Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3401: 3405

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Seeing Shen Lang's determination, Sirius sighed: "since the little Lord has done his best, we can't persuade him. I hope the little Lord will pay attention to his own safety."


Shen Lang nodded slightly, then turned into a streamer and rushed into the cliff suspension bridge.


The whole audience was in uproar, and Shen Lang's action made all the monks wonder.

The young master of the yellow flower temple had to die and break through the strange suspension bridge alone. It was too brave!

"Elder Sirius, why didn't you stop the little Lord just now?"

"Yes, that suspension bridge is extremely dangerous. If there is something wrong with the young master, how can we tell the emperor and daughter?"

Two elders of Huanghua Temple stood up and frowned.

"No crow's mouth! This is the little Lord's own choice. I can only watch the change. You have some faith in the little Lord. "

The Sirius waved his sleeve robe and said not coldly.

In the dark, Sirius always felt that Shen Lang was not simple. The new young master appointed by the Emperor gave him an indescribable sense of mystery, unfathomable.

Sirius knows many people, and there are few friars he can't see through. He couldn't see through Shen Lang, but subconsciously he always felt that Shen Lang could do things that ordinary monks could not.

It is this sense of mystery that drives Sirius not to block the action of shenlang.

"What ignorance." Qingcheng sneered to himself.

The elders of the three ancient Mu clans also laughed.

Although the young master of the yellow flower temple has a strong talent and strength, his brain is not easy to use. It seems that shengcang has not died in vain.

Of course, Liu Baimei was the happiest.

Seeing Shen Lang rush into the suspension bridge, Liu Baimei gives a sneer of schadenfreude, thinking that Shen Lang really thinks that he is invincible.

After all, this pan silk cave is the residence of the pan silk immortal in the past. Ghost knows what danger there will be.

Even if Shen Lang's strength is comparable to that of a monk in the middle and later period of Dixian, if he wants to withdraw from the whole body, he is also a fool.


As soon as Shen Lang stepped into the suspension bridge, he felt a huge pressure coming from the space, which made his body sink suddenly. It seemed that several mountains suddenly pressed on his back at the same time, which was extremely heavy!

The space gravity on the bridge is almost tens of thousands of times that of the outside world!

Fortunately, Shen Lang's body was strong, but his body sank slightly, which was not a big obstacle.

"Nine turn gold body!"

In case of emergency, Shen Lang displays his golden body with nine turns, and his flesh and skin are covered with golden awns, and he runs rapidly towards the depth of the suspension bridge with lightning speed.

The bridge deck of this suspension bridge is built of crystal stone. On both sides of the stone bridge, there are blue and black iron cables, which go straight to the sky and can't see the end. Seeing Shen Lang, a group of earth immortal friars on the hillside of the cliff suddenly disappeared into their sight. The monks could not help but look at him in surprise. They thought that the little master of Huanghua temple was really different. The speed of the journey was much faster than that of other monks.

The deeper the stone bridge went, the greater the space gravity the monk suffered. The space above his head even began to twist and rotate, with a large number of space cracks floating.

In this environment, it is impossible for a monk to fly in the air.

Shen Lang feels good, thanks to his physical strength, this degree of space gravity will not have a great impact on him.

Not long ago, there was a sudden wind in front of me.

"Be careful, brother Shen. It seems that something is coming." LAN xian'er immediately launched a message to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's hair stood up all over his body, and he also heard some strange and sharp sound coming from the front.

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The next moment.

"Hiss, hisses!"

A group of black and bloody bats were flying towards the deep waves on the bridge deck. Each bat was hundreds of meters long. Its scarlet eyes were like two demon moons, with two huge and sharp fangs.

These bats, who do not know where they come from, open their mouths and bite at the deep waves.

"Is this an illusion or a real evil?"

Shen Lang is about to subconsciously play a GUI water dragon thunder, but he is shocked to find that his chaotic spiritual power is empty!


Shen Lang's face turned white. After he reacted, he was shocked to find that there were two or three bloody bats crawling on his back. The bats were sucking their own blood crazily!

Shriveling with the speed of their own withering!

Shen Lang almost exclaimed, and LAN xian'er, who was hiding in his body, cried out: "brother Shen, this is magic! Close the five senses and don't be swallowed up by this magic

LAN Xianer's voice was like thunder. Shen Lang immediately bit the tip of his tongue and sealed the five senses, so as not to continue to fall into illusion.

Shen Lang's Narcissus pattern on the back of his hand is full of white light, and LAN xian'er is broken.

"Xuantian magic realm!"

LAN xian'er a Jiao drink, her delicate body suddenly gush out the dazzling white light!The white light flowed like a flood, where all the scenery was dyed white.

As if everything between heaven and earth, all stop at this moment!

Under the white light, the countless blood bats flying into bursts of blood gas, disappeared.

In the process of closing the five senses, Shen Lang recites the pithy formula of Yi Shengzhen Jun's mantra. In his body, a stream of blue light runes linger around his body, flashing.

After the recovery of the brain Qingming, Shen Lang re opened the five senses.

"Good What a magic trick

Shen Lang's forehead was sweating and panting.

It's no wonder that so many earth immortals friars, including shengcang, died here. The magic just came so fast that people didn't have time to guard against it!

If you have not had time to use the Yisheng Zhenjun mantra, you will die in the illusion, it will be too subdued. Thanks to LAN Xianer.

"That illusion has the power of curse. Brother Shen has just been cursed. Fortunately, you stop the loss in time, and with the support of powerful God Spirit defense magic power, you can break the curse."

Yes, I'm afraid.

"It seems that I underestimated this place. Thank you for your help Shen Lang quickly embraces his fist to thank LAN xian'er, and his eyes show gratitude.

Just now, if LAN xian'er didn't hand it in time, he might be engulfed by this magic!

Lanxian'er blushed slightly and waved his hand and said, "lift It's just a little work. It's good to help brother Shen. "

"This place is not suitable for a long time. Let's move on. Miss xian'er, don't leave me too far away. " Shen Lang asked.


LAN xian'er nodded her head.

Shen Lang grabs LAN xian'er's delicate hand, her delicate body is slightly tight, and her delicate face is even more rosy.

The two men were silent and quickly headed forward.

Shen Lang is worried that LAN Xianer's body can't hold the weight of the space on the bridge deck. She extracts the nine turn Dharma seal in her body and condenses it into a light mask barrier, which resists most of the space pressure for her and lightens her burden a lot. At the same time, Shen Lang kept the operation of Yi Sheng Zhen Jun's mantra and opened his defense.

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