Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3475: 3479

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Shen Lang gazed at the gold characters on the stone pillars of the mountain gate, and was secretly pleased.

He can be sure that the so-called "Tianchi" is another name for yaochi! I should be in the right place this time.

The whole body of the mountain is blue, just like the color of sapphire. On the top of the mountain, the seven color glow is dazzling, giving people a sense of pressure that is unattainable.

As early as Shen Lang was close to the holy mountain of Tianchi, he surrounded the mountain.

There is no mountain road in the holy mountain of Tianchi. There is only a very long white jade step on the west side of the mountain foot leading to the top of the mountain. The white jade steps emit dazzling halo, which seems to contain some strange energy.

When Shen Lang and his three men were about to step on the stone steps, they heard only a faint sound like a silver bell from the top of the mountain.

"You are too slow! It's hard to find a peach feast after this book. It's really boring for you to be so indifferent. "

"Since the gods and princes who entered the Tianshan Mountains are so low, there are not so many thresholds. You don't have the ability to come to yaochi. I'll send you here later! "

The misty sound spread all over the Tianshan Mountains.

The next moment, a jaw dropping scene happened.

A white space vortex flashed suddenly under the foot of the mountain.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

Five celestial friars, including the sun and moon ancestor, thousand face demon monk, snake childe, long batian, Wang Tianwang and so on, flew out of the space vortex one after another, and fell to the ground in a little confusion.

The five celestial friars were all injured to varying degrees.

Sun and moon ancestor is the worst. His hair is dishevelled and covered with blood. His whole right arm has been cut off, and the broken arm is still bleeding. It is ferocious and terrifying.

"I would like to give you a chance to come to yaochi to meet you in half an hour! Those who enter the yaochi first will be rewarded heavily! "

The misty sound from the top of the mountain was heard by the monks.

"Thank you for your kindness

All of the five celestial friars who had been sent all of a sudden showed the look of the survivors. They knelt down one after another and drank loudly, relieved.


Shen Lang, the nine head king and LAN xian'er are totally stupid.

The words of the initiator of the flat peach feast actually changed the rules, making their previous efforts instantly become a joke!

"Shit, it's not fair!"

Nine head king's face is black like the bottom of a pot, a pair of gnashing teeth appearance, in the heart's resentment has no place to vent.

They worked hard to come to the foot of the holy mountain of Tianchi. They were the monks closest to yaochi. They did not get any attention, but let their opponents take advantage of it.

Nine head king's face is dispirited, whole body is weak, feel oneself previously hurt all white suffer.

LAN xian'er's pretty face was also full of indignation, and he secretly held injustice for the Shen wave.

Shen Lang was OK. At the beginning, he felt that things were not so simple, and he didn't know whether the initiator of the peach feast arranged it on purpose.

Looking at this situation, five of the ten celestial friars who had entered the Tianshan Mountain had died. The remaining five monks seemed to have faced fierce fighting and were seriously injured.

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Especially the ancestors of the sun and the moon It seems that I didn't do well in Guanghan palace.

After the five celestial friars got up, their eyes locked on Shen Lang, the nine headed king and LAN xian'er, with obvious doubts and fears in their eyes.

Nine head king even, one can see that the breath is weak and unbearable, the vitality is greatly damaged. However, Shen Lang looks as usual, and seems to have not been hurt at all, which makes the five celestial friars, such as the sun and the moon, a little strange.

In the previous three routes of rainbow bridge, Tianchi palace is actually the least dangerous. Although the statues of the four heavenly kings are extremely powerful, their bodies are sealed and the ice breaking speed is not so fast. At least, there are ways to avoid threats.

But pantaoyuan and Guanghan Palace are not so relaxed. The danger of these two areas is far more than that of Tianchi palace!

There are a large number of yellow turban strongmen guarding the flat peach garden, and the flat peach fruit trees are all frozen. Several celestial friars tried to pick the frozen flat peach fruits, but they were frostbitten by the cold, and their mobility was greatly reduced, and then they died at the hands of the yellow towel strongmen.

After encountering the Yellow turban warrior, the remaining celestial friar fought for a while, but attracted more yellow turban warriors. Finally, they had to flee.

The four Tianxian friars who survived in the Pantao garden were still on the run for one second, and were transported to the foot of the holy mountain in Tianchi the next second, which was to say that they had recovered their lives.

As for the ancestors of the sun and the moon, it is even worse.

After entering Guanghan palace, the ancestor of the sun and moon escaped the perception of the Yellow turban warrior with a clever hidden magic weapon. However, he was intercepted by the celestial stars wandering around Guanghan palace.

The sun and moon ancestor was not the opponent of the spirit spirit spirit, so he put all his eggs in one basket and used self damage secret arts to make the physical strength increase four or five times, but he was still unable to defeat the spirit of the spirit. Instead, he was cut off an arm, and the body suffered heavy damage.

The old ancestor of the sun and moon was so frightened that he escaped from Guanghan palace and was almost overtaken by the spirit of the spirit.Fortunately, he was transported to the foot of the holy mountain in Tianchi. Until now, the sun and moon ancestors are still palpitating, the whole body can not stop shivering.

"We knew that the route chosen by brother Shen was so easy that we should also enter the pool Palace on that day." Master snake glanced at Shen Lang and said with a sneer.

"Mr. snake is joking. You should get something in the peach garden?" Shen Lang asked.

Mr. snake avoided answering, and his face was rather gloomy.

It's good to survive. Flat peach, just delusion.

Almost all of the five surviving celestial friars were transported here under the circumstances of life and death. Seeing Shen Lang as if nothing had happened, his heart was slightly unbalanced.

The LAN xian'er beside Shen Lang also makes these celestial friars look sideways.

"Shen, you are lucky to hold on to now. But you are brave enough to bring outsiders to Tianshan without permission! "

Kong Lun's tone was impassioned and he glared at LAN xian'er.

The spirit pressure of the celestial friar made LAN xian'er pretty white and uncomfortable. She was subconsciously close to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang blocked in front of LAN xian'er and looked at Kong Lun without expression: "she is a monk of Muling clan who lives on me. She is like a spirit animal. How can she be regarded as an outsider?"

Lanxianer also explained: "yes, the little girl is a Muling people who voluntarily parasitize on brother Shen!"

"It is the Muling clan. How can it not be regarded as an outsider. Shen, do you want to break the rules set by the elder and implicate all of us? " Kong Lun didn't want to let go of the opportunity to make trouble for Shen Lang and roared. Seeing the chatter without stop, Shen Lang was somewhat annoyed, and his face was cloudy and harsh. "Shen has broken bad rules, but you can't has the final say. This is under the holy mountain of Tianchi. If you don't want to cause any trouble, just shut up!


Kong Lun pointed to Shen Lang angrily, and was speechless.

For Shen Lang, Kong Lun was still afraid. He had suffered a number of fierce fighting before, and his physical injury was not light and his condition was not good. If he fought with Shen Lang rashly, he would surely suffer losses.

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