Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3353: 3357

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Shen Lang turned into a human figure. He opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of wind and fire of demons. He rolled up a black flame storm and completely killed Reggie's soul.

At this point, all the earth immortal friars in the remnant Party of liushamen were killed! No life.

Shen Lang cleaned up the battlefield, took away Reggie's and those dead Dixian friars' storage rings, and made a large profit.

In vain, he exhausted the power of thunder in Lei Lingzhu. This trip can be regarded as a harvest.

The holy devil's eye swept around, and the friars in the liushamen army fled one after another, and no one dared to stop and watch.

After making sure that there was no threat or greasy, Shen Lang entered the cave of liusalmonella's old nest, and found a treasure house in the cave, where a large number of inferior immortal spirit stones and natural materials and earth treasures were stored.

What is in this treasure house seems to be the cultivation resources that the remnant Party of liushamen has plundered from various forces in Huangfengling mountain over the past few years. Its value is very high. There are more than 3 billion low-grade immortal stones, which can be called a mouthful!

Shen Lang's fortune doubled as much as his income.

After that, Shen Lang left the cave and flew out of the forest.

After exterminating the remaining evils of the group, Shen Lang felt relaxed. Although he had gone far away, he could still do something for the seven holy palaces.

All I can do is hope that the seven holy palaces are well.

Shen Lang decided to go back to the Seven Saints' palace after he had achieved his accomplishments and deal with all the hidden dangers in the palace, including yuntianlin!

After flying out of the mountain forest, Shen Lang flew all the way to the East.

As early as when he was in the Guangtian palace, Shen Lang had already thought about the place of his next stop, pansiling.

If you want to cultivate the five thunder Dharma, you must learn the Yimu zhenglei of the five thunder Dharma. To cultivate it, you need to be immortal.

Previously, Danqing suggested that Shen Lang go to pansiling to try his luck. There are activities of Muling people in pansiling. There may be clues to Honghuang Xianmu.

Shen Lang decided to go to pansiling and try to find Xianmu. If you want to make a steady impact on the earth immortal cultivation, you must practice the five thunder positive method of heaven immortal skill.

The east of Huangfengling is bordered by pansiling. After several hours of flying with the silver winged cloak, the eastern end of Huangfengling is finally reached.

Along the way, Shen Lang deliberately released the spiritual pressure of the silver wing cloak, creating a huge sense of pressure, avoiding the invasion of Huangfengling mountain stronghold robbers, and the whole process was unimpeded.

There are "Thirteen mountains in Jiuzhou" in Tianmu Xianyu. Pansiling is classified as one of the "Thirteen mountains". It is also a famous place in Tianmu Xianyu.

Pansiling is about one-third the size of Meishan, which is not comparable to the size of sesame seeds in Huangfengling.

This place is a mountain rather than a primeval forest with extremely luxuriant branches and leaves. Pansiling is extremely densely populated with numerous towering trees that block out the sun. A large number of tree branches are like twisted python. On the ground, there are a large number of spirit grass and spirit flowers, and even chaotic spirit trees. The branches are sparse, and the green leaves are round

, and the air is fresh and sweet, mixed with strong wood attribute aura.

As soon as Shen Lang enters pansiling area, he can feel a faint chaotic aura in the air, which is extremely rare in the fairyland!

Generally speaking, it is almost impossible to produce chaotic aura in the present fairyland, except for some places where spiritual veins are interwoven and near Xianling stone mines.

Pansiling is an exception.

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It is said that in the ancient Lich age, "Jumang", one of the twelve ancestors of the witches, raised a "heaven and Earth Spirit seed" through the region of pansiling, and the life born from that spirit was his offspring.

Because pansiling was moistened by the spiritual power of heaven and earth spirits, the chaotic aura of this land was very strong at that time, and it was maintained until the period of the battle of the gods. In order to refine a supreme immortal treasure named "willow clean bottle", the "Cihang Taoist", one of the twelve golden immortals, forcibly pulled out the ground vein of pansiling which was infiltrated by the spirit of heaven and earth, resulting in the loss of chaotic aura in pansiling area.

Later, after the end of the world, the chaos aura in the boundary of the fairyland was completely lost, and none of the chaos aura in pansiling was preserved, which reduced to the present situation.

Even after so many setbacks, pansiling can still preserve a considerable part of the chaotic aura, which is really rare.

Moreover, the closer to the center of pansiling, the stronger the chaos aura, and the stronger the forces of demon clan and demon clan.

Pansiling has been occupied by a large number of demons and Demons since the ancient Lich era.

Even if Yuanzi of dizu town and the friars of the Terran family developed and expanded in tianmuxian area, the foundation of pansiling was still unshaken, and there was no clan influence in this area.

In the history of pansiling, there were famous demons and demons. Baiyan demon king was not the most powerful one, but it was also famous before the war of annihilation.

Generally speaking, pansiling is an extremely dangerous place for the outside friars, especially the Terran friars. The demons here reject the Terran friars very much. Unless they are the strong ones among the Terran friars, they will be robbed and killed in minutes.Pansiling is much stronger than Meishan. It is the holy land occupied by demons.

Shen Lang knew little about pansiling, so he was ready to ask a monk about it.

There is a thick fog in pansiling all the year round. Although this strange fog does not damage the body, it can block the spiritual consciousness of monks.

"Magic pupil!"

Shen Lang opened his magic eye and searched for the whereabouts of the native friars in pansiling in the fog filled forest.

The forces of pansiling, large and small, were quite hidden. Shen Lang had to travel for several hours before finding a target.

On the west side of the deep forest, there are hundreds of friars carrying more than a dozen gorgeous treasure carts, heading for the east of pansiling. On the chariots, there is a large line of words: "Huanghua Temple Birthday Ceremony, no friars for leisure".

Shen Lang immediately swept the hundred friars with holy magic eye and found that they were all demon cultivation at the level of human beings and immortals, and the most powerful one was at the peak of human immortals.

"Is it the monk of Huanghua temple?"

Shen Lang secretly suspected that all the 100 monks had immortal cultivation and were dressed in uniform clothes. They looked like the elite disciples of a big sect, perhaps the monks of Huanghua temple.

Without thinking too much, Shen Lang conceals his accomplishments by taking advantage of the shadow of the moon. The whole person turns into a silver light and floats to the front of the motorcade.

The two demon repair guards at the head of the motorcade saw that a friar was blocking the road in front of them. They couldn't help yelling: "who monk, dare to block the ritual car of Huanghua temple here?"

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said, "excuse me! I have just come to pansiling from Outland. I want to ask you for some information. I have no other ideas. "

"Ask us for information, you can't find death!"

"Do you dare to step into pansiling

The two demon repair guards in front of the motorcade roared fiercely in front of them. They were trying to scare back the Shen wave.

In the rear, a human immortal with black armor rushed forward and reached out to stop two demon repair guards. The demon seemed to be the leader of the motorcade. The armored demon fixed his eyes on Shen Lang and said coldly, "boy, for the sake of your new arrival, we will not embarrass you. The treasures in these treasure carts behind us are birthday gifts for the red silk emperor and daughter of Huanghua temple. Nobody dares to rob pansiling! You a foreign monk, you'd better not to be a crooked mind and get out of here

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