Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3431: 3435

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"In this way, you can get such a huge geographical resources, most of the credit is due to Shen Lang?" The red silk emperor girl eye wave flows, not cold not light asked.

"It's true. If it wasn't for the little Lord's great power at the critical moment, Sirius would have been killed by the green sting dragon." Said Sirius in a deep voice.

"Thanks to the little Lord, we can be safe and sound!"

"Yes, the little Lord is our Savior!"

All the elders also talked about Shen Lang's good words. They were very satisfied with Shen Lang's performance during his trip to pansidong.

"Ben knows."

The red Ling imperial daughter nodded slightly, turned her eyes to Shen Lang and said with a smile: "Shen Lang, how should I reward you after this?"

Shen Lang was excited all over, but he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the eyes of emperor Hongling were not good. "In Pansi cave, the disciple also obtained great creation, made great breakthrough in cultivation, and found what he needed. It's the best reward that the master can let his disciples get the qualification to enter Pansi cave. He doesn't ask for any other reward. " Shen Lang is not inferior

not high.

"I will give you a reward later. Now tell me about your harvest in the pan silk hole?" she said with a smile

The hawk King's voice hoarse way: "emperor daughter wait a minute, before this, I still have something to question my son who is not a tool!"

As soon as the words came out, Liu Baimei was excited all over the place, and the secret way was not good in his heart.

"Elder, please help yourself." The red silk emperor and daughter have a light look.

The eagle king's shriveled golden eyes swept Liu Baimei for a few times, and then he said: "fool, did you really attract that green sting dragon? And killed four elders of our sect

Liu Baimei's scalp was numb with fright. She knelt down on her knees and said in a panic, "boy The child is wronged! I didn't mean to bring in the green sting dragon. I can only say that it was bad luck and I ran into this beast by accident... "

"Shame! If you make trouble for me again, I'll slap you to death! "

The eagle king turned his hand and made a black light, which directly knocked Liu Baimei unconscious. His face was overcast to the extreme.

The audience was silent, and the elders of Huanghua Temple dare not breathe.

The eagle king's whole body releases the awe inspiring evil spirit to sweep the whole hall, really lets the human heart hair hair.

The red Ling emperor and daughter rubbed her head and said, "go on! Tell me about your harvest in the pan silk hole? "

"Empress, rather than verbally tell us what we have gained, let us report the harvest in our storage bag one by one?" The Sirius suggested.

"Well, that's it."

The red silk emperor girl nodded slightly.

Sirius took a head, and took the lead to say what was contained in his storage bag.

It is the crystal of a million jin of earth veins, several rare natural materials and earth treasures, and a small amount of booty.

All the friars also expressed their own harvest. Most of them were the crystal of a million catties.

More than 20 monks, together, have gained more than 20 million catties of crystal veins. If properly cultivated, they will be able to produce more than 20 million spiritual veins!

Both the red Ling emperor and the eagle king were shocked. They did not expect that the harvest of the yellow flower temple elders in Pansi cave was so rich that it was beyond their imagination.

Even the bone refining immortal, who has always been like an old well, stroked his beard and nodded, quite satisfied.

With so much land resources, not only is it enough for Huanghua temple to digest and allocate some resources to other factions in pansiling, it won't hurt.

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When all the friars said what they had gained, the red silk emperor turned her eyes to Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, it's your turn." Shen Lang pondered over the fact that his booty was related to the flat peach tree. It was not easy to say it in public. He only clasped his fist and said, "one of the treasures I've got is very important! It's not good to take it out in front of the elders. I wonder if the master can make the elders avoid one or two

"It's so mysterious. I wonder what you can take out! Just as it happens, Ben has something to talk to you about alone

As soon as she lifted her eyes, she turned to the elders below and said, "elder, after you leave your storage bag, leave the main hall quickly. Come back to the main hall tomorrow to get the reward!"

"Xie Di Nu!"

The elders bowed down and then left the main hall of the yellow flower temple.

Liu Baimei is also carried away by Sirius.

In the twinkling of an eye, the hall became empty, leaving only Shen Lang alone.

Facing the three celestial friars right above the hall, Shen Lang felt a little nervous and had a bad premonition.

"Shen Lang, there are no outsiders now. You can tell Ben Hou clearly." The red silk emperor's right way. Shen Lang nodded slightly, took off all the five storage bags in his waist, took out the huge flat peach tree from one of the storage bags, put it in front of him, and said in a loud voice: "fortunately, I have not disgraced my life. I have obtained a flat peach fruit tree in Pansi cave,

two flat peach fruits!"

"What!"As soon as the words were said, the red Ling emperor and the eagle king rose from their seats as if struck by lightning. They were shocked and stared at the peach tree held by Shen Lang and the two flat peach fruits in their hands.

"This Are these really flat peaches and flat peach trees? "

Rao is the great power of the eagle king, whose face is full of shock and disbelief.

"This son is really flat peach tree and flat peach fruit. No doubt, you should not question it."

After the turbid eyes of bone refining immortal swept one eye, a hoarse and low voice came out from his mouth.

The red Ling emperor was shocked beyond measure. Her beautiful eyes were staring at Shen Lang and asked, "Shen Lang, how did you get this flat peach tree?"

In front of the three immortals, Shen Lang felt pressure and simply explained the situation truthfully.

He told the story of his encounter with the will power of Wukong Taoist. He only deliberately concealed the fragments of heaven and the clothes and protective equipment left by Zixia fairy.

"Wukong Taoist right enough! In the dark, there is a definite number. "

The bone refining immortal sighed and said a meaningful word.

The red Ling emperor's daughter frowned and said, "it seems that the legacy left by my ancestor Huanghua temple has really come true. This son is still the monk mentioned by the ancestor."

The eagle king was silent.

Hearing this, Shen Lang couldn't help asking, "master, what are you talking about? What is the ancestor's legacy?"

"Well, since you are the friar in the ancestor's instructions, I don't want to play with you any more."

"Shen Lang, how do you gain the blood power of the hundred eyed demon king, the founder of Huanghua temple?"

As soon as he said this, Shen Lang was in a big mess. He pretended to be calm and said, "the disciple was originally the descendant of the hundred eye demon king."

"Yellow hair child, don't pretend any more, I've already seen through your identity! You are not a descendant of any ancestor, but a disciple of Yuan Tianying, the seventh holy palace? " Red Ling imperial daughter sneered.


Shen Lang was speechless and his face became very ugly. What he was most worried about happened.

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