Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3483: 3487

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"Don't panic, brother Shen. Xianer will help you!"

At this critical moment, LAN xian'er flew out of Shen Lang's body, facing the flying sickle Jiaoyue, and played Liangyi spectroscope with the fastest speed.

"Liangyi spectroscope, on!"

In the mirror, she breathed out her blood.

The Liangyi spectroscope quickly absorbed the essence of lanxian'er, and the mirror poured out a huge black-and-white light cluster. A huge black-and-white Taiji diagram was formed between the electric light and the flint, blocking himself and Shen Lang.

Shen Lang responded very quickly and hugged LAN xian'er's slender waist to avoid her falling on the stone steps.

In the last few steps from the top of the mountain, the suction on the surface has reached a chilling level. Lanxian'er's body is fragile. If it falls on the stone steps, the body will be crushed into meat mud by the huge suction on the stone steps!

The next moment, the sickle moon struck the black-and-white Tai Chi diagram like lightning.


The huge sound of rock shaking everywhere, white light covered everything, black and white Taiji map surface immediately cracked several cracks.

LAN xian'er suffered a lot of blood from his mouth.

"Five elements dragon thunder mantra!"

Shen Lang clenched his teeth and quickly launched a five element dragon thunder mantra. He rolled up five thunder dragons all over his body, and hit the spreading white light, offsetting part of his power.

At the same time, Shen Lang extracted all the nine turn Dharma Seals in the body and condensed them into a rune shield, which was blessed on the surface of the black and white Tai Chi diagram to jointly resist the attack of the sun and moon ancestors.


The black-and-white Taiji diagram and rune shield almost broke at the same time, but somehow it was able to resist the attack of the ancestor of the sun and moon.

Shen Lang protects LAN xian'er in front of her body and holds up the afterwave produced by the explosion. The white light scattered in her upper body tears out a large number of blood stains, and spits out a mouthful of blood from her mouth, and murmurs:

"Damn, the strength of this old thing is not covered!"

Fortunately, the sun and moon ancestors were seriously injured, and only 70% of the power of the immortal skill was played. Otherwise, Shen Lang might be worried about his life.

Shen langqiang with spirit, by the impact of the explosion, one breath across the last two stone steps, and finally arrived at the top of the mountain!

Seeing Shen Lang arrive at the top of the mountain first, the sun and moon master's eyes are full of fine light, but soon as if nothing happened, he did not show much reluctance and disappointment, and continued to climb the last few stone steps.

"Damn it, Shen Lang is still allowed to take advantage of him!"

Kong Lun became angry. He glared at the demon monk with complaining eyes: "thousand face Taoist friends, it's you who brought the valley master into the water! Now it's all right. I've got this kid in trouble. "

Thousand face demon monk hehe way: "can not only you and I, Sun Moon road friend is not also the same. After all, Shen is an outsider. If we unite, where can we fear him? Why has Master Kong become so timid? " Kong Lun's face was livid, and he said, "it's light. Don't forget that you and I have swallowed the blood of the sorcerer. Before long, the body will fall into a period of weakness. After that, if you are targeted by the boy, you will deal with it by yourself if you have the ability. I will not help you when

The thousand face demon monk's face was gloomy and incomparable. After a cold hum, he continued to climb in silence.

The time limit of witch blood is limited. It's good to stick to the top of the mountain. When the time comes, the body will be eaten back, and the combat effectiveness will certainly not be saved. Shen Lang is indeed a great danger.


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At the moment when the feet step into the top of the mountain, Shen Lang feels the pressure under his feet instantly disappears, and the whole person seems to be floating up.

At the top of the mountain is filled with layers of white fog and colorful glow. It seems to be a beautiful garden, with all kinds of green pines and strange stones and Yao Cao Qi Hua. There is a winding path in the middle of the garden, and there are purple ganoderma and fragrant orchids on both sides.

In front of the garden stands a huge hollow stone gate. Above the stone gate are two gold-plated characters: "yaochi", which is elegant and noble.

Shen Lang stood as like as two peas at the top of the mountain, and heard the music of Yao Qin Dong Xiao pipa playing the music in the center of the garden.

"Sure enough, it's yaochi!"

Shen Lang wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were excited.

"Brother Shen, let's get in quickly. Don't stay here!" LAN xian'er, out of the embrace of Shen Lang, has no time to show her coquettish color, and hastily reminds her.


Without any hesitation, Shen Lang rushed into the garden entrance with LAN xian'er.

The flowers and plants in the garden are all the top-level immortal trees. The breath released makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the spirit is greatly improved.

Unfortunately, affected by the force of the law of space, the flowers and plants here can't be destroyed and naturally can't be picked.

Shen Lang and lanxianer first crossed the path, then through the corridor, and finally came to the middle of the garden.

In the middle of the garden is an open-air Baoge square, full of Fairy Spirit. There is a white jade pool in the middle of the square. The pool water is colorful, releasing dazzling colorful glow.The five colored rays on the top of the holy mountain in Tianchi are released from the spirit pool.

Shen Lang's eyes are clear. The five color lingchi should be Yao pool!

Yao pool is only one kilometer wide, and the water is colorful. If you look closely, there is a lot of aura in the water. Shen Lang can't tell whether there is aurora borealis in the water, but I heard that yaochi is made of Arctic basalt. Maybe there is such light in the water!

Shen Lang and LAN xian'er are wary of the surroundings and approach the yaochi carefully.

After passing through the place full of sunlight, we can see seven beautiful maidens sitting by the edge of yaochi, playing music and playing Sheng. After listening to Tianyin Xianqu for a moment, you can make a fool of yourself for three days.

The seven fairies were very delicate and holy, with hands like catkin, skin like grease, collar like white, teeth like gourd rhinoceros, head moth eyebrows, smart smile and beautiful eyes.

There are not too many words to describe the beauty of the seven fairies. Everything is like a dream.

Although Shen Lang has seen a lot of beautiful women, she has not been able to surpass the seven in terms of appearance and temperament! Although Su ruo's appearance and temperament can be called the top, it is still a little worse than the seven fairies beside the Yao pool.

The seven fairies have no physical bodies, but virtual shadow spirit bodies. Even the instruments in their hands are illusory. As for the beautiful music, it seems to come from their willpower.

"How beautiful

Even LAN xian'er, a big beauty, couldn't help but exclaim.

Shen Lang has enough women, so that he has no great interest in beautiful women. He only appreciates for a moment, then takes back his eyes and has a guess in his heart.

The seven immortals, also known as "the seven fairies", are also known as "seven fairies".

All friars who are lustful almost know the name of the seven fairies. The shadow of the seven fairies beside the colorful pool may be the will power left by the Pleiades. Fortunately, the power of will is only playing with the instrument, not offensive.

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