Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3456: 3460

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"The king's supernatural power is extraordinary!"

"King's hand, invincible!"

"Ha ha, I'll tell you, how can these mobs of Tiansha villa be rivals of the king?"

The army of friars from the heavenly king palace cheered in unison. The crowd was excited and the scene was in full swing.

They are not just compliments. Shen Lang is really powerful enough to make their blood boil. Shen Tianwang has become the object of their worship!

The friars of Tiansha mountain villa on the opposite side panic one by one. All the Dixian friars in the sect have died miserably, which means that the Tiansha mountain villa is going to collapse completely. It's finished. It's estimated that all the sects will be lost!

Shen Lang gently pressed her right palm on LAN xian'er's shoulder, and poured a lot of glass skylight into her body to replenish the vitality she had just consumed.

"Thank you Thank you, brother Shen. " Orchid fairy's face is slightly red.

"Miss xian'er, you should have a good rest, and I'll take care of the rest." Shen Lang said softly.

LAN xian'er gave a light "um" and then returned to Shen Lang's body.

After taking away the storage rings of Tiansha old monster and five hundred earth immortal elders in Tiansha mountain villa, Shen Lang checked the spoils a little, and was very satisfied.

Tiansha villa is worthy of being the ninth super power in luanshi mountain. It has a deep foundation and rich resources.

Among the storage rings on hand, Shen Lang has at least 30 billion lower grade immortal stones, more than 20 medium-grade Fairy Spirit stones, various kinds of immortal utensils and pills, and numerous natural materials and earth treasures.

Relying on these booty, Shen Lang made another windfall. At least, it is not a problem to support the sect.

Although there is no hatred between these monks in Tiansha mountain villa and himself, Shen Lang doesn't have much sense of guilt in his heart. Tiansha mountain villa has a bad reputation in luanshi mountain. Many magic powers inherited in this sect need to absorb the blood essence and vitality of monks. Tiansha mountain villa is one of the sects that plunder monks and slaves most. It is famous in luanshi mountain area. I don't know how many innocent monks died in the hands of monks in Tiansha mountain. Shen Lang turned his eyes to the army of friars in Tiansha mountain villa and exclaimed: "the monks of Tiansha mountain villa listen to me. I am not a bloodthirsty person, and I have no intention of killing them all. Your Tiansha mountain villa is gone. From now on, Yinshan Mountain will be the territory of our heavenly palace. " "I am merciful, and now I have thrown out olive branches. However, I will give preferential treatment to those monks who are willing to submit to our Heavenly King's palace. I hope that the semi immortal friars who submit to our heavenly king palace will be rewarded with 1000 pieces of xianlingshi, and each of them will be rewarded with

50000 pieces of xianlingshi. "

"As for those who don't want to submit to the heavenly king's palace, you can go now. From now on, don't step into Tianyin mountain for half a step! Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

As soon as the roar fell, the army of monks in Tiansha mountain villa was in a state of panic and a commotion.

"I I am willing to submit to the heavenly palace! "

"I will, too!"

Finally, some monks of Tiansha mountain villa couldn't help but roar.

Shen Lang, with both hands on his hands, calmly said, "those monks who are willing to submit to our heavenly king palace can come directly to the rear of our sect's friars army."

As soon as the words came out, a large number of friars of Tiansha mountain villa rushed out and came to the rear of the army of friars in Tianwang palace.

These disciples of the gate sect are used to the welfare of the big sect, and none of them wants to be reduced to free practice and go far away from home.

Seeing more and more friars join the Tianwang palace, the disciples of Tiansha villa have lost their will and join the palace.

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Although the overall power of Tianwang palace is not as powerful as that of Tiansha mountain villa, there is a powerful immortal in the town. It is not a shame for them to join Tianwang palace. On the contrary, they mixed up.

Not long after that, nearly a million disciples of Tiansha mountain villa turned to Tianwang palace, while the rest of the monks who did not want to obey fled in a hurry and scattered in a hurry.

Shen Lang was in a good mood. With millions of monks from Tiansha mountain villa joining, the overall power of Tianwang palace has obviously risen to a level. The next step is to recruit some earth immortal monks to stabilize the foundation of the sect.

Just when Shen Lang was about to lead the monks to occupy Tianyin mountain, a large number of spirit boat warships came to the rear of the army. There were seven or eight hundred of them. There were a dense army of friars on the warship deck!

Shen Lang opened the holy magic eye and scanned one or two and found that it was the friars' army of bibotan.

On the first golden boat, the king of nine heads, wearing gold armor, waved to Shen Lang from a distance and said, "brother shenlang, jiutou will support you with the army of bibotan!"

Shen Lang immediately turned into a golden light, and quickly came to the golden spirit boat where the king of nine heads was located. He said with a smile, "jiutou Taoist friend has a heart. Shen is here to thank you. It's just that it's all over. Let's go there for nothing. "

"Ah? Is it over so soon? "

The nine headed king is a bit at a loss.

Previously, after the spies of bibotan first noticed the movement of the friars of the heavenly king palace, the king of nine summoned all the monks of bibotan to come to support, but it was a little late.

Shen Lang nodded his head and said, "yes, all the earth immortals friars in Tiansha mountain villa have been killed by Shen, and half of the disciples have already submitted to our heavenly king palace.""Cow Oh, brother shenlang

The king of nine wiped the sweat on his forehead and gave his thumbs up to Shen Lang.

Some of the elders of the earth immortals in bibotan beside you looked at me and I looked at you. I couldn't help shivering a few times. I thought that what kind of luck did their king take? How can I get to know such an expert!

All the earth immortals experts in Tiansha mountain villa have been solved so quickly. Shen Lang's strength is hard to guess.

To be able to establish a clan in such a short period of time, and to be in the ninth place of luanshi mountain, the king of jiutou is regarded as a person who admires Shen Lang.

"Yinshan is already Shen's territory. Since jiutoudaoyou are here, you may as well go in and have a drink." Shen Lang said politely with a smile that he had a good impression of the king jiutou.

The nine head king was a little flattered. He quickly clasped his fist and said, "thank you, brother shenlang! I happen to have some things to discuss with brother shenlang. "

In front of Shen Lang, all the nine kings dare not call themselves brothers. Instead, they call them younger brothers to show their respect for Shen Lang.

"Good! Wait for shen Mou to prepare some, and then entertain nine head Taoist friends

After Shen Lang said that, he flew out of the golden boat.

He began to order the friars of Tianwang palace to occupy Tianyin mountain, and ordered some elders of Dixian to lead part of the army to control the Xianling stone veins all over Tianyin mountain.

The plaque on the central palace of Tiansha villa was also replaced by the plaque of "Tianwang Palace".

From then on, Tiansha mountain villa was completely removed from luanshi mountain and became a branch of Tianwang palace.

Shen Lang ordered many monks to issue notices to the whole luanshi mountain, claiming that Tianwang palace occupied Tiansha mountain villa and successfully promoted to the ninth sect of luanshi mountain. After arranging these things, Shen Lang entertained the king of nine to the central palace.

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