Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3399: 3403

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It has never been heard that a man immortal monk can perform the seven steps of the earth immortal skill.

The little master of Huanghua Temple must have hidden his true cultivation. He just deliberately stimulated himself to fight with him!

Shengcang thought that he had a hindsight and suffered a great loss, and his face became extremely ugly.

"You are not blind. Can't you see what kind of cultivation is this young master? Hum, even if the young master really conceals his cultivation, it will not affect the duel between us. Don't talk to me. Go on

Shen Lang shrugged and continued to snap his finger: "double dragon thunder curse!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang rolled up two huge thunder dragons around him, carrying the rolling thunder with high momentum, and flew toward the holy sky at a high speed. The heavy thunder roared earth shaking.

Shengcang breathed a cold breath. It was unbelievable that the little master of Huanghua temple could play so many powerful magical powers so frequently.

Seeing two huge thunder dragons coming, shengcang had to offer his emerald green wand again, trying to break through the green light barrier and resist the attack of the double dragon thunder curse.

The main reason is that shengcang has just expended a lot of energy and released a seven level magic skill. He has a big deficit in his body and can't play powerful magic power again in a very short time. He has to defend himself with all his strength in order to protect himself.

"Dong Dong!"

Two thunder dragons hit the green light barrier supported by the green treasure stick of shengcang, making the barrier unstable in an instant.


Shengcang was shocked, and once again spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence and watered it on the surface of the emerald green treasure stick.


The emerald green wand absorbed all the blood essence from the holy Cang, and released the sky green awn. The dazzling green awn quickly condensed the shadow of a huge green stone turtle.


Then, the thunder arc like sea waves hit the shell of the giant turtle shadow, making a sharp sound like cutting glass, and the light splashed everywhere.

"Roar!" The dragon like head of the giant turtle Xuying sends out a thunderous roar, and the tortoise shell behind it splashes out a brilliant green light. People with strong light can't open their eyes, and their defense ability has risen to the extreme. They tenaciously resist the burst energy of two thunder dragons.

"Tool spirit?"

As soon as Shen Lang's eyebrows were lifted, he could not imagine that the staff in the hands of shengcang was actually a magic weapon, which seemed to be an intermediate true spirit "Cang Mu Shi GUI", with a strong defense.

Shengcang's magic weapon, named cangmu jade staff, is a treasure given to him by the holy mark, the head of the Shengmu clan.

Cangmu jade stick is one of the best immortal tools. There is an intermediate true spirit cangmu stone turtle sealed in the treasure stick. However, the spirit energy of this cangmu stone turtle is weak and its strength is low. Naturally, there are also strong and weak spirits. The spirit with strong spirit body energy can play a more powerful role. On the contrary, if the spirit sealed in the top-grade immortal ware or the immortal treasure is weak, the power of the spirit is relatively weak


In order to resist the double dragon thunder mantra of the dark waves, this cangmu stone turtle has exerted its own defense to the limit. The huge spirit body is trembling slightly! It seems that I can't do it.

"The sixth stage fairyland, the fury of mountain gods!"

Shen Lang couldn't just wait. He took advantage of shengcang's all-out effort to drive the chaotic spiritual power into the cangmu jade staff, and quickly displayed his magic power of Mountain God's anger.

As soon as the roar fell, Shen Lang's whole body rolled up to the sky, and his body soared to the height of ten thousand feet, and secretly displayed his nine turn golden body.

In an instant, endless power gushed out of the body.

"Dragon teeth hammer, broken!"

Shen Lang offered a golden dragon tooth hammer. His physical strength was released to the extreme. He swung the hammer and smashed the shell of the wooden stone turtle!


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There was a tremendous sound of earth shaking and mountain shaking, and the whole cliff slope was shaking. The Dragon tooth hammer accurately fell on the tortoise shell, which instantly cracked the shell surface with hundreds of cracks.


The stone tortoise made a terrible howl, and the breath was greatly weakened, and the body began to be bright and dark.

At this time, a pair of ancient blood dragon's claws flew out of the dragon's tooth hammer, and hit the tortoise's shell which was on the verge of being broken like lightning.


A piece of blood flashed by, and the dragon claw tore up the tortoise's shell with the power of destroying and decaying!

Two thunder dragons burst out of the thunder arc also took advantage of the situation to break the cangmu jade stick to open the defense barrier.

"The strength is not better than you, but also dare to be bold in front of this young master! See, this is what you're going to end up with

Shen Lang flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He held up the dragon's hammer in his hand. His physical strength was completely released, and he again hit the top of the Holy Cangtou.


If a huge golden meteorite falls, the Dragon tooth hammer, with indescribable frightening power, hits the holy sky.


Shengcang was scared to death. Shen Lang broke through the defense of his Cang wood jade stick. Shengcang was no longer able to resist. His pupil was constantly enlarged. His huge sense of fear made the only thing in his heart swell up and disappear. He screamed in his mouth: "spare me! Don't killI

"Shenlang, please be merciful

Not far away, Qingcheng screamed, and a blue light column was shot from the cuff. The electric light and flint collided with the powerful dragon tooth hammer, making a heavy and dull sound.

Qingcheng is worthy of being a great elder of the Shengmu clan. With one stroke, Shen Lang's Dragon tooth hammer slightly deviates from the attack direction.

"Take it

Shen Lang's heart was shocked and took away the dragon's tooth hammer, and his body became normal size.

He didn't mean to kill shengcang. He just wanted to scare him. Qingcheng interrupts his attack, which makes Shen Lang feel uncomfortable.

Shengcang was really shocked out of a cold sweat, collapsed on the ground, gasping.

Fortunately, the great elder of Qingcheng saved his life. Otherwise, he would be hit by the golden hammer, and he would never live. Even the spirit might be shaken by the power of the Dragon tooth hammer.


There was an uproar among the monks.

Qingcheng's sudden hand, the yellow flower temple elder here instantly exploded the pot, one after another showed the color of indignation.

"What do you mean, Qingcheng?" said Sirius

"Do you want to get involved in a fair duel?"

"Qingcheng, thanks to you are still a big elder of the holy wood family. Such a despicable act is simply contemptible."

Some of the later monks of the Dixian Temple roared and were very dissatisfied with Qingcheng's interruption of the duel. Qingcheng, with a stiff face, clasped his fist at the elders of Huanghua Temple: "although it is a good duel, there is no need to distinguish between life and death. After all, shengcang is the eldest disciple of the patriarch of our clan. I hope all Huanghua Temple colleagues will give Qing a certain face and make it a big event

"Give you a paralyzed face! Qingcheng, I've been patient with you for a long time. This time, you even dare not pay attention to the young master of Huanghua temple. I have to learn your skills! " The face of Sirius was ferocious, and his mouth made a fierce roar.

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