Up to now, there is no trace of Cloud Gate leader."

Hearing this, Shen Lang has no scruples in his heart and takes back the lock soul whip.

The spirit of the red robed elder regained its power of action. He was shocked and overjoyed. He said incoherently, "thank you very much. Thank you for your mercy..."

Before the word "life" was finished, Shen Lang opened his mouth and spat out a large amount of demon fire, burning the spirit of the red robed elder.


The spirit of the red robed elder sent out a heartrending scream and yelled at Shen Lang: "you You said you would spare my life! "

Shen Lang said without expression: "I only said I could spare your life, but I didn't say definitely. Hum, if you want to blame, you are the traitor of Liusha gate. You should die honestly

As soon as the voice fell, the Shen wave spewed out a flame whirlpool formed by the demon fire, which completely destroyed the soul of the red robed elder.

At this point, all the incoming liushamen elders died.After recovering the storage rings of five liusana elders, Shen Lang took out a pair of lower grade immortal spirit stones from the storage rings, and began to recover the magic power of chaos.

Because of the frequent use of powerful magic arts, the battle just now almost exhausted the chaotic spiritual power in Shen Lang's body, but Shen Lang was extremely satisfied with the results of the battle.

As expected, only practice can know the depth!

His combat power is even stronger than he imagined. Shen Lang is full of self-confidence. He feels that he can carry the nest of liushamen's remaining evils by his own strength!

After a while, liehu returned to riyao mountain with several yaoyang patriarchs.

After learning the story, liehu and the elders of yaoyang worship Shen Lang with respect.

"Thank you for saving your life, master Shen!"

The fierce tiger kneels down in front of Shen Lang body, repeatedly kowtow several sound head, the feeling of gratitude has no words to express.

All the elders of yaoyang sect bowed down to their knees.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "it's just a personal grudge. There's no need to say thank you." "Today, although my young master has defeated the army of friars brought by liusalmonella, and killed five immortal elders of liusalmonella, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not come again. Just in case, you'd better leave riyao mountain as soon as possible. This is not a safe place.

as soon as the voice dropped, liehu and several elders of yaoyang clan exchanged views.

"This Master Shen, do we have to leave riyao mountain? " Liehu asked, gritting his teeth.

As a last resort, liehu doesn't want to lead his disciples to leave their long-standing stronghold. Shen Lang said indifferently: "it's ok if you don't leave, but you will face some risks. After a while, I will tell you the truth. I'll tell you the truth! During this period, I can't guarantee your safety. You can choose whether to go or stay. "

"The old nest of Salmonella duanliu?"

Strong tiger startled to take a breath of cold, had to admire Shen Lang's courage. After weighing the pros and cons, liehu bowed down and said, "once yaoyangzong loses the protection of master Shen, it is really vulnerable. The younger generation will immediately lead his disciples to leave riyao mountain. Thank you for protecting riyao mountain and saving countless monks of yaoyang sect. Finally, liehu wishes you success and success

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