Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3452: 3456

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"Master Shen Lang, before the duel, the younger generation has a small request. I hope you can agree." The old monster of Tiansha clasped his fist, and there was a trace of treachery in his eyes.

Shen Lang frowned and said, "there are so many troubles. Please talk about it." "I think that since it's just a duel, there's no need to divide life and death. Master, let the friars of Tiansha mountain villa attack first. If we can't defeat master Shen in a round of attack, I will immediately admit defeat on behalf of Tiansha villa! What do you think of it

The old monster said in a deep voice.

As soon as Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, he had to say that the old devil was a personal genius. He had figured out the way out before the duel. "I can promise you this. As long as you feel that you are invincible, you can surrender at any time, and I can spare you from dying. However, all the earth immortal elders in Tiansha mountain villa must hand over their own storage rings and erase the mark of the spirit.

! " Shen Lang said without expression.


As soon as he said this, the elders of Tiansha mountain villa became extremely ugly.

Almost all the elders' belongings are in the storage ring. It is more painful to ask them to hand over the storage ring than to kill them!

Of course, this is a little exaggerated.

The old monster's face changed several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and glared at Shen Lang and roared, "OK, I promise you!"

"It's not too late. Let's start now. I'll let the friars of Tiansha mountain villa do it first."

Shen Lang, with his hands on his hands, said indifferently. He would like to see what skills these earthly friars of Tiansha mountain villa can play.

"As you wish!"

The old monster flashed a fierce look in his eyes and yelled: "start the blood cloud array!"


Five hundred elders of Tiansha mountain villa roared in unison. Their faces were very dignified. They opened their mouths and spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence. They quickly drew a blood color seal in front of them.


In an instant, the dazzling blood rushed out of the seal and flew into the air.

"Blood cloud array, open!"

As all the elders of Tiansha mountain villa cast all their strength, the old monster opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of blood essence. The old man pushed his palm to the sky and made a waterfall of blood power.


In an instant, a huge blood color array prototype was formed in the sky, and a large amount of thick blood light gushed out from the array, surging in the sky like a rolling blood cloud.

"With blood essence as the guide and array as the medium, please come to the world!"

The old monster of Tiansha uttered a thunderous drink from his mouth and vomited out a large mouthful of blood essence.

"Please come to the world

All the elders of Tiansha mountain villa spewed out several mouthfuls of blood essence one after another. A large amount of blood essence turned into the blood light of the sun and poured into the array in the sky.

In an instant, the blood color array in the sky gushed out blood, forming a high-speed whirlpool of blood color. In the whirlpool, the blood light gushed out, and everything around was rendered blood red.

The spirit pressure of terror covers all around, let the friars on this side of the heavenly king palace creepy!

"Xiuluo Blood River immortal array? No, it should be a simplified array similar to the Shura Blood River array! "

Looking at the bloody light in the sky, Shen Lang was awe inspiring.

The array formed by the earth immortal friars of Tiansha mountain villa is obviously the same as that of the Shura Blood River array. However, the number of people who set up the array and the strength of the array have decreased a lot, which seems to simplify the array.

After all, the authentic Shura Blood River array is Xuanxian array. Even if it is a simplified array, its power can not be underestimated.

Shen Lang can feel the terrible energy surging in this array, which has reached the point that even his scalp is numb!

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More than a dozen Dixian elders in the rear were trembling with fear.

Shen Lang already has some regrets in his heart. If he had known that the other party had this kind of Assassin's mace, he shouldn't have pushed the big one. Instead, the other side had the first chance.

The next moment, a jaw dropping scene appeared.

"The eighth level of celestial immortality, demons change!"

The old monster's turbid eyes were wide open, and his mouth was full of heartrending roars. His whole body suddenly released dazzling blood light and rushed into the blood whirlpool in the sky.


The body of Tiansha old monster was bathed in the center of the blood color vortex, and his mouth gave out a painful and hoarse roar. The body was madly absorbing the energy in the blood color vortex, and the body was expanding rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye!

"It's the devil that's changed?"

Shen Lang's face changed greatly. The old monster of Tiansha could display the magic power of the demon!

The so-called "demonic transformation" is a kind of magic power that demons and even big demons turn into the original form. It is not uncommon for ordinary demons to display demonic transformation.

Shen Lang's "demonic transformation" can only be regarded as the supernatural power brought to him by the blood immortal body, which can not be compared with the real magic power.

This old and strange devil is no more than the top cultivation of the earth immortals. Can he show the transformation of the devil that the devil can display?In fact, it is mainly due to the "blood cloud array" of Tiansha mountain villa.

The blood cloud array is one of the required arrays for the elders of Tiansha mountain villa. This array can take the essence of a large number of earth immortal friars as the medium, and make the ability of the magic friars who dominate the array increase ten times.

The old monster of Tiansha must rely on the support of the blood cloud array to display the magic power of changing the devil into a demon.

In a twinkling of an eye, the body of Tiansha old monster has been twisted and expanded to a height of ten thousand feet. With the monks of Tiansha mountain villa below constantly entering into the chaotic spiritual power, the body of the old monster of Tiansha is still expanding and expanding.

In the end, he turned into a fierce devil with tens of thousands of feet in length!

The fierce devil had Ruby like horns, black scales all over his body, and six pairs of huge bloody flesh wings on his back. Each of them was inserted with dense blood colored needles and cones, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.


After the six winged evil devil's body was formed, he roared in his mouth. A terrible and ferocious spirit swept all over the place. His strong sense of depression made his scalp numb and his heart trembled!

"My mother!"

"Well What is that thing

"It seems to be the great demon in the legend!"

The shouts of the monks in the heavenly king palace stopped suddenly. All the friars could not help but take a breath of cold. They were frightened by the evil spirits of the old monster.

"Six winged demon!"

Shen Lang looks terrified. The old monster of Tiansha has turned into a six winged demon!

The six winged demon is a serious and serious one, which can be used against Dara Jinxian. Although the six winged demon transformed from the old monster of Tiansha is not a real six winged demon, Shen Lang can still feel the powerful energy fluctuation of the other side through his own demons, which is much stronger than the current of qingzhelang. I'm afraid it is infinitely close to the

combat power of the immortal!

"The elders of Tiansha mountain villa listen to the order and hide in the blood cloud quickly!"

In the sky, the astonishing six winged demon opens his mouth and thunders.

All the immortal elders of Tiansha mountain villa rose up at the first time and hid in the blood cloud in the sky. This is also to prevent Shen Lang from killing the elders who provide energy for the blood cloud array.

"Seventh stage fairyland, golden thread jade clothes!" Before the six winged demons launched an attack, Shen Lang first displayed his magic power of gold thread and jade clothes. A large number of golden runes broke out from the skin, Qi and blood, bones and collaterals, meridians and even spirits, and quickly condensed on the body surface, forming a shining gold and jade armor, with amazing momentum.

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