Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3351: 3355

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Shen Lang's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Reggie had some means.

The floating golden zombie shadow in the triangle array can release a tremendous amount of spiritual pressure and combat power. Only by spitting out the strange blood storm, it completely blocked the power of thunderbolt.


As soon as Shen Lang pinches his right hand, the thunder whirlpool explodes instantly. The terrifying golden thunder, like a waterfall torrent, swallows up the entire triangle array, and makes a violent thunder strike sound of "bang bang bang bang", which is enlightening to the deaf and enlightening.


The terrifying thunder energy hit all around like a raging wave and tsunami. A large number of monks around were affected by the sky thunder, and their mouths gave out shrill screams. Their bodies were completely blasted into powder by the dense thunder!

The explosion of thunder lasted for a long time, and the endless sky thunder continued to bombard the triangle array of twelve dead bodies of the dead.

The virtual shadow of the moon corpse in the array seems to have limited energy. After resisting for a while, the body begins to twist and deform.


Reggie looks like earth, madly into the body of the twelve corpses of the sky into the mass of chaotic spiritual power, barely support the array, as far as possible to defend the thunder attack from all directions.

With Reggie's cultivation, it's good to summon a wisp of soul of the moon corpse. It is almost impossible to count on the ability of a wisp of weak soul of the moon corpse.

The golden moon corpse is the king among the zombies. Its cultivation has reached the level of Luo Tianxian. Generally, it only appears in the "reincarnation immortal realm" among the nine immortal regions.

Although the golden moon corpse is also a zombie, it is not a zombie puppet refined by friars, but a life independent of the world. It has the same intelligence as ordinary people. It has the blood of Dryopteris, which is classified as a rare zombie race.

The so-called "Zhuo" is the Zombie King of the early Dynasty, whose cultivation reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! Zhuo, also known as "nvhe", is the daughter of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. She was once named "Chishui tiannv". Later, she fell into the devil's way and killed all living beings, so she was vilified as Yanbi. Nowadays, the real fairyland, such as the ground corpse, the sky corpse, and even the golden corpse, are just borrowed from the name of "Zhuo", which gives people a very strong illusion. In fact, it has nothing to do with the real Zhuo. The golden body is the only zombie species with the blood of Dryopteris.

The golden body moon corpse separated soul summoned by Reggie just has its shape. Finally, it can't hold the thunderbolt's killing. The body collapses, and the triangle defense array opened by the twelve heavenly corpses begins to crumble!

"Click, click, click!"

The light wall on the surface of the array is broken like a mirror, and Reggie's eyes are about to crack. He vomites a lot of blood essence and turns it into the supernatural blood power, which is poured into the twelve corpses of Dryopteris, and is still making the final resistance.

Twelve dead bodies in the sky gushed blood from all over the body, and a large amount of bloody corpse fire burst out from their mouths, trying to relieve the pressure of the array.

Although the storm thunder of Shen Lang is strong, it is not invincible. The energy of the raging thunder gradually dissipates.

After one strike, the defense array that Reggie opened collapsed, but relying on the huge amount of corpse fire spewed out by the twelve corpses, it resisted the aftereffect of Tianlei.

The bodies of the twelve corpses were inevitably affected by the sky thunder. The bodies were hit by a lot of wounds by the sky thunder. The whole body was covered with black smoke. There were a lot of golden arcs jumping on the surface of the body, and the mouth gave out a shrill scream.

Although Reggie is safe and sound, he has consumed too much blood essence by summoning, and the whole person is already on the verge of falling, and his combat power is extremely weak.

"No!!! This It's impossible! "

After the thunder stopped, Reggie watched all the thirteen earth immortals monks behind him killed, and even their souls were not preserved. His eyes were wide and his mouth was full of hysterical alarm.

The army of quicksand gate was completely frightened by this shocking scene, and countless friars fled and fled.

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You're kidding. The fierce devil in front of me has all kinds of supernatural powers. All the elders of Liusha sect are killed! With such terrible fighting power, they are just cannon fodder to stay in the battlefield.

The hundred eyed demons stood in the sky, and the army of quicksand gate all around fled one after another, and no one dared to attack Shen Lang again.

Just now, the "sudden falling thunder" shocked all the friars. Now Reggie, basically, has become a bare rod commander.

Shen Lang glanced at Reggie with his hair covered in his eyes, and said coldly: "you, the acting headmaster, have some skills. You can support me with all your strength."

"You Who the hell are you? " Reggie's fingers trembled and pointed to Shen Lang, and his heart was terrified.

The opponent's powerful blow just now can destroy the soul of the golden body moon corpse summoned by himself. The strength of this person is probably equal to that of xuanming, the great elder of Liusha gate!

"As I said, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is, you have to die! "

Shen Lang sneered and said, "double dragon thunder curse!"

Suddenly, two huge thunder dragons, one gold and one dark, swept out of Shen Lang's body, carrying the fierce thunder power and leaping to Reggie. The piercing thunder roared earth shaking.

Reggie is about to use his magic power to fight back. However, he has consumed too much energy, leading to a lack of chaotic spiritual power in his body. He can't use chaotic spiritual power greatly in a very short time.Under helpless, Reggie can only control the whole body with the mind of the twelve heaven corpses to launch defense.


The body of the 12 injured corpses had not recovered completely from the paralysis, so they had to restrain the pain and burst out a lot of poisonous fire from the corpse.

The bloody corpse fire, like a storm, rolled up a whirlpool of flames and ran into two thunder dragons head-on.


The deafening explosion was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, and a large number of corpse fire and thunder collided with each other.

Shen Lang's double dragon thunder mantra is powerful, but the number of corpses in the sky is large, and it really blocks the Thunder Dragon's edge for a time. The two forces of corpse fire and thunder are intertwined and intertwined.

"Crazy shadow!"

Shen Lang's mouth let out a shock again. Thousands of black iron tails burst out from behind the hundred eyed demons, which turned into black bristles crisscross and crisscross, and attacked the twelve corpses.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

A large number of black sharp awns tore a large number of ferocious wounds on the bodies of the twelve corpses, and the golden blood splashed like a fountain.


After being injured again, the corpse in the sky sent out a shrill scream.

"The sixth stage fairyland, the fury of mountain gods!" Shen Lang quickly displayed the magic power of Mountain God's anger. The body of the hundred eyed demon quickly soared to the height of ten thousand feet. The whole body rolled up a piece of blood light, just like the surging force of the river and sea gushed out from the body, and the muscles and muscles of the whole body rapidly swelled. The blood flame burned on the surface of the flesh body, and the fury breath made people shiver! The Baimu demon turned his hand to sacrifice the dragon's tooth hammer. The dragon's tooth hammer also soared to the length of ten thousand feet. The hundred eye demon swung the dragon's tooth hammer and rushed forward with the speed of thunder. It was like smashing a hamster at the twelve dead bodies of the sky!

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