Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3501: 3505

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When they arrived at the bottom of the sea, many demon monks scattered one after another, holding shining tools like chisels and mining blood jade corals.

This blood jade coral is not so easy to pick. It must be pulled out intact. Once it is damaged, the energy contained in the blood jade coral will quickly pass away from the wound until it withers.

But the root of the blood jade coral grows in the "blood crystal". The blood crystal is very hard. These shituoling demon repair can only use the chisel of Xianling stone mine to cut the blood crystal, and then carefully remove it.

It is because it is time-consuming and laborious to mine blood jade corals that so many people are dispatched to work together.

Shen Lang was surprised to himself. He couldn't understand what these friars were doing to exploit blood jade corals.

He had previously read a description of the blood jade coral in an ancient book.

The blood jade coral is very mysterious, and only the red stone sea has this kind of thing in the whole tianmuxian area.

It contains a lot of energy, which is a great tonic for demon cultivation. Swallowing blood jade coral helps to improve cultivation, but it also has some side effects.

The energy in the blood jade coral is very unstable. If it is swallowed directly, the blood vessels in the monk's body will be disordered. In serious cases, the body may burst and die!

Even with such side effects, there are still some demons who are desperate and devour blood jade coral in order to impact the realm.

In addition, the blood jade coral has the effect of promoting the growth of spiritual pulse and accelerating the ripening of spiritual wood. In recent years, the chaotic aura in the Shituo mountain region is becoming more and more scarce. In order to maintain the good growth of the spirit pulse in the Shituo mountain area, the three demon emperors of Shituo mountain ordered to block the red stone sea, strictly control the stock of blood jade corals, and prohibit any demon to open blood collecting jade coral.

Therefore, the red stone sea has become a forbidden area of Shituo mountain.

As for why the large-scale exploitation of blood jade corals is suddenly carried out, Shen Lang also doubts.

At this time, a first-time unicorn, yellow haired Human Immortal demon Xiu came to Shen Lang's body and swung his chisel to hit the blood crystal stone under him.

"The magic pupil of heaven!"

Between the electric light and the flint, Shen Lang changed back to the human form. The holy devil's eye at the center of his eyebrow spewed out a group of blood light, which swept towards the Yellow haired demon Xiu in front of him like a strong wind.

Yellow hair demon Xiu did not respond to what happened, was hit by the blood light, his whole body twitched for a moment, and then fainted. After Shen Lang stripped off his clothes, Shen Lang quickly buried his body in the bottom of the sea. The holy devil's eye shot out a purple golden light beam and set up a concealed prohibition at the fastest speed to cover up all the breath of the buried yellow hair demon,

to avoid being found by others.

After that, Shen Lang takes advantage of the magic pupil of heaven and turns into a yellow haired demon. He puts on his clothes and picks up a chisel.

Just at this time, a Dixian leader in charge of patrolling arrived, and Shen Lang immediately pretended that nothing had happened and raised his chisel to extract blood crystal stone.

"Boy, you'd better work hard for me. If you dare to slack off, I'll break your leg!" The head of the earth immortals waved his whip lock in his hand and roared at the deep waves.


Shen Lang pretended to be afraid, and quickly answered. He worked harder to build the blood crystal on the bottom of the sea.

Seeing that Shen Lang broke through the blood crystal stone at a faster speed and took away a blood jade coral, the head of the earth immortal then coldly hummed: "it's almost the same."

After that, the head of the Dixian stopped staring at Shen Lang and went to inspect other places.

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Shen Lang's face was cloudy and uncertain. If he wanted to leave by force with his own strength, the monks could not stop him.

However, he always felt that it was not so simple. The forbidden area of the red stone sea was suddenly opened. There must be a big wave of shituoling demon repair around the sea area.

If you don't get into trouble, you'll run away.

Shituo mountain is not a random Stone Mountain, where the Terran friars are the natural enemies of demon cultivation. If he was wrongly on the spot by the intruder, I am afraid the demon repair forces of Shituo mountain will not let go of themselves.

The main reason is that Shituo mountain's demon cultivation force is extremely huge, far more than pansiling and luanshi mountain, and even can compete with Xiniu Hezhou. Shen Lang is not willing to provoke him easily.

Looking at the blood jade coral which is full of blood light, Shen Lang put it into the storage bag.

Fortunately, only three days later, Shen Lang planned to mix up with the demon cultivation group to see if he could get rid of the difficulties in three days. If not, make other plans.

After mining for several hours, Shen Lang got hundreds of blood jade corals.

It has to be said that mining blood jade coral is really a hard work.

The blood crystal on the bottom of the red stone sea is so hard that Shen Lang doesn't know how many chisels he broke. Fortunately, he had just touched the storage bag of the yellow hair demon, which contained five or six hundred chisels.

This kind of chisel is used for mining Xianling stone mine. It is made of gold crystal. It is very strong. However, the bottom blood crystal stone is almost as strong as the chisel. It takes a lot of effort to cut it.

Not far away, a red hair demon Xiu mined all the way to shenlang. While digging blood crystal stone, he said to Shen Lang in a low voice: "brother, how many blood jade corals have you collected?""Not much, about 300." Shen Lang said. The red hair demon Xiu exclaimed: "cow, brother, in less than half a day, it seems that I have to hurry up. It is said that as long as more than 1000 blood jade corals are collected, they can get a large number of inferior immortal stones awarded by the tiger pioneer.

SHEN Lang raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively, "brother, do you know why large-scale exploitation of blood jade corals in shituoling

"Brother, haven't you heard some of the latest news?" Asked the redhead.

"What's the news?" Shen Lang asked.

"Cough, this It's not easy to talk nonsense The red haired demon Xiu coughed mysteriously.

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes and said, "brother, talk about it. I like to listen to these gossip. Anyway, there are many blood jade corals in my life, so I can share some with you."

The red hair demon fixed his eyes and glared, ha ha: "brother, you are so polite. I'll tell you that, but you can't go out loud."

"Certainly." Shen Lang agreed with a smile.

The red haired demon said: "the thing is like this, not long ago, a strange black wind suddenly blew up in Wanshou mountain on the eastern border of Shituo mountain, and a living blood baby flew out to make trouble at the border."

"What living blood baby?"

Shen Lang frowned, slightly surprised. The red haired demon Xiu explained, "it means literally that the creature looks like a baby, and its whole body is stained with blood. This living blood baby wantonly devours the lion camel ridge demon Xiu on the border, which is extremely terrifying! Even the wolf pioneer guarding the eastern border was defeated by the blood baby, who was eaten alive by the blood baby. " "It happened that the ROC demon emperor came back from other places and came across the eastern border. Knowing that the blood baby had devoured tens of thousands of demon Xiu, the army was in great disorder. The demon emperor of Dapeng went to capture the blood baby himself, and spent all his efforts to capture it! It was later learned that the living blood baby was actually the ginseng fruit of Wuzhuang temple on Wanshou mountain! "

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