Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3508: 3512

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At present, the mountain forest is the junction of shituoling and xiniuhezhou, and this part of the territory is still in dispute. Shituoling and xiniuhezhou prohibit each other's demon cultivation from entering here. Although the fighting between Shen Lang and elephant king is big, it has not been found by other monks yet.

However, Xiangwang has already seen through Shen Lang's identity as a Baimu demon. If he is allowed to leave, he will surely be implicated in Huanghua temple. Maybe the three evil emperors in Xiniu Hezhou mistakenly think that it is huanghuaguan who covets ginseng fruit, so they make trouble to pansiling!

The power of pansiling will be razed to the ground by Shituo mountain in minutes.

Huanghua temple has great kindness to Shen Lang, and Shen Lang definitely can't make Huanghua temple in danger.

Therefore, he asked Cai Lan xian'er to lay a hidden array to avoid chasing the border demon Xiu from peeping into the appearance of the Baimu demon.

Now, only Xiangwang can see Shen Lang's transformation into a demon with hundreds of eyes. In order not to let the news get out, Shen Lang must destroy Xiangwang in any case, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future!

Seeing that LAN xian'er began to place hidden prohibitions around the mountains and forests, the elephant king's eyes shrank and said in a cold voice:

"no matter what kind of tricks you play, none of you can escape from the palm of my hand today!"

The elephant king's huge body with three heads and six arms flew out like a cannon ball, and six fists like a hill turned into a mountain like fist shadow and smashed at the Baimu demon.

Xiang Wang is going to kill Shen Lang and capture LAN xian'er again.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

The fist shadow hit like a torrential rain. It hit the body of a hundred eyed demon and made a deafening explosion.

"Boom", Shen Lang's gold thread jade clothes collapsed on the spot, followed by a heavy dull sound.

The Baimu demon was almost beaten and had no strength to fight back. All parts of his body were hit and collapsed, and a lot of blood gushed out of his mouth, nose and ears.

"Seventh stage fairyland, wild dragon out to sea!"

Shen Lang's eyes were bloodshot and his mouth was screaming hysterically. Thousands of White Water Dragons rolled up behind him, just like waves of waterfalls, flying toward the elephant king with the power of Haixiao and landslide.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of a dull explosion followed, and a large number of Water Dragons hit the elephant king's body, making a great deal of noise.

The elephant king was shaken back more than ten steps by the amazing gravity carried by these water dragons, and the thin ice debris condensed on his body surface. He moved his lower body at will and broke the ice debris.

Although Shen Lang's attack still can't do much damage to the target king, he can barely make a few breaths.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The Baimu demon was as pale as earth, gasping for breath, and was hit with a lot of wounds and fist marks, and the blood of the demon overflowed everywhere.

Shen Lang no longer has illusions. The physical strength difference between himself and Xiangwang is too big. If he continues to engage in close combat with Xiangwang, he will die!

Seeing the elephant king's frightening body continued to rush towards him, Shen Lang pushed his palms forward, and his mouth uttered a crazy roar: "five thunder in one, palm sends thunderbolt to subdue demons!"


Shen Lang's head rolled up a large whirlpool of thunder, and the endless five colors of thunder poured out of the whirlpool and forcibly poured into his body.

"Five thunder positive method!"

Shen Lang's eyes were about to crack, and a five color spiral thunder was hit in the palm of his hand, and he bombarded the elephant king with the momentum of shaking the sky and splitting the ground.

"Vajra Dharma seal!"

A trace of fear flashed in the elephant king's eyes, and the Buddha's shadow behind him made a huge Dharma seal with the word "卍" in his palm.


The five color thunder collided with the golden seal, making a huge noise like the collapse of heaven and earth, and everything around was covered by electric light.

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Shen Lang's five thunder Zhengfa was slightly better than others, and suppressed the power of Vajra's seal, and the terrible five color thunder poured down towards the elephant king like a huge wave.

Xiangwang's mind is awe inspiring. The only thing he worries about is Shen Lang's five thunder method. Fortunately, the power of the five thunder positive Dharma is mostly resisted by his immortal skill. He has a way to counter the remaining power of five thunder.

"Suyun FA flag!"

At the sight of the overwhelming five color thunder, Xiangwang's eyes were swift and his hands were swift. He turned his hands to sacrifice the Suyun FA flag and shook the flag face wildly.

The flag of suyunfa quickly poured out a large thick white light, forming a cloud wall and protecting it in front of the elephant king.

"Boom, boom!"

Five thunder hit the surface of the cloud wall, making a deafening roar.

The elephant king pushed the Suyun flag to the extreme, and barely resisted the residual power of five thunder.


The bloody Shen Lang smacked his lips,

Xiang Wang probably found out Shen Lang's fighting routine. At the moment when Shen Lang released the five thunder positive Dharma, he immediately rushed out of the explosion area and smashed six mountain fists.

Shen Lang didn't have time to react. The body was hit by hundreds of heavy blows, and a lot of blood was sprayed from the mouth. The body was beaten, deformed and completely hanged!

Xiangwang's strongest right arm quickly reached out, grabbed the neck of Baimu demon, and directly lifted Shen Lang up. His mouth gave out a sharp sneer: "ha ha ha!""Roar

However, no matter how he struggled, he was in vain, just like a seven inch snake.

"Boy, no matter how arrogant you are, you are not in the hands of the king in the end? Before you die, you'd better let me perform soul searching! "

The elephant king grinned grimly and pressed his big hand directly on Shen Lang's forehead to perform soul searching.


Baimu demon's voice was hoarse, and his strong crisis made him appreciate the killing intention in his demon species, and endless violence and anger sprang up in his chest!


Forced to the end of the Shen wave, the spirit of the devil suddenly issued a burst sound!

In the blink of an eye, a whirlpool of blood like magic gas enveloped the body of a hundred eyed demon.

At this moment, Shen Lang seemed to be inspired by an accident, and the devil kind seemed to unlock some new magic power of his own life in an instant.

"The Ninth level celestial immortality, blood sandalwood holy body

Shen Lang and the holy devil's eye at the center of his eyes and eyebrows spilled a lot of blood, and his mouth gave out a long howl like a heart splitting lung, and his whole body was covered with the bloody evil Qi, which made the fragmented body of the Baimu demon begin to twist.

The blood color evil Qi sends out the strong and violent breath, which makes people fall into the ice cellar and make the scalp numb!

This is by no means an ordinary evil Qi. After the Xiangwang's arm was contaminated with the evil Qi, the flesh and blood of the arm actually felt a sense of tearing, and the spirit felt the pain of the heart!


The elephant king was so shocked that he subconsciously retracted the arm that held Baimu demon's neck. He hastened to urge the huge chaotic spiritual power in his body and forced out the bloody evil spirit that invaded his arm.

The Shen wave, which was wrapped up by a large amount of blood and evil Qi, was constantly distorted, and finally turned into a huge fierce demon in human form.

The fierce devil was long, with blood colored horns on its head. The whole body was as black as ink, emitting the luster of crystal stone! The evil devil's upper body is covered with hundreds of Amethyst like eyes, and the holy devil's eyes at the center of their eyebrows are still preserved, emitting purple and golden brilliance, but their eyes become scarlet, burning with bloody magic flame, which is weird and frightening!

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